Showing posts with label 40k. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 40k. Show all posts

Monday, August 11, 2014

Knight Fever

 Hey everyone, KrautScientist here. Seeing how TJ's latest posts have been focused on Knights and similar superheavy walkers, I thought I'd ride the same wave and talk about converting Imperial Knights to Chaos.

Having worked on my own Chaos Knight conversion recently, I have put a fair bit of thought into the business of building Knights to fight for the ruinous powers -- and it would certainly make lots of sense to make you dear readers profit from the research I did for my own project, right? Thought so! Now if you would step this way, please...

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Cleansing the palate -- with Nurgle?!

Hey everyone, KrautScientist here. Today, I'd like to talk about a problem we all know. I'd also like to tell you my personal solution to this problem and take the opportunity to show off some models. So what is this about? Step this way to find out!

Monday, February 17, 2014

It Came From the Forums: The amazing models of Jeff Vader


Hey everyone, KrautScientist here, with a look at some amazing models and the highly talented artist behind it all: Today, I would like to talk about the marvelous menagerie of Jeff Vader.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

More Centurions

Hey everyone, KrautScientist here, with a follow up post about the Centurion kit. While my last post on the matter was supposed to take a closer look at the kit itself and show you some promising conversions, today I would like to feature even more takes on the heavy hitting Astartes assault suits.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Pure Michigan Player Feature: Harley Mace's Dread Knight

Here is a quick Michigan Player feature oh Harley Mace's Dreadknight conversion.  Between the conversion and paint this model really stood out over the last weekend at Gamer's Gauntlet.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Sentinels of Terra iBook review

by Chris Vinton

I just downloaded the ibook and have been looking it over.  As a new Chapter Supplement I'm very excited to see what was in this.  I looked around for a 'under the hood' type review because as someone that doesn't normally play imperial fists, I wanted to have a read before I buy look at it.  Unfortunately there is little out there so after sleeping on it I decided to drop the 40$ and let all of you enjoy this buy as well.  Hopefully this will help our readers make an educated buy.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

It Came From the Forums: Brother Heinrich's Night Lords UPDATE!

Hey everyone, KrautScientist here with an absolutely fantastic army I discovered while trawling the forums in search of inspiration. This is also the best possible army for the coming Halloween season.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Quo vadis, Centurions? An In-Depth Review

Hey everyone, Krautscientist here. And for the fluently Latinate among you: Yes, I realise it should probably rather say "Centurione" or "Centuriones" in the title ;) Anyway, what is this about?

With the Space Marine release now some time behind us, I thought it would be interesting to take a look at what may be one of the more divisive GW kits in recent history: the Centurions.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

The Hunt continues...

Hey everyone, KrautScientist here. It's been a while since I last posted here, although life has been rather stressful, and keeping my own blog afloat was all the blogging work I could handle for a while. Does that mean I didn't have any hobby time either, though? No, far from it! As a matter of fact, today I would like to show you some of the things I have been up to...

Monday, February 18, 2013

Building a Better Heldrake - KrautScientist's Take

Hey everyone, KrautScientist here. Today I would like to add my own two cents to the discussion about building a flyer for your Chaos Space Marine army. OST already outlined two fantastic ways to go about this task, showcasing both his amazingly disturbing "Hellworm" as well as his very cleverly kitbashed Nurglite Heldrake conversion. But what about those of us sworn to another chaos god? And is it even possible to use the actual Heldrake kit to make something cool? I would like to show you my approach to answering those questions.

Friday, February 15, 2013

1500 Point Tournament at Evolution Games

Hey guys,

Just a reminder that this Saturday, Evolution Games, in Lansing, Michigan will be holding a 1500 point Warhammer 40k tournament! We hope to see you there. Here are the scenarios:

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Showcase: Kitbashed Legio Custodes army

Hey everyone, KrautScientist here. Yet another showcase post from me. And while the project I would like to show you today may be a little rougher around the edges than my World Eaters, Traitor Guard or INQ28 retinue, it’s because this is a fun project that helps me to recharge my hobby batteries whenever I feel tired of my other armies.

