Showing posts with label Gorilla. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gorilla. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Gorilla Daemon Prince Finished, Fully Painted!!

Tj here to show off the fully painted Gorilla Daemon Prince that I have been working on. Since he is basically a giant flying ape, I will call him Bananas! Bananas was a hell of a lot of fun to paint and I want to show off some pics, talk a little about the paint job and about the "Army of the Apocalypse" not to be confused with an apocalypse army. So let's take a look at the photos:

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Gorilla Daemon Prince: Flying Monkey Monster!

TJ here continuing with the Daemon Prince/ Greater Daemon model we discussed recently. I have done a considerable amount of green stuff work to smooth everything into place and I am now ready to show it off to you before it gets some paint on it. Let's take a look:

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Gorilla: Daemon Prince/ Greater Daemon Conversion WIP!

As many of you already know, I like to make big monsters. The latest conversion project on my desk is no exception. I call this guy the Gorilla (mostly due to the pose and anatomy) and he is a conversion of the Helbrute and Mauler Fiend kits with some extras thrown in with a whole lot of pinning and Green Stuff. Let's take a look at the model so far:

Friday, September 7, 2012

DropZone Games Grand Opening Swag

Hello everyone Wolfson here to let you know we are three hours from official launch of the DropZone Games grand opening weekend.  The weekend will be packed full of all things wargaming and to celebrate DropZone will have the shirt pictured above and below available.

The love for Tiger tanks and Gorillas is very strong around the shop so what better way to celebrate than with a massive Gorilla/Tiger combo on the back of the shirt!

I will be bringing you constant updates on the events as the weekend goes on so be sure to check the site regularly or better yet drop by the store and take part in an event weekend you will never forget.

For more information also visit their Facebook at