Showing posts with label variable star. Show all posts
Showing posts with label variable star. Show all posts

March 9 - Happy Birthday, David Fabricius

Posted on March 9, 2019

Occupation: Pastor
Known for: discovery of variable stars and of sunspots

How does a pastor make two major discoveries in astronomy?

David Fabricius was born on this date in 1564 and lived until 1617, so he lived during England's Elizabethan Era, at the same time as Shakespeare (1564-1616). Back then, there were few "professional" astronomers, so amateur astronomers were able to make substantial contributions to the science.

Actually, David Fabricius made these discoveries with his oldest son, Johannes Fabricius (1587 - 1615). He is listed in Wikipedia as an astronomer, possibly because he didn't live very long after his university studies and, perhaps, never had to earn a living.

By the way, both father and son are considered German; they were born in a coastal area known as Frisia, which is now part of the Netherlands and northern Germany. The last name, Fabricius, is the Latinized version of the last name Faber, but they are also listed as Goldschmidt or Goldsmid, which might be Hebrew names. It's all very confusing!

Variable stars

David Fabricius noted the star Mira in 1596. Since it seemed to appear where no star had been before, he listed his observation as a nova (new star). Ever since Tycho Brahe had discovered the sudden appearance of a previously unseen star, in 1572, sky-watchers had been looking for novae. All observed novae had faded away in a few days or months, and, sure enough, Mira slowly dimmed and disappeared. However, when Mira brightened enough to reappear in 1609, the Fabricius father-and-son team knew it was a new kind of  object in the sky.

We now know that variable stars, whose brightness changes regularly and dramatically (most stars have at least a little variation in brightness!) fall into two categories:

Some stars brighten and dim because they swell and shrink, or pulsate; others regularly lose stellar material or regularly gain stellar material from a companion or nebula.

Other stars don't actually change in brightness, but they seem to from us watching on Earth. This is often because the star has an orbiting companion that sometimes blocks some of the light from our view. 

Mira happens to be one of the pulsating variables. The entire class of pulsating stars that share certain characteristics are called Mira variables.


Johannes Fabricius returned from university with telescopes. David decided to use it to observe the Sun - but of course that's hard on the eyes. The pair invented camera obscura telescopy in order to study the Sun, and in 1611 they were able to see sunspots and observe that the spots moved - and the manner of that movement provided evidence that the Sun rotated on its axis. (Some scientists had speculated that the Sun, like so many other celestial objects, rotated, but until evidence backed it up, those were just educated guesses.)

Johannes published these findings in June of 1611. His paper and the discovery remained relatively unknown, however, and astronomers from Southern Germany, Christoph Scheiner, and from Italy, Galileo Galilei, both independently discovered sunspots. 

I should mention that there had been mentions of possible sightings of sunspots by Ancient Greek and especially Ancient Chinese astronomers. However, those naked-eye sightings - and even the careful telescopic studies of sunspots - were very controversial to those who insisted that the heavens were unchanging or that the Sun was perfect, without flaws.

What are sunspots? These temporary spots look dark because they are so much cooler than the surrounding area. They're caused by concentrations of the Sun's magnetic field, and they accompany other magnetic activity like solar flares, coronal loops, and prominences on the Sun and auroral displays in the Earth's atmosphere. 

Coronal loops, above.
Solar prominences, below.

Auroras appear in Earth's skies when there
is a lot of activity on the Sun, including sunspots.

Also on this date:

July 4 – Happy Birthday, Henrietta Swan Leavitt

Posted on July 4, 2015

The American astronomer Henrietta Swan Leavitt was born waaayyy back on this date in 1868, and yet she is the one who discovered an important “measuring stick” that allowed us to better understand the enormity of the universe.

And this “measuring stick” was made of stars!

Did you know that some stars do not shine steadily? Instead, some stars seem to flicker or even to wildly fluctuate with brighter and then dimmer light. The changes in brightness reflect eruptions within the star itself or the in-falling of material from a nearby companion.

They are called variable stars.

Some variable stars are called Cepheid variables. They pulsate at a regular pace, changing in both size and temperature. Their brightness varies along with the size-and-temperature changes. And, it turns out, there is a strong direct relationship between a Cepheid variable's luminosity and pulsation period.

Because of this, we can discover how far away a Cepheid variable star is. We measure its brightness and its pulsation period. Then we figure out how bright it SHOULD be, if we were near it. Voila! We can now compute how far away the Cepheid variable must be to make it appear at the brightness we observe.

It is Leavitt who discovered the relationship between the luminosity and period of Cepheid variables. Her discovery gave astronomers their first way of measuring the distance between the Earth and faraway galaxies, and it was her discovery (and red shifts) that enabled Edwin Hubble to discover that the universe is expanding. And of course, once we discovered the expansion of the universe, we were able to reason that the universe must have started with a Big Bang.

Leavitt was born in Massachusetts. She attended Oberlin and Radcliffe Colleges and then traveled in America and in Europe. During those post-graduate travels, she got ill and lost her hearing. However, she was still able to get a job as a human “computer” working for Edward Pickering at the Harvard College Observatory to measure and catalog the brightness of stars in the observatory's collection of photographic plates.

How did Leavitt make her discovery? She made the assumption that all the Cepheid variable stars in the Magellanic Clouds were roughly the same distance to the Earth. That's sort of like saying that every mountain and crater on the Moon is roughly the same distance from your house. It's not completely true – some of the deepest craters are some tens of thousands of feet “farther away” from your house than some of the mountain tops on the Moon. But compared to the more than one BILLION feet away that the moon is from Earth, that distance is like nothing. (The difference between the lowest and highest spots on the Moon is only about 0.0047% of the distance between the Earth and the Moon.)

Large Magellanic Cloud -
it's really a small, relatively
nearby galaxy.
So, in the same way, we can talk about a group of stars that are very far away from the Earth – such as all the stars in another galaxy – being roughly the same distance away from us. The Large Magellanic Cloud is about 160,000 light years away from us, and the Small Magellanic Cloud is about 200,000 light years away from us. And each light year is about 1,000,000,000,000 miles or kilometers away. So that makes the Magellanic Clouds some 160,000,000,000,000,000 to 200,000,000,000,000,000 miles away!

(Pretty far!)

Interestingly enough, I discovered that recent, more exact studies of the Magellanic Clouds have resulted in fine-tuning Leavitt's assumption. We now think that, based on more exact measurements of the light of Cepheid variables, the Large Magellanic Cloud is tipped 35 degrees, so that the northeast part of the galaxy is slightly closer to our galaxy than the southwest part. That's what I love about science: we just keep getting better and better at discovering and describing reality!

I bet you have already guessed this part: Leavitt got less recognition for her very important discovery than we would like. Someone tried to nominate her for a Nobel Prize, but that prize is never awarded after someone's death, and at that point Leavitt had already died of cancer. Hubble, who enjoyed quite a bit of fame, always said that Leavitt should've gotten a Nobel for her work.

So, not too much fame. Did Leavitt earn fortune? Well, she had money because of her family, so at first she wasn't even paid for her work for the Harvard Observatory; later she earned about 30 cents an hour (woo-hoo!).

Leavitt has gotten SOME credit, now that she is long gone. There is a Leavitt asteroid and a Leavitt crater on the moon. And Leavitt's story has been shared in books and in Neil deGrasse Tyson's Cosmos. I think maybe all of us should spread the word – Henrietta Swan Leavitt made a great contribution to astronomy despite being deaf (AND female, back when that was a hurdle to overcome)!

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Indivisible Day

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