Showing posts with label lists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lists. Show all posts

Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Long View


Fly Molo is, I dare say, back. I should be back to my one post every other day or so clip that I was getting accustomed to before all heck broke loose all over my life... but I wouldn't have it any other way.
Today I'm writing about the "Long View" and keeping my eyes on the proverbial prize.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Chaos/ Necron List Thoughts 6th (1 year in), Time to Change My TourneyList

Regardless of what some people say there is a meta, nationally and locally, no matter where you live. That meta is defined by the types of lists and the capabilities those lists bring to the table and the kind of players who pilot those models and use the tactics behind them. That being said, 6th edition has been out for some time and we can now look back at list building over the last year and what has happened to change our lists and the way we approach coming to the table competitively.