Showing posts with label tomb kings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tomb kings. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Tzeentch Daemon Prince/ Greater Daemon Conversion WIP Part 2

Hey guys, picking up where I left off last week, I have made some serious progress on the model I want to stand in as a Tzeentch Daemon Prince or Greater Daemon in my games. This guy is coming along pretty well, so let's take a look at what went into him so far.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

New Tomb Kings = Happy Thousand Sons/ Tzeentch Converters!!

 Old School here to talk about the "accidental" conversion opportunities that are now available due to the cross release of the Grey Knight and Tomb Kings books as well as just some general fun conversion opportunities for more traditional players who prefer their Thousand Sons as traitors!

This post will include some photos of the new Tomb King advance orders as well as some ideas I hope somebody will run with!