Showing posts with label nova. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nova. Show all posts

November 6 - A New Star!

Posted on November 6, 2021

This is an update of my post published on November 6, 2009:

NEWS FLASH, 1572: A new star appears!

On November 6, 1572, a new star appeared in the sky. It was hard to miss, because it was about as bright as Venus!

A new star in the sky? That shook up the astronomers. Since ancient times it had been thought that the universe beyond the moon was unchangeable. Most people still thought that Earth was the center of the universe and that the stars were fixed to the inside of a turning sphere that was a steady background across which the sun, moon, and planets moved as they made their closer orbits around us. If this were true, how did a new star suddenly appear on that sphere?

We now know that Earth circles the sun, the sun and all our familiar planets circle in an enormous disk of stars and gas that is our galaxy, and this galaxy, along with a small group of other galaxies, is rushing away from all the other galaxies at a tremendous speed left over from a Big Bang. The universe is much, much, much, much huger than anyone living in 1572 (let alone ancient times) thought. Observations of this new star, however, pushed us toward the modern view.

Many observers noticed the new star, but the one person whose name is attached to it (it is called both SN 1572 and Tycho's supernova), and who is generally credited with its discovery, didn't see it for five nights. Finally, on November 11, 1572, Tycho Brahe observed this wonder. Why did he, among so many observers and certainly not the first, get the credit?

First, Tycho Brahe was one of the few astronomers who made careful, systematic observations from steady locations. (He was motivated to do so partly because of this new star. He realized that others' measurements of the locations of stars and planets varied quite a bit.)

Also, Tycho gave the phenomenon the name that would eventually stick: he wrote about the new star in Latin, De stella nova. (The word nova simply means “new,” but we now know that Tycho's “new star,” now classified as a supernova, was an exploding—therefore dying—star. A supernova explodes in such a cataclysmic explosion that it can, for a short time, outshine an entire galaxy.)

Another very important point: Tycho published his observations. In 1573 he put out a book about the “new star”—De nova et nullius aevi memoria prius visa stella, or On the New and Never Previously Seen Star—in which he analyzed his own and others' observations of the phenomenon.

Finally, Tycho was one of the few who realized the importance of the sighting. Some people, clinging to the old way of looking at things, insisted that this new star was between the Earth and the moon, within the sphere that sees changes and variability. Tycho Brahe pointed out that such a close orbit would necessitate that the new star would have to shift when compared to the background of other stars—and he saw no such shift. He was so scornful of those who dismissed the importance of the (super)nova that he wrote in the preface of his book De stella nova, “Oh, thick wits. Oh, blind watchers of the sky.”

By the way...

You may be wondering if Tycho's supernova is still visible in our sky. Well, you can look at the general area where it appeared—in the constellation Cassiopeia—but it is no longer visible to the naked eye. As a matter of fact, it gradually faded away for two years and disappeared from sight in 1574. Since the star that exploded is about 7,500 light years away, it took until the 1960s for us to see the expanding shell of gas left over from the explosion.

To the left is the constellation of Casseopeia, and to the right is a 
photo of what Tycho's supernova looks like now, through a telescope.

You may be wondering where Tycho Brahe lived. He came from Scania, which was then part of Denmark but is now part of Sweden. He built a research institute on the island Hven but moved to Prague (now part of the Czech Republic) after a disagreement with the Danish king.

Weird...and weirder...

  • Brahe lost part of his nose in a duel (a swordfight), at age 20, and he wore a metal insert over the missing part for the rest of his life.

  • While he lived in Denmark, Tycho entertained large groups of people at his castle. He kept a dwarf named Jepp as a court jester—and kept him under the table during meals!


  • Tycho also kept a tame moose, but at some point the moose drank a lot of beer, fell down the stairs, and died.

          Gosh, I hate when that happens!

How about doing a little star watching tonight?

