Showing posts with label rumors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rumors. Show all posts

Friday, October 28, 2011

Six Days of Horror! Day 4: Scary Rumors for 2012!

While everyone is anticipating the Necron release in a few days, the future for 2012 has been rearing its head more and more through the rumor mill and while metallic robots are sure to be sure to be fearsome, the Tau, the next edition of 40k and of course, the release of Chaos Legions are sure to be the real reasons Imperial commanders lose sleep at night and we have rounded up the scariest rumors for for 2012!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

More 6th Edition Rumors; HUGE POST!

Old School here with an epically long post covering even more 6th edition rumors. This post is long and I haven't even gotten to dig deep enough to give my own thoughts, but I am putting these out for discussion. There are a lot of things in there that sound like Fantasy or 2nd Ed (for those of you who played it or have read the rules). I will offer my thoughts via comments later. Have fun chewing on these rumors folks and let us know what your thoughts and speculations are (an by the way, we know they are rumors, so comments about how they are just rumors are kind of silly). Enjoy:

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Tau Rumors: Examining the Latest Chatter!

As I made my rounds on the Internet this morning, I was intrigued by some Tau rumors that I found at Warhammer Tau. At first the rumors seemed to not be a real big deal, but then the old Shas 'El in me started thinking about the broader picture of what these small rumors could mean for Tau in 5th edition. Let's take a look at these rumors ...