on March 11, 2016
was surprised to discover that today is National Oatmeal-Nut Waffle
Day. I mean, Waffle Day, sure – there are special days for all
sorts of food, from apples and cinnamon rolls
to watermelons
and Welsh rarebit.
I knew that there was already a Waffle Day in March. I dug around,
and I found that March 25 is International Waffle Day.
gives with the incredibly specific Oatmeal-Nut Waffle Day?
is more about making our favorite foods healthier. Adding
whole grain oats and chopped nuts to waffle batter makes our waffles more
nutritious (and, many would say, more delicious as well). Subbing in
peanut butter, fruit, or yogurt for syrup is another way to make waffles healthier.
or substituting whole grains and nuts into other foods, particularly
baked foods, can increase their nutritional value as well. Going easy
on the sugar helps as well.
whole scoop on nuts and whole grains...
also contain Omega-3 fatty acids, which can help our hearts; fiber,
which helps lower cholesterol and may help prevent diabetes; Vitamin
E, which can help prevent plaque in our arteries; plant sterols,
which help lower cholesterol; and L-arginine, which make artery walls
more flexible.
plants start out as seeds, and that includes grain plants like wheat, corn, rye, and rice. Seeds of grain plants are sometimes called kernels,
and they are made up of three parts: the bran, the germ, and the
three parts are protected from the outside forces by a husk. You know, outside forces like insects and other pests,
diseases, and even water and sunlight.
three parts of the kernel are all edible. The husk is inedible (it
cannot be eaten).
bran is the outer skin of the edible kernel. The germ is the actual
embryo – the part that could sprout into a new plant if the kernel
were planted instead of eaten. And the endosperm is the germ's food
supply – the part that would provide energy to the embryo as it
grows into a sprout.
you can see in this diagram, the endosperm is the largest part of the
kernel, and it has lots of good stuff in it – carbohydrates,
proteins, and some vitamins and minerals. But the germ has good stuff, too – proteins,
vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats – as does the bran – vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber.
of the grains we eat are refined – the bran and the germ are
removed. That eliminates about one-quarter of the protein of the
whole kernel, and it also reduces other key nutrients.
Manufacturers who process grains are able to add back some of the
vitamins and minerals that they eliminate, but whole grains
are healthier. Whole grains provide more protein, more fiber, and
many important vitamins and minerals that are not added back. Check
out this graph to see the difference between whole wheat, refined
wheat, and “enriched” wheat flour.
is a resource to help you find whole-grain products.
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