Showing posts with label Armstrong. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Armstrong. Show all posts

July 20 - Moon Day 50!!!

Posted on July 20, 2019

Half a century since humans first landed on the Moon!

That's...astonishing to those of us who actually remember it. It still modern, so current, so cutting-edge of human exploration. I guess because, in the past 50 years, nobody's really topped it.

There have been - so far - zero humans landing on Mars, for example.

Neil Armstrong talked about a "giant leap" for humanity...but of course it was the 1960s (and, back then, the U.S. hadn't even had a single female astronaut!), and we hadn't done much in the way of getting rid of sexist language at that point...

...So Armstrong called it a giant leap for mankind

At any rate, while we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first Moon landing, we should reignite our spirit of adventure and get excited about new explorations for humankind!

Look up local events to celebrate Apollo 50th! This article talks about some celebrations in my neck of the woods (not just Los Angeles, but all over "the West"). 

NASA has Apollo50th television programming and events listed here.

Turning to Mars, NASA has some great resources in its Mars Exploration Program.

Mars One is a private effort with the goal of starting a colony on Mars. Check it out!

Elon Musk has ambitious plans for SpaceX, including settling Mars and even terraforming it (changing the planet's atmosphere to make it livable for humans without domes or spacesuits.

Could we make Mars look like this someday?
If so, should we?

August 5 – Happy Birthday, Vitus Bering and Neil Armstrong

Posted on August 5, 2018

There are so many things to explore - our own talents, underwater environments, old junk stores, the edges of known science.

That means that all of us could be called "explorers"!

But some people are more worthy of the title "explorer" than others! Today we honor two famous birthdays that did a really exciting version of exploring - exploring unknown places.

Vitus Bering was born on this date in 1681 in Denmark, but he got his naval training in the Netherlands and then served in the Russian navy! He is most famous for leading two expeditions of Northeast Asia and Northwest North America. We're talking the farthest regions of Siberia and of Alaska - and the bit of sea in between.

During the first expedition, Bering was asked to map any new areas as he set sail from the Kamchatka Peninsula. The Russian czar especially wanted to know if Asia and America were actually connected by land - if they shared a land border - and Bering returned with a definitive answer, even though Bering never caught sight of North America: No, he informed the czar, there is no land connection, but rather there is open sea between Asia and North America.

The second expedition was larger and better prepared for a long voyage. This time Bering did reach North America. He sighted Alaska's southern coast and landed on Kayak Island. However, there were storms and bad conditions, and Bering set sail back to Asia, determined to map any islands he came across. 

Unfortunately, one of Bering's sailors died; Bering had the man buried on one of the Aleutian Islands, and he named the island in the man's honor. 

Even more unfortunate: Bering himself sickened and died. And a bunch of others did, too - 29 in all! They were buried on another island, which has been named Bering in the explorer's honor.

Other things that have Bering's name include the Bering Strait (the bit of water that connects the Pacific Ocean with the Arctic Ocean, running between Russia and Alaska), the Bering Sea (the bit of the Pacific Ocean that lies between the Alaska Peninsula and Aleutian Islands, to the south, and the Bering Strait, to the north), and the Bering Land Bridge (the bridge of land between Asia and North America that USED to exist, tens of thousands of years ago.

Neil Armstrong lived more recently - he was born on this date in 1930 - and he is quite a bit more famous. 

He is also much, much, much more "firstish" (first to be somewhere or see something) than Bering. Actually, he is more firstish than any other explorer in history - because he is the very first person to step onto another world.

Of course I'm talking about the Moon! 

Neil Armstrong studied aeronautical engineering and served in the Navy; he became a pilot during the Korean War. After the war, he became a test pilot and then an astronaut.

When Armstrong was chosen as commander of Apollo 11, and he was chosen to be the first human to step on the Moon, he probably didn't think, at first, about what he would say as he did that firstiest of all firsts. But after he and Buzz Aldrin actually landed on the Moon, as they were going through long checklists of things to get ready for that first lunar walk, Armstrong thought about what he should say. And what he decided to say was this:

"That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind."

For years, that is what Armstrong claimed he did say, but most of us on Earth heard, "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." Like, maybe he messed up and left out the word "a," and made the whole sentence less meaningful?

Apparently audio analysis says that Armstrong did NOT mess up, he did say the "a" that most of us didn't hear. At any rate, the quote (with or without the word "a") became instantly famous and endlessly discussed.

Also on this date:

February 17 – Happy Birthday, Billie Joe Armstrong

Posted on February 17, 2018

Green Day is probably my favorite band. I just love their sound.

Today is singer / songwriter / frontman Billie Joe Armstrong's birthday. He was born in Oakland, California, on this date in 1972.

Here are some cool things about Billie Joe Armstrong:

  • Billie Joe Armstrong sang at Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg's wedding. That's sort of surprising, but what makes it really cool is that the wedding was fairly small (about 100 guests) and sort of a surprise - not for the bride and groom, of course, but most of the guests thought that they were attending a graduation party for bride Priscilla Chan...

    So imagine their surprise when it turns out that it was a wedding!...

    And imagine their further surprise when Billie Joe was the entertainment! (Armstrong and Zuckerman are friends. It's not like Billie Joe was the paid entertainment, lol.)
  • Billie Joe Armstrong and Mike Dirnt met and bonded in elementary school. They started a band (Sweet Children) when they were 15 years old, and that band, with the new name Green Day and eventually the addition of drummer Tré Cool, has stayed together all these years!

    And Green Day has sold more than 85 million records worldwide, has won five Grammy Awards, created a Broadway show  (which won two Tony Awards), has been ranked as one of the VH1's 100 Greatest Artists of All Time, and was inducted to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

  • Billie Joe Armstrong teamed up with Norah Jones to create a tribute to the Everly Brothers, recording all the songs in the Everly Brothers' album Songs Our Daddy Taught Us. The tribute album is named Foreverly.

    Billie Joe is also a guitarist and vocalist in another punk rock band, participates in Green Day's two side-project bands, and formed with Tim Armstrong (from the group Rancid) a super group called The Armstrongs.

    Billie Joe has written songs for a show put on by the Yale Repertory Theater, has collaborated with a hip hop group, has performed with The Replacements at some live shows, has mentored singers for The Voice, and has done several roles as an actor.

Armstrong's family, back in the day
  • Billie Joe Armstrong is still in his first marriage and has two sons - both of whom are already making and recording music!

    Billie Joe helped found a record label, and he and his wife co-own a clothing line that includes band merchandise, men's, women's, and children's clothing, and accessories. A percentage of the profits are donated to charity, and the web store for the clothing line features a Take Action resource that encourages people to become involved in social justice causes and especially environmental causes.

    Billie Joe has also opened (with partners) a used-guitar shop and a coffee company, and his wife started (with a partner) a eco-friendly clothing and home goods store called Atomic Garden. The two participate in Habitat for Humanity and promote environmental causes on their various websites. 
A more recent photo of Armstrong's family
  • Green Day played a secret show in the punk rock club where they got their start; it was a benefit for publishing houses that were damaged in a building fire.

Of course, Billie Joe Armstrong is not perfect (none of us are), and I am not trying to paint him as a hero. Still, he has had a pretty amazing life, and it's fun to hear some of the surprising aspects of it.