So what we are looking at here is a small army of Pre-Heresy Custodes, the Empire’s personal bodyguard. I have been in love with the Legio Custodes ever since I read through German WD 112 (from April 2005): Not only did it feature rules for a Horus Heresy campaign, but it also marked the first time I ever saw Dave Taylor’s spectacular Legio Custodes army. There was something about those guys that really clicked with me. And even now, quite a few years later, Dave’s Custodes are still easily one of my favourite armies ever.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

February Tournament Announcement at Evolution Games

Hey all,

Lord Solar Steve here with a tournament announcement. Evolution Games in Lansing, Michigan is hosting a tournament on February 16th.  It is a 1500 point tournament with a $10 registration fee. This should be a lot of fun! I do not have all the details on the rounds but I do have a schedule for the day! It is as follows:

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Leaked Dark Angels Pictures!

Well Merry Flippin' Everything, folks.  Christmas came early and the fat man in red dropped a January White Dwarf in someone's lap!

We saw them over at Pins of War, and it looks like they were found originally and posted by ZombieDK over at Dakka.  All credit and props to those who deserve it, now on to the eye candy!!

Do your other hobbies influence your mini's hobby?

Most people in the world of miniatures have more than one hobby, whether it be two or three mini games themselves, or perhaps a board game obsession or perhaps even into RPGs. No matter what, one hobby will influence your others, sometimes for good, sometimes for bad.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Showcase: Inquisitor Lazarus Antrecht and retinue

Hey everyone, KrautScientist here. Today I would like to show you something a little different from my last to posts (showcasing my World Eaters and Traitor Guard, respectively): I would like to introduce you to the wonderful world of “INQ28”:

What the heck is INQ28?  I hear you asking. Well, basically it’s the GW game “Inquisitor” played at the 28mm heroic scale instead of its native 54mm. But why would you want to do that in the first place?

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thirsty Thursday: 20 Shots for 20 legions Part 1: Heretics' Edition

Sammy here with another installment of Thirsty Thursday and this one is a double (see what I did there). This is the first in a two part series covering the original Space Marine Legions and the drinks that represent them and just in case you haven't been reading here long or haven't met us at Adepticon, we love to drink!

This one is all about shots, shooters, and bombs!  I will do my best to keep the ingredients to what is available nationwide but that might not be possible in some instances. So lets dive in.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Army showcase: Urash's Marauders

Hey everyone, this is KrautScientist again. After my initial post (showcasing my World Eaters), I would like to show you the other chaos army project I am currently working on: My growing force of Traitor Guard, called “Urash’s Marauders”.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Your Questions and Topics, The Lord Solar Answers... (part 2)

The topic that I was asked to talk about for this installment was by ServvsUmbrarum who also has a blog, The Initiate, (though he has not posted in awhile, hopefully this will encourage him to!) He asked:
"I've got about 2k worth of guard and I was wondering if you could cover an odd topic but something I've been struggling with.
How can one build an army list that is both fun to play with and against. One of my biggest issues with the way I play guard is that I just sit back and shoot. I love my other codex's because I'm constantly moving, weighing options but my current Guard list is just so...sit there and shoot, target priority being the only real skill I have to use.
So I guess the topic I'd like to see is. "How to make a dynamic guard list that works with the unique nature and strengths of the codex without parking lot.
I hope this makes sense. I never like to make my opponent feel disengaged from the battle and am a strong believer in the 'social contract'."

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Your Questions, The Lord Solar Answers (All About Allies)

O.K. so with the last post I did, a few questions/topic requests were tossed to me by some faithful readers. So I figured I would take the time to answer the first today like I said I would!

First question was from Grazer who also writes for a couple blogs, Rogue Trader and Claws and Fists so check him out (and perhaps he will join the blog roll legion for DFG after this). His question was as follows
"I'd be interested in what you think are the best options for Allies for IG, and whether you even think they are necessary at all. 
I have used Blood Angels infantry to try and strengthen my midfield and to fight for objectives, but they are quite expensive and obviously limit the amount of artillery  tanks and flyers you can select from the IG codex."