Showing posts with label Black Library. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Black Library. Show all posts

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Perturabo Fully Painted and Ready for War!

Not long ago I asked what people thought my next project would be. Keeping in step with the unsubtle nature of the Iron Warriors, I have decided to announce my return to the IV Legion with the posting of their gene-father, the Lord of Iron, Perturabo. The model I chose is the Pro-Turbo model from Hi-Tech Miniatures, which as you can imagine, is a great fit for Perturabo. In fact, with further research into the Heresy series, this model is nearly dead accurate. In any case, I really enjoyed painting the model that will form the centerpiece of the Heresy-Era Iron Warriors and their cohort. Let take a look at the model and where I drew inspiration from.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

A Great Read: Ahriman: Exile by John French

Old School here with a quick look at Ahriman: Exile, a Black Library novel that was released electronically recently. I was sick the day after Christmas and downloaded it expecting to maybe hammer it out over the course of the week, but I actually read through the whole book in a sitting. The last time a 40k novel entertained me this much was the original Soul Hunter novel by Aaron D.B. I will give a quick break down of what the book is about and what I thought about it. I will avoid making any real huge spoilers, but if you like to go into books blind, please avoid the rest of this post and just know that I thought it was a good read.

Monday, October 22, 2012

An Interview with Black Library Author Mike Lee

Old School here with another entry to our interview series. This time, we are very excited to bring you Mike Lee. We were lucky enough to be able to interview Black Library Author, Mike Lee during the Dropzone Games Grand Opening in Glen Burnie, MD. We had a great time and really just shot the breeze about stuff we love - from wargaming to the Heresy Series, RPGs and Horror.
For those of you who don’t know about Mike, he is best known for the Chronicles of Malus Darkblade and the Time of Legends; Nagash series. He also wrote Fallen Angels from the Horus Heresy series and has also worked as a game designer for White Wolf Publishing’s Demon: The Fallen. With no further delay, let’s get into this interview, but before we start I really have to give it up to Mike Lee for going so in depth with us. This was a great interview and really blew my expectations away ... if only everything was publishable!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Fear to Tread: The Next Horus Heresy Novel

Old School here with a quick peice from the upcoming Horus Heresy novel, Fear to Tread, featuring the Blood Angels.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

An Interview With a Black Library Author

Old School here just to help get the word out about a great post over at fellow Michigan gaming blog, Fresh Coast 40k. Muggins, the founder of FC40k has been frustrated for some time trying to get his hands on some Tyranid fiction from the Black Library and once he found some, he took action:

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Garro: Legion of One and Oath review and Black Library Audio Books

For those of us who enjoy reading the Horus Heresy novels, Flight of the Eisenstein is no doubt a stand-out novel. The book introduces Nathaniel Garro and the rest is history ... or is it? The end of Eisenstein begs for more on what happens to Garro, but the Black Library has decided to only release the continuation in Audio format. This is a smart move for them (taking a story we are all interested in and making it avaiable in a way most of us wouldn't normally use), but has caused some friction. After holding out for a very long time, Inquisitor Lord Vogrin and I bought a copy of Legion of One and Oath of Moment at Adepticon and I just wanted to share my thoughts on the books and the audio format in general.