Showing posts with label Warner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Warner. Show all posts

December 30 – Bacon Day

Posted December 30, 2013

Here at my house, we've all gained feasting-fat (you know, the few pounds you can put on after having a whole bunch of holiday-ing and celebrating and feasting and munching and brunching), and so I am hesitant to mention another FOOD holiday!

  1. At least it's not something sweet. What with candy cane day and cookie day and gingerbread house day and the two days of chocolate, even I am getting sick of sweets!                                                                                                               
  2. Bacon is sooooooooooo yummy. So I hate to ignore its special day, year after year, just because I'm always overstuffed on December 30!
Two Jewish girls nicknamed Danya and Meff invented the holiday. Sort of. It was actually invented by whoever wrote The Simpsons episode called “I Love Lisa.”

Bacon is a kind of pork that is usually cured. In most countries, it is made from side or back cuts, but in the U.S. it is almost always from pork belly. It is cured from brine or dry-packed salt, and it may be dried in cold air, boiled, or smoked. To cook bacon, boil, fry, bake, or grill it.
I am not the only one who loves bacon.
So many people love bacon, in fact, that I
found online products such as bandaids that
look like bacon, wallets that look like bacon,
Baconnaise (mayonnaise flavored with bacon),
bacon jam, and everything-else-in-the-sun-bacon.
To celebrate Bacon Day...

  • Play Steal the Bacon. This game has nothing to do with bacon. But playing active games is fun!
  • Artist Carl Warner has a lot of fun creating landscapes out of food, and you will probably not be surprised to learn that he sometimes creates his landscapes using bacon. Check out his photos here (scroll to the bottom for several bacon-y landscapes), and watch the short video about how he creates his photos here.

Also on this date:

Falling Needles Family Fest Day 

Author Rudyard Kipling's birthday 

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