Showing posts with label stepfamilies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stepfamilies. Show all posts

September 16 – National Step-Family Day

Posted on September 16, 2018

These days, I hear people talk about "blended families." Some super-positive types refer to their "bonus family." But whether you call it a step-family, a blended family, or a bonus family, the combination of two parents and their kids from present and past marriages and relationships IS super common.

His, hers, and theirs. My kids, his kids, and our kids. Step-mothers and half-brothers and full-blooded sisters and adopted children and biological fathers - all sorts of folks can be included in a blended family!

Here are two famous blended families: one real....

...and one fictional...

Today's the day to celebrate step-families and acknowledge step-relatives of all kinds!

January 1 – Global Family Day

Posted on January 1, 2018

On January 1, 2001, the world entered a "new millennium." And that just means that the number system we created to count the years was at that moment starting a new set of a thousand years (which is what a millennium is), after having completed 2,000 years since year 1.

And year 1 was supposed to be the year of Jesus's birth - although scholars disagree about exactly when or even if he actually lived.

On that momentous date, that "starting a new millennium" date, the United Nations celebrated One Day in Peace.

Since then, the United States has celebrated New Year's Day as a global day of peace and sharing - and called it Global Family Day.

I would not have thought, "Hmm...peace and sharing - I know, let's call it Family Day!" But of course it's great if families are peaceful and sharing! I decided, since the inclusion of the word "family" was surprising, let's look at the definition of the word "family."

As you can imagine, one definition is "one or two parents rearing her/his/their children."

But other definitions broaden the word:

A group of people who live together "under one roof."

A group of people who share ancestry.

A group of people who share beliefs and lifestyles.

I won't even get into all the other sorts of families - such as word families (like cat, hat, fat), animal families (such as the lemur family or the tarsier family), arithmetic fact families (like 3 x 4 = 12, 4 x 3 = 12, 12/3 = 4, 12/4 + 3), and so forth. are some examples of a variety of families, including two-parent and single-parent families, blended families (with children from more than one marriage or partnership) or stepfamilies, "mixed" families (with parents from different ethnic, racial, or religious groups), nuclear or extended families, childless families and adoptive families, grandparent families, and found families or "families of choice."

Also on this date:

New Year's Day (also here and here)

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September 17 – National Stepfamily Day in the U.S.A.

Posted on September 17, 2017

These days, about one-third of all American teens and kids live in blended families, with a stepparent, probably a stepsister or stepbrother, and all the other step-relatives that come along with stepfamilies.

Relationships in families can be difficult, at times, and stepfamilies often have even more challenges than non-blended families. One challenge can be that stepfamilies often result from divorce or a death of a parent. Another challenge is that it can feel very sudden to gain a whole bunch of family members when you're, say, 10 years old - like: "These people are strangers! And you're asking me to treat them like family?"

There can be jealousies, cars and houses can suddenly become too small and crowded, and some kids lose the privilege of having their own room.

BUT blended families can also be amazing! Fun, strong, supportive, exciting.Today is the day to try to make your stepfamily even stronger than it already is.


Also on this date: 

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