Showing posts with label Leap Year. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Leap Year. Show all posts

February 29 – Happy Birthday, Leaplings!

Posted on February 29, 2016

There are probably roughly one-fourth as many leaplings – people who have a February 29th birthday – as there are people with any other specific birthday (such as April 26 or October 10). That's because leaplings are born on Leap Day – February 29 – and there is only one Leap Day per every four or so years.

The reason I say “or so” is because a few “every four years” years are not leap years. The rule is complicated:
  • If a year can be even divided by 4, it's a leap year.
  • UNLESS it can also be evenly divided by 100, in which case it is not a leap year.
  • UNLESS it can also be evenly divided by 400, in which case it is back to being a leap year!

The reason for all these complications is that leap days are added to the calendar so that the calendar keeps time with the Sun. And it takes the Earth 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 45 seconds to circle once around the Sun...So instead of giving us a nice clean 365 days a year, or a still-pretty-clean 365.25 days in a year, we have 365.242189 days per year!

You may remember that the year 2000 was a leap year, but the years 1800 and 1900 were not.


Four years ago I wrote about Leap Day, and here we finally are again. This time, I thought I would celebrate a few people born on this rarest of days...

Vance Haynes, Jr. is an archeologist and a geologist. He revolutionized his field, which is geoarchaeology – also known as archaeological geology. He helped figure out the timeline of human migration into and through North America, and he helped maintain scientific access to important human skeletal remains.

Even though he was born on this day way back in 1928, Haynes is still active in the School of Anthropology at the University of Arizona! (He turns 88 today – hooray!)

Seymour Papert is a mathematician, a computer scientist, and an educator. He is one of the pioneers of A.I. (artificial intelligence), and best of all, he and a co-inventor created the Logo programming language.

Logo is a programming language that helps kids learn how to program. Papert created a small robot called the Logo Turtle. Kids could give it a list of movements to make – including “Pen up” and “Pen down,” and they could use the turtle to draw designs.

And not just simple designs, either! Using Logo is a great way to learn about recursion. It is recursion that makes fractals possible!

Recursion is when you repeatedly call on a routine.
In the example above, all the turtle is doing is drawing
boxes. But in between each box, the turtle just turns a little
bit so that the next box is slightly offset from the last.

And when you do that over and over and over again, the
result is surprisingly pretty!

The example below is a different routine that is called on
over and over - with a different, even more complex, result.

Like Haynes, Papert was born on this date in 1928. He was born in South Africa,
got his PhD in England, and has lived in the U.S. since 1963.

Tim Powers is a science fiction writer (like me! – but way more successful!). He was born in Buffalo, NY (near where my husband was born!) and now lives in San Bernardino County, Southern California (like my husband and me!), and he sometimes teaches in the Orange County High School of the Arts and Chapman University (my daughter's alma mater!).

Powers and a few of his pals started the steampunk literary movement (which has spilled out into fashion and design and style). Steampunk is a kind of alternative history fiction in which steam power remains the most important form of energy. Steampunk is generally inspired by Victorian times.

Powers was born on this date in 1952.

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February 29, 2012 - Leap Day!

This day only comes around once every four years (mostly)—so I bet you're glad you weren't born on February 29th! Think of how few birthdays you would've had!

Leap Day is added to February every Leap Year, making those years 366 days rather than the normal 365 days. We do this so that our calendars keep pace with the solar year, which is about 365.242199 days long. Here is a short, clear explanation of why we need—and how we calculate—Leap Years. 

Some of the Leap Day traditions seem very odd to us these days. For example, in Europe during the middle ages, women were “allowed” to propose marriage to men on Leap Day—but not any other time of the year! In some localities, if a man said “no” to such a Leap Day proposal, he had to buy the woman 12 pairs of gloves. In other places, there were other gifts that must be given with the “no," such as a silk dress and a kiss.
These two old postcards made
light of the idea that women
could propose on just one day every
four years...

According to the Guinness Book of Records, there is a family who has had three consecutive generations born on February 29. Peter Anthony Keogh was born in Ireland on this day in 1940, his son Peter Eric Keogh was born in the U.K. on this day in 1964, and his granddaughter Bethany Keogh was born in the U.K. on this day in 1996. Another weird record is held by a Norwegian family named Henriksen, who had three children born on Leap Day—in the years 1960, 1964, and 1968. W-o-w!

Speaking of being born on Leap Day, apparently kids born on February 29 are called “Leapers” or “Leaplings”! They are invited to join The Honor Society of Leap Year Day Babies.