Showing posts with label Crackers Over the Keyboard Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crackers Over the Keyboard Day. Show all posts

August 28 – Crazy Computer Holidays

Posted on August 28, 2014

Today we celebrate two different computer-related holidays: Crackers Over the Keyboard Day and Race Your Mouse Around the Icons Day.

For Crackers Over the Keyboard Day, we are dared to eat crackers and other crumbly food right over our keyboards – but only in jest, I hope. It's SO not a good idea!

For Race Your Mouse Around the Icons Day, we are encouraged to spend the moments when something is downloading, uploading, or otherwise hourglassing or pinwheeling our computer, instead of just sitting there patiently, by using our mouse to dart around all over our monitors and desktops, trying to “touch” every icon. 

I'm not positive this is such a great bright idea, either. When we do unnecessary computer stuff while impatiently waiting for our computer to do some other stuff...well, maybe it slows the first, important task down?

I don't know that – I'm asking!

When I say "nurture your computer"...
I wasn't thinking of cuddling it!
Instead of torturing your computer today, maybe you could do a 180 reversal on the holiday names and spend the day nurturing your computer.

    this is what my cool wireless mouse
    looks like...It looks like the future!
  • Go wireless, if you can! I love my wireless mouse and keyboard!

Also on this date:

Anniversary of MLK's “I Have a Dream” speech

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