Showing posts with label sculpting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sculpting. Show all posts

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Glottkin Maulerfiend, Spined Beast Conversion Finished and Based! One of my Favorite Works!

TJ here to show off what I would consider one of my best conversions/ kitbashes: The Panther. This project has been a ton of fun and I have challenged myself to try techniques I am unfamiliar with and a gravity defying pose. I am extremely proud to show this off here so let's take a look around this fecund feline!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Glottkin Maulerfiend Conversion Continues V: Ripped Flesh and Nearly Complete

TJ here with more of my latest project, which has been dubbed Gluttony, or keeping the zoo theme: Project Sex Panther (PSP). A lot more green stuff work has gone into this, so let's take a look at it.

Friday, February 20, 2015

The Glottkin Mauler/ Spined Beast Conversion Update 1

TJ here to discuss my progress with the Glottkin  mauler fiend/ Spined Chaos Beast. Last time we looked at the basics and to be fair, it isn't far from where we left off, but I am excited to pick the tools up again and get to work.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Angron Daemon Primarch Conversion: The Best I Have Seen!

TJ here to talk about something I have stumbled across during my travels on the internet and that is the greatest Angron Daemon Primarch conversion to date! Dakka' VonKessler has created something that is truly inspired! Let's take a look at this incredible conversion. Warning, large pics!

Monday, January 27, 2014

The Mammoth is Ready for Paint: Maulerfiend Conversion Taken to the Next Level!

TJ (AKA the artist formerly known as Old School Terminator) here with an update on the "Mammoth," my Maulerfiend conversion. This one may be huge, but it was a quick project for me. Let's take a brisk run around the model.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Crazy Maulerfiend Conversion Part 2: More Dangerous than Man/ Bear/ Pig!

TJ here with an update on the Monkey/ Mammoth/ Robot Maulerfiend conversion! I have added some tubes, some green stuff and I am starting to feel it now, so let's take a walk around this bad boy:

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Turning a Toy into a 40k Model Part 2: Soul Grinder from Hell!

TJ back again to talk about turning a toy into a 40k model with my Todd McFarlane Spawn/ Soul Grinder mash-up! I'm going to pick right up from the last article where we finished by fixing the toy's pose with glue, so let's get right to it.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Minotaur Daemon Prince/ Greater Daemon Conversion Painted! My Best Work to Date!

TJ here with my best work to date: The Minotaur Daemon Prince, or Bull-God or whatever you want to call him (I don't mean minotaur Space Marines BTW). This is a conversion and a paint job I am extremely proud of and I plan to run him on the table top for the long term! I have a ton of photos posted below, so please enter with caution, those of you with slow work computers! I only have the iPhone right now for my photography and I know it can make even the best model look awful, so I just took a bunch of photos under different lights and hoped for the best, but enough excuses, let's look at this big, nasty monster!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Hell O' Ween It Came From the Forums: Ravenstein's Awesome Vampire Counts and more!

Hello Everyone, Chuck here with a Hell O' Ween themed It Came From the Forums and one of my personal favorites, an awesome Vampire Counts Army from Ravenstein on the Carpe Noctem Forums! Note, he also makes some killer 40k models including the Chaplain Dread above! 

 Ravenstein's army is full of great paint jobs and amazing conversions let's take a look.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Quick Tutorial: Sculpting Sockets/ Ports in flesh with Green Stuff

SO I have gotten a few e-mails concerning how to make sockets in flesh like I did with the Minotuar Daemon Prince above. First off, the method is one that I read about on Dave Taylor's blog and the post with the mini-tutorial can be found here. Anyway, I managed to pull it off quickly and easily, so I figured I would share a quick tutorial!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Bull God Part IV: Minotaur Daemon Prince/ Greater Daemon Final WIP!

TJ AKA Old School here with my last WIP on the Minotaur/ Bull God conversion prior to painting it. This model has been a lot of fun and has taught me a couple of things as all ambitious projects tend to do. Let's take a look at the model as we talk shop ...

Friday, September 13, 2013

Fateweaver Conversion Part 1: The Fly of Destiny!

TJ here dropping another of my Daemon Conversion Projects on you. I have been in conversion mode lately so I am working on things while that side of the inspiration is there and when the painting bug bites, I will have tons of great stuff to paint. Anyway, I wanted to do my own take on Fateweaver and I happened to have this model kicking around from a conversion I started last year in October ... well, with my new inspiration, I took it apart, re purposed it, added some new bits and wham, I have a Fateweaver I have nicknamed the Fly of Destiny, though my wife is calling him the Fairy Man, which I am sure will stick with my friends ... anyway, let's take a look at this guy in the early stages of this conversion.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Bull God Cometh: Minotaur Daemon Prince/ GD Conversion Part III

TJ here with an update to the Minotaur or "the Bull God" as he has started calling himself. I got more green stuff on the model and I am well on the way to finishing the build of this model.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Bull God Part II: Let's Convert Some Accessories!

TJ here with an update on the Minotaur Daemon Prince. First, I want to acknowledge that through the magic of blogging, I am actually away and actually posted this days ago. Anyway, haha, let's take a look at this daemon prince/ greater daemon conversion.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Tentacle Monster Fully Painted: Keeper/ Greater Daemon Conversion Ready!

TJ here with the Nasty Deamon/ Alien Machine sculpt/conversion fully painted. This was the first thing I grabbed, converted and painted since I have been back from my deployment and I have to say I am quite pleased with the results. Let's take a look at the model and talk about the paint and the parts.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Greater Daemon Conversion w/ creepy eyeballs: Can you keep a secret?

Despite three months overseas with no hobby whatsoever, I picked up the tools and laid down this latest effort, complete with pinning, green stuff sculpting, conversion work and all manner of skills I had worried would have atrophied while away. This is the back of what will be my Keeper of Secrets/ Boon table DP/ Destroyer Lord/ Whatever I feel like it being at the appropriate base/ size for it. This is all part of my End of Days Army that includes my Converted Typhus and Bananas, the flying Monkey DP. Let's take a walk around this model though.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Gorilla Daemon Prince: Flying Monkey Monster!

TJ here continuing with the Daemon Prince/ Greater Daemon model we discussed recently. I have done a considerable amount of green stuff work to smooth everything into place and I am now ready to show it off to you before it gets some paint on it. Let's take a look:

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Tzeentch Daemon Prince/ Greater Daemon Conversion WIP Part 2

Hey guys, picking up where I left off last week, I have made some serious progress on the model I want to stand in as a Tzeentch Daemon Prince or Greater Daemon in my games. This guy is coming along pretty well, so let's take a look at what went into him so far.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Tzeentch DP/ GD Scultping and more GT Prep!

TJ (AKA Old School here) with a quick phone update of the stuff I am working on for the GT next weekend. Here is a shot of a model I am making to represent a Tzeentch Daemon Prince/ Lord of Change/ fate weaver whatever, haha! In any case I am in the sculpting phase on the robe and on the side, Wolfson and I am working on a cool new paint scheme for his Craftworlders! Gotta live GT prep!