Showing posts with label Dia de la Madre. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dia de la Madre. Show all posts

May 27 – Mother's Day in Bolivia

Posted on May 27, 2017

Ho-hum, another Mother's Day in May...

Loads of countries around the world celebrate Mother's Day, and a lot of those celebrations are in May. I already wrote about Dia de la Madre in Mexico (which is always held on May 10), but there are quite a few nations that celebrate on the first Sunday in May, loads that celebrate on the second Sunday in May, quite a few that celebrate on the last Sunday in May, several that celebrate on specific dates in May, no matter what day of the week, and of course some that celebrate at other times of the year.

Anyway, I knew all of this, and sometimes I wondered, "Why May?" I mean, May is a very nice time of the year in some places - late spring, lots of flowers around to give Mum - but of course, many nations are tropical (flowers all year long, I imagine), and many nations lie in the Southern Hemisphere, and so May is late autumn, not late spring (and nations such as Australia and New Zealand still celebrate Mum in May).

But today I discovered that Bolivia has a super sad reason to celebrate mothers in May.

Back in 1812, when the various regions of South America were fighting against Spain for their independence, the Spanish army led by Brigadier General Goyeneche had squashed down rebelling forces in Cochabamba (now part of Bolivia). Then Goyeneche led his victorious army elsewhere, to battle other independence fighters. He heard that the Cochabamba rebels didn't stay beaten - they were revolting again! So he doubled back and killed many more of the South Americans.

With so many of their husbands, brothers, and fathers dead or dying, the women of Cochabamba rose up and fought against Spain. They followed a very old blind woman named Manuela Gandarilla as she took a stand on a hill called La Coronilla.

I wish I had a happy ending for you, but Goyeneche's army didn't mind killing women - even old, blind women - and the Spaniards defeated the mothers of Cochabamba just as they had the fathers.

Bolivia finally achieved independence in 1825, and Bolivians soon declared May 27 a day to celebrate all moms, in homage to the "Heroinas de Coronillas."

Apparently this holiday is big-time - possibly the most important holiday in Bolivia other than Christmas. Not only do florists have the biggest sale day of the year, but bakeries do, too. Not only do people honor and send gifts to their own mothers and grandmothers, many honor all of their friends who are mothers as well, along with aunts, cousins, sisters, etc. Hand crafted gifts are common, and many perform poems and songs and plays created especially for the women in their life.

Bolivian Mother's Day sounds great - but, while I'm thrilled that the date was chosen to honor some very brave women, I am so sad to know that these long-ago heroes paid with their lives!

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May 10 – Día de la Madre

Posted on May 10, 2016

Mother's Day is held on different dates in various different countries. Today is Mother's Day in Mexico. This holiday got started in the early 1900s, and it has become quite popular.

One thing I like about El Día de la Madre is that it is always held on May 10. 

(It's hard to figure out the date of a particular year's Mother's Day when it is held on a certain Sunday of May, as is the case in many nations.)

Even though some other nations celebrate moms in February, March, April, August, October, November, or December, most of the nations chose to celebrate Mother's Day in May. I guess that is not too surprising; in the Northern Hemisphere, which is where most nations of the world are located, May tends to be the warmest spring month—but not hot like summer. Spain celebrates the first Sunday of May, a LOT of nations celebrate the second Sunday of May, several nations celebrate the last Sunday of May, and a smattering of nations celebrate on various other dates in May. Joining Mexico with a May 10 Mother's Day are Qatar, El Salvador, United Arab Emirates, Guatemala, India, Malaysia, Oman, Pakistan, and Singapore.

A rather random assortment, I feel!

How is El Dia de la Madre celebrated in Mexico?

Sons and daughters who no longer live at home typically go to their family home the night before. On El Dia itself, they give flowers, cards, and gifts to their mothers. Little kids often make homemade gifts and sometimes sing songs or perform skits to give the message “I love you, Mami!”

Also on this date:

Astronomer Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin's birthday

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