Showing posts with label community questions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label community questions. Show all posts

Monday, November 5, 2012

Your Questions and Topics, The Lord Solar Answers... (part 2)

The topic that I was asked to talk about for this installment was by ServvsUmbrarum who also has a blog, The Initiate, (though he has not posted in awhile, hopefully this will encourage him to!) He asked:
"I've got about 2k worth of guard and I was wondering if you could cover an odd topic but something I've been struggling with.
How can one build an army list that is both fun to play with and against. One of my biggest issues with the way I play guard is that I just sit back and shoot. I love my other codex's because I'm constantly moving, weighing options but my current Guard list is just so...sit there and shoot, target priority being the only real skill I have to use.
So I guess the topic I'd like to see is. "How to make a dynamic guard list that works with the unique nature and strengths of the codex without parking lot.
I hope this makes sense. I never like to make my opponent feel disengaged from the battle and am a strong believer in the 'social contract'."

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Your Questions, The Lord Solar Answers (All About Allies)

O.K. so with the last post I did, a few questions/topic requests were tossed to me by some faithful readers. So I figured I would take the time to answer the first today like I said I would!

First question was from Grazer who also writes for a couple blogs, Rogue Trader and Claws and Fists so check him out (and perhaps he will join the blog roll legion for DFG after this). His question was as follows
"I'd be interested in what you think are the best options for Allies for IG, and whether you even think they are necessary at all. 
I have used Blood Angels infantry to try and strengthen my midfield and to fight for objectives, but they are quite expensive and obviously limit the amount of artillery  tanks and flyers you can select from the IG codex."

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Community Question: How do YOU stop Tervigons effectively?

Gewaltatron commented on the Tervigon Tactics article here, with a question: "ok nice summary. But as a non-nids-player, what is the downside of this monster. how to stop it effectively?"
Now, my first inclination is to answer the question myself and move on, but once I dropped my comment off, I thought that the best way to get him the answer from multiple perspectives was to pose a question to the community - afterall, there are generals of every strip out there who have fought the tervigon! Why not here what the community has to say. Now I hate to think of things in a bubble, so when you answer please note a situation where you have spanked a momma bug and what kind of list it was hanging out in, that way we can see how you dealt with it in relation to the army that it ran with - this way we can all grab some insight.
I now turn it over to you. How do you effectively stop the tervigon or the two tervigon list.