Showing posts with label South Sudan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label South Sudan. Show all posts

March 3 - Unity Day in Sudan - Wait! - But...!

    Posted on March 3, 2022

This is an update of my post published on March 3, 2011:

Refugees from Darfur, now in Chad
In the past, March 3 was celebrated as Unity Day, a day for the people in the North and South regions of Sudan to celebrate peace and unity with parades and cultural shows.

That's what the internet claims.

However, there were decades-long civil wars between the largely Arab/Islamic north and the non-Arab/animist and Christian south. And since 2011, South Sudan became its own independent nation. Still, the humanitarian crisis in South Sudan and also in a part of Sudan called Darfur continues, even now. Well over a million people died in all the unrest and famine, and millions and millions of people were driven from their homes. As of July 2021, almost 3 million Darfuris were STILL displaced and living in camps. 

Peace is a nice thing to celebrate but has been unfortunately all-too-difficult to achieve.

As for unity, with the southern portion of Sudan gone, and Darfur still in terrible disarray, I'm pretty sure that Unity Day has not been celebrated in Sudan for years.

Learn more...

Here is an article about Sudan and South Sudan. 

Also on this date:

 Physicist Brian Cox's birthday

 Martyrs Day in Malawi

(date varies)

Plan ahead:

July 9 – Independence Day in South Sudan

Posted on July 9, 2015

Today is the birthday of the youngest nation on Earth. On this date just four years ago (2011), it became independent of Sudan.

Unfortunately, it is also considered the most “fragile” nation in the world. There used to be a list called “Failed States”; now the same list has been renamed “Fragile States.” This is a list of nations facing civil war (war between factions or regions within a single country) or such difficult conditions (like drought and outbreaks of infectious diseases) that the country seems to be in danger of falling apart. You don't even want your country to be ON this list, let alone at the top – but that's where the Republic of South Sudan appears!

Here are some of the less-depressing things about South Sudan:

  • This nation has one of the world's largest wetlands (roughly the size on England).
  • Alek Wek is from Wau, South Sudan. She went to London at age 14 and is now a model and fashion designer!
  • Emmanuel Jal was a former child soldier who has become a musician, an actor, and a political activist.
  • South Sudan also has the largest “most intact” savannah ecosystem.
Some of the many large animals that live in the
savannah ecosystem include elephants (top), giraffes
(middle), and white-eared kob (bottom).

Also on this date:

Independence Day in Argentina

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