Thanks in part to Tycho Brahe—who not only built astronomical instruments, calibrated them, and made systematic nightly observations, but who also trained a new generation of astronomers—we now know a lot about the stars and gas clouds and galaxies in our universe. Tycho Brahe was the last major astronomer who had no telescope (which was invented several years after his death). On a clear night, in a place with little light pollution, you can see approximately what the world's best astronomer of the 1500s could see!

Can you see that some stars in the sky are slightly blue, and others are slightly red? The stars vary in color because they vary in temperature. This photo has magnified the stars in size so we can see their colors better:

Generally, the larger the star, the more gravity it has, 
and therefore the hotter it burns. Blue-ish and white
stars are the hottest, and reddish and orange stars
are the coolest. The in-between stars are medium size
and medium temperature (for a star!) - like our Sun!

But at the end of a star's life, it can swell up to be a
red giant - much huger than it was during the bulk of
its life, but also cooler.

Blue giants are super massive stars - and they burn
very quickly and change into something else - a
supernova, perhaps.

Here is a NASA page on supernovae.

Below is a photo of a supernova captured by the Hubble space telescope. It is brighter than 5 BILLION ordinary stars like our Sun!

For all sorts of hands-on astronomical fun, try this website.

Also on this date:

Constitution Day in the Dominican Republic 

October 9 – Supernova!

Posted October 9, 2017

The largest explosions that take place in space are supernovas (also spelled supernovae). 

These are not common events. Even though there are about 100 BILLION stars in the Milky Way Galaxy, a supernova occurs only once every 50 years or so.

There are two reasons for this. First, most stars are pretty long lived - they last (by continuously fusing hydrogen) for a few million years to 10 billion years. Second - even more important! - less than one percent of stars become supernovas!!

Would it surprise you to know that a star explodes into a supernova about once every second? I know you're thinking, "Wait! I thought she said once every 50 years! Now she's saying once a second?"

Well, the first number (once every 50 years, approximately) is for our galaxy alone. But there are a LOT of galaxies - probably about 100 billion galaxies in the observable universe!

So there are probably around 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars in the observable universe! One percent of such a huge number is still huge: 


No wonder supernovas occur every second!

This is a color-enhanced photo
of the remnant left over from the
1604 supernova.
Why are we talking about such far-away events TODAY? Well, October 9, 1604, was the date of the first appearance of the most recent Milky Way supernova that people could see "with the naked eye."

This stellar eruption appeared in our skies in the constellation Ophiuchus, and it occurred in space only about 20,000 light years away from Earth.

Such a big explosion so nearby meant that this star became the brightest star in the night sky and was even visible during the day, for more than three weeks!

An Italian scholar was the first person to record his observation of the star. His name was Lodovico delle Colombe. The supernova was also recorded by Chinese and Korean astronomers / observers.
About 8 days after the supernova was first spotted, the German astronomer Johannes Kepler began to observe it. He tracked the star for more than a year, and he wrote a book about it. The supernova is often referred to by its date, Supernova 1604, but it is also known as Kepler's Supernova, Kepler's Nova, or even Kepler's Star.

By the way, although this supernova is the last one we are certain was in our galaxy that could be seen with the naked eye, we have been able to see supernovas in other nearby galaxies! (And when I say "nearby" - I mean near compared to most other galaxies! Trust me, these astronomical distances are mind-bogglingly far!)

One supernova that occurred during my lifetime is Supernova 1987A. It appeared in the Large Magellanic Cloud and was "easily visible" to the naked eye.

But the LMC is not visible from where I live in the Northern Hemisphere. Even worse, I live in Southern California, where the cities have conglomerated together into one big mega-city, and where the night sky is pretty darned polluted with light!

There aren't very many galaxies visible to the naked eye, but supernovas are such HUGE explosions, they can outshine their entire galaxy for a short time. A supernova explosion can radiate more energy than our Sun will in its entire 10-billion-year lifetime.

Crucially, supernovas are the main way in which heavy elements are created and spread out through the universe. If there were no supernovas, there would be no me to type these words, there would be no computer for me to type on, and there would be no you to read them!

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