on February 26, 2014
you wear green, of course! Think Stephen Colbert on his “wonderful
pistachios” ad for the Super Bowl.

here are 22 recipes from snacks to entrees to desserts.
Including baklava.
Did you know...?
- The first American harvest of pistachios was relatively recent: 1976! (That's especially surprising since at least some Americans ate pistachios in the 1800s, and pistachio ice cream became a craze in the 1940s.
- Top world producers include (#1) Iran, (#2) the U.S. (by which I mean California), (#3) Turkey – and runner ups China, Syria, Greece, and many more.
- In Iran, pistachios are known as the smiling nut, and in China, as the happy nut.
- Pistachios are related to cashews and mangoes.
- Pistachios are good for your heart because they have phytosterols and unsaturated fat. They provide fiber and antioxidants, thiamine and B-6, even beta-carotene. That means that they help fight cancer, Alzheimer's, and other diseases as well.
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