A'Phabet Day (No “L” Day!)
is a religious holiday AND a secular holiday. Many Christians around
the world celebrate it, but some Christians do not believe it is
proper to celebrate Christmas, and many non-Christians also celebrate
Christmas. It is often thought of as a celebration of the spirit of
you know...?
are some people who celebrated their birthdays on Christmas Day:
- Isaac Newton, scientist and inventor of calculus (born in 1642)
- Clara Barton, nurse and organizer of the American Red Cross (born in 1821)
- Cab Calloway, bandleader (born in 1907)
- Rod Serling, TV writer who created The Twilight Zone (born in 1924)
Newton is one of the greatest and most influential scientists who
ever lived. He used mathematics to describe the law of universal
gravitation and the three laws of motion, built the first practical
reflecting telescope, developed a theory of color after studying the
visible spectrum—and much more! Because of his great contributions
to science—and the fact that he was born on December 25—some
people celebrate today as “Newtonmas” and greet each other with
the words “Reason's Greetings.” (Note: Isaac Newton was a
Christian, although he had some unusual beliefs.)