Showing posts with label Easter eggs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Easter eggs. Show all posts

May 6, 2013 - Sham el-Nessim in Egypt

If I told you that today's beginning-of-spring holiday always falls on Easter Monday, you might think that it had happened a month ago. But I'm talking about Eastern Christian Easter.

You might also suspect that a holiday celebrated on Easter Monday would only be celebrated by Christians. But again, you'd be wrong. Egyptians of every religion celebrate “Smell the Spring Day.”

The holiday started with ancient Egyptians. They offered salted fish, lettuce, and onions to their gods and goddesses in celebration of the arrival of spring. When Christianity swept through Egypt, in the 200s and 300s, the holiday became attached to Easter. Later, of course, Islam took over, but the springtime holiday remained linked to the Eastern Christian calendar.

Smelling the spring traditionally involves breaking open an onion and smelling it, but most people smell the spring through simply being outside in nature. People often picnic in public gardens, along the banks of the Nile River, or at the zoo.

The traditional foods eaten on this holiday haven't changed much from the ancient fare: salted fish, scallions or green onions, and lettuce. Two additions are Lupini beans and colored hard-boiled eggs.

Did you know...?

You may already know that humans first lived in Africa (which is where Egypt is, of course). But perhaps you didn't know that ancient humans in Africa were already decorating eggs 60 THOUSAND YEARS AGO! Scientists have found colored and engraved ostrich eggs that were that old—and all I can say is, “Wow!”

Decorated ostrich eggs have also been found in Ancient Egyptian tombs from 5 thousand years ago—along with gold or silver copies of decorated eggs.

I guess it's safe to say that decorated eggs AREN'T necessarily “Easter eggs”!

Plan Ahead...
Check out my Pinterest boards of May holidays, historical events in May, and May birthdays.

Also on this date:

Anniversary of the world's first postage stamp

April 1, 2013 - White House Easter Egg Roll

It would be pretty amazing to see 35,000 people coming together to roll Easter eggs on somebody's lawn!

Even if that “somebody” were the President of the United States!

The White House Easter Egg Roll involves children racing down a marked lane, pushing a decorated hard-boiled egg through the grass with a long-handled spoon. Of course, there are other activities offered in addition to the Easter egg roll. There are games, stories, and even cooking demonstrations.

Check out the official White House page, which includes an activity book you can download and videos of highlights of past years' egg rolls. 

Who started the White House Easter Egg Roll?

During Andrew Johnson's presidency, just after the Civil War, groups of kids did egg-rolling on the grounds of the Capitol. (Actually, some sources say that kids rolled eggs on the Capitol grounds as early as 1814, at the invitation of First Lady Dolley Madison.) At any rate, some members of Congress (probably cranky old men) got upset that kids were messing up their lawn. In 1877, when a new lawn was put in, egg rolling on the lawn was prohibited; Congress even passed a law making it illegal to use the Capitol's grounds as “a children's playground.”

Some kids asked the president at the time, Rutherford Hayes, if they might not use the White House lawn. (He had kids of his own, and they might have been the kids bold enough to ask this question!) He and his wife gave permission, and so in 1878 a tradition was born.

Although egg toss and egg croquet and other activities have been added to the Easter Monday event, rolling decorated hard boiled eggs is the focus. This year will be the 135th White House Egg Roll. In a tradition started by the Reagans, kids who participate get a commemorative wooden egg with signatures of the President and First Lady (and some with paw prints of Bo, the First Dog!).

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April Fool's Day