Showing posts with label Stewart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stewart. Show all posts

December 17 - Celebrating Maria W. Stewart

Posted on December 17, 2018

I love celebrating people's accomplishments on their birthdays - even if they've been dead for a century or more. It's a nice time to remember their life, on the anniversary of their birth.

But for some people, especially people who lived long ago, we don't know their birthday. So then I sometimes celebrate their life on the anniversary of their death.

Apparently this is NOT a photo
of Maria W. Stewart - because
there is not known photo of her!

The reason this is here is because

this photo was incorrectly labeled
as a photo of Ms. Stewart; thank
you to the reader who pointed out
the mistake. I am leaving the 
photo up so that we can ALL learn
that the internet has its foibles!

This photo depicts Sarah Harris 

Fayerweather, an African American
activist, abolitionist, and school
integration pioneer!
Such is the case today. Maria Stewart was born SOMEtime in 1803, and her parents were African American. You might think, oh-no, enslaved people - but this was in Connecticut, and Miller's parents were both free, so she was too.

However, that didn't necessarily mean her life was easy. When she was just five years old Maria Stewart lost both her parents. So she was sent to live with a minister and his family, and she lived with them as a servant (I'm not sure how early they pressed a duster into her hand, but hopefully not at age 5!). She was not given any formal education until age 15, when she was allowed to attend Sabbath School one day a week. As you can imagine, growing up within a minister's household and learning mostly at religious classes, Stewart became very devout - which means she had strong religious beliefs.

As a 20-something year old woman, Stewart married - but her husband died just three years later! And some people cheated her out of inheriting anything from him.

However, Stewart didn't lie around and feel sorry for herself. Instead, she became a teacher, journalist, lecturer, head matron of a hospital, abolitionist, and women's rights activist!

Check out some of her accomplishments:

Maria W. Stewart was the first American woman known to have spoken to a mixed audience of men and women, black and white.

She was the first African American woman known to have given public lectures.

She was the first African American woman known to have given a lecture about women's rights.

She was the first African American woman known to have made a public speech against slavery.

Hooray for Stewart's courage to speak out! 

November 28 – Happy Birthday, Jon Stewart

Posted on November 28, 2017

His parents divorced when he was just 11. His relationship with his dad was...well, shall we say "not good"? He even changed his last name, going by his first and middle name, to distance himself from his father.

He was bullied, to some extent, in school. Mostly because he was Jewish.

He didn't work all that hard in college, he claims (although his soccer coach reports that he had a lot of energy on the playing field). And after college, he had a ton of different jobs that don't require college degrees. From busboy to puppeteer, from caterer to bartender, from shelf-stocker to soccer coach...

None of that sets us up for the fact that Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz, aka Jon Stewart, would become an American icon, one of the most trusted people on television, a big-time award winner, and someone who could retire in his early 50s with a net worth of 80 million dollars!

But that's what happened.

Mostly known for hosting The Daily Show with John Stewart, on Comedy Central, Stewart is a comedian, writer, producer, actor, political commentator, and TV host. 


Stewart has published two books, fathered two kids, and hosted two Academy Awards shows. 

(I bet the "two kids" part is by far-far-far-far most important to Stewart!)

I find it difficult to deal with the frustrations and agonies of the news without filtering it through someone like Jon Stewart, who reported and responded to news with humor and a sort of skeptical idealism.

Humor, satire, and informed skepticism are important for society, and it's wonderful that we reward comedians - especially intelligent comedians who binge-watch news - for their take on events and trends.

Check out some of the wit and wisdom of today's birthday celebrity: