Showing posts with label Bloomsday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bloomsday. Show all posts

June 16, 2010

 Bloomsday – Ireland

This holiday celebrates the life of Irish writer James Joyce. Fans relive the events in his novel Ulysses, all of which took place in Dublin on the same day: June 16, 1904. Some fans even read the entire novel aloud—which lasts up to 36 hours! In 2004, before the 100th anniversary of the fictional events of the book, 10,000 people in Dublin were served a free full Irish breakfast: sausages, rashers, toast, beans, and black and white puddings.

Pictured below is the Bloomsday Race.
I am busy making every day special by taking a trip through California, Oregon, and Washington.

The daily posts will be minimal during my trip.