Posted on August 25, 2017
This day translates to "Day of the Soldier" or "Soldier's Day."

Alves fought in the Brazilian War of Independence and several other wars, rising to the rank of Commander-in-Chief. He served as Prime Minister as well. He was granted titles: Baron, Count, Marquis, and finally Duke of Caxias.
In British nobility, here is the order of titles:
Duke / Duchess
Marquess / Marchioness
Earl / Countess
Viscount / Viscountess
Baron / Baroness
Baronet / Baronetess
Knight / Dame
Brazil doesn't have roots in Britain, but rather in Portugal. Here is the list of titles in Portugal's hierarchy:
Royal Duke / Royal Duchess - Duque real / Duquesa real
Duke / Duchess - Duque / Duquesa
Marquis / Marquesa - Marquês / Marquesa
Count / Countessa - Conde / Condessa
Viscount / Viscountess - Visconde / Viscondessa
Baron / Baroness - Barão / Baronesa
Lord / Lady - Senhor / Senhora
Actually, most of Europe uses similar titles - although translated into different languages. Even systems of nobility from far-away places like China have been translated into the same titles!
I grew up in the U.S., and it often seems quite surprising to me that there are so many formal, hereditary hierarchies of nobility. Nobility seems to me to be an outdated idea.
Of course, the titles that Alves earned in his life were not the "by birth" kinds of titles. The were earned by loyalty to royalty, mostly, along with ability, achievement, and contribution to the nation.
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