Posted on May 27, 2017
Ho-hum, another Mother's Day in May...

Anyway, I knew all of this, and sometimes I wondered, "Why May?" I mean, May is a very nice time of the year in some places - late spring, lots of flowers around to give Mum - but of course, many nations are tropical (flowers all year long, I imagine), and many nations lie in the Southern Hemisphere, and so May is late autumn, not late spring (and nations such as Australia and New Zealand still celebrate Mum in May).
But today I discovered that Bolivia has a super sad reason to celebrate mothers in May.

With so many of their husbands, brothers, and fathers dead or dying, the women of Cochabamba rose up and fought against Spain. They followed a very old blind woman named Manuela Gandarilla as she took a stand on a hill called La Coronilla.
I wish I had a happy ending for you, but Goyeneche's army didn't mind killing women - even old, blind women - and the Spaniards defeated the mothers of Cochabamba just as they had the fathers.
Bolivia finally achieved independence in 1825, and Bolivians soon declared May 27 a day to celebrate all moms, in homage to the "Heroinas de Coronillas."

Bolivian Mother's Day sounds great - but, while I'm thrilled that the date was chosen to honor some very brave women, I am so sad to know that these long-ago heroes paid with their lives!
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