Showing posts with label Inquisimunda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inquisimunda. Show all posts

Friday, November 1, 2013

It Came From the Forums Update: Migsula's Inquismunda Madness Begins!

TJ here to show off an It Came From the Forums Update on an artist who has already claimed a spot in the past in the series. This time, we will delve into the combined world of Inq28 (or 28mm Inquisitor) and Necromunda, called Inquismunda! While it is a special niche within our hobby, the conversions Migsula has created (and continues to produce) are second to none! Let's take a look at the beginning of his =I= Trilogy and then jump off into his blog and his P&M threads!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Showcase: Inquisitor Lazarus Antrecht and retinue

Hey everyone, KrautScientist here. Today I would like to show you something a little different from my last to posts (showcasing my World Eaters and Traitor Guard, respectively): I would like to introduce you to the wonderful world of “INQ28”:

What the heck is INQ28?  I hear you asking. Well, basically it’s the GW game “Inquisitor” played at the 28mm heroic scale instead of its native 54mm. But why would you want to do that in the first place?