Showing posts with label Silly Sayings Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Silly Sayings Day. Show all posts

October 13 – Silly Sayings Day

Posted October 13, 2017 

Don't spill the beans!
He's the bees knees!
She's the cat's meow!
You're snug as a bug in a rug!
Oh, man, that's a real fly in the ointment!
He's slower than molasses in January.

Ummm...yes, there truly are a lot of sayings that might fairly be called "silly." 

Some are meant to be rhyme-y and sing-song-y and silly.

Some are colorful metaphors that are so old-fashioned - and so oft-repeated - that they have crossed over into "silly saying" territory. 

Here's an example: "Don't spill the beans" is a reminder not to leak a secret. Maybe there's a surprise party; one person is in charge of taking the birthday girl out shopping, and getting her home at the right time for the party. 

What could you say to remind that person not to let on that plans are afoot?

"Don't spill the guacamole," might be a fresh metaphor - and might even be more apropos than beans, in a surprise party situation - but would it be understood? The thing with a common saying is that nobody looks around for physical beans they're not supposed to spill!

"Don't put the walrus onto the bag"
is definitely not a common saying. LOL
"Don't let the cat out of the bag" is another common saying that means about the same thing. But I'm not sure how clear it would be if you said, "Don't let the walrus out of the bag," or "Don't let the cat out of the cart," or some other similar non-saying.

So then we're left with direct, common-sense language like "Don't leak the plan," or "Don't let the party plan slip," or "Don't give the plan away." And that's fine...

But today just pile on as many silly sayings as you can - the more the merrier!