Showing posts with label Blogs of Note. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogs of Note. Show all posts

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Blanche Inspired Traitor Knight Titan by John Ashton!

TJ here to help draw some attention to a fantastic artist and his most ambitious project: A Blanche inspired Purple and Pink Traitor Knight! This is very vivid, but very awesome. Let's take a brief look and then check out his link to see more.

Friday, July 11, 2014

It Came From the Blogosphere: Rumplemaster's Yellow Necron Conversions

TJ here to introduce you to an artist known as Rumple Master and just one of his fantastic conversion armies, his Yellow, Rusty Necrons. Now as a fellow artist with an army of yellow, white and blue, rusty Necrons, I nearly fell out of my chair when I saw these incredible conversions in my favorite scheme. Wonder what this huge mech is? Well, let's look together ...

Monday, February 17, 2014

It Came From the Forums: The amazing models of Jeff Vader


Hey everyone, KrautScientist here, with a look at some amazing models and the highly talented artist behind it all: Today, I would like to talk about the marvelous menagerie of Jeff Vader.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A Closer Look At Chapter Tactics by Darren Driver of The Art of Warhammer!

A Closer Look at Chapter Tactics by Darren Driver at The Art of Warhammer

While looking through the DFG Blog Network, I found an article on Space Marine Chapter Tactics that summed up everything I had thought about the new tactics, especially in comparison to the old 4th edition version of the chapter traits. The article is by Darren Driver at The Art of Warhammer, an excellent blog that I recommend you check out and follow. Darren has a lot of great paint articles and has been doing a hell of a job with his own Marines. Please check out The Art of Warhammer or read the article below and then go check out the blog, you won't be disapointed:

It's been about a month and I still haven't said anything about the new Space Marine codex, so this article has been a long time coming.

I think it's fair to say that the Chapter Tactics are the hottest thing in the new codex. Who remembers the old Chapter Traits in 4th edition? I do. They're like them without the opportunity to abuse the rules. I mean, let's face it, who didn't go with a custom chapter and use whatever tactics worked best every time? And then there were us suckers who used established chapters. Us Ultramarine fans especially had our faith tested with no traits at all.

Fortunately, in my honest opinion, Games Workshop got it right this time. You're guaranteed unique special rules that shape your army in a way that others can't. For me the best thing is, aside from the Black Templars, no chapter is limited in what they can take, but their rules will naturally make collectors evolve their armies in different  ways. I thought I'd take some time to go through each chapter tactic and what they do for their respective chapters.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A New Blog of Note: GB&B Covers More Than Just 40k!

Well guys, for those of you who wondered where the winds of the Internet would blow the former authors of Dark Future Games, let me turn you onto a new blog headed by Lord Solar Steve and Dreadbeard (formerly known as Samsquantch Monster). Don't take it from me though, here is the info directly from Lord Solar Steve:

Thursday, January 31, 2013

The New Dark Angels Codex: Sharing the Raven Wing Experience!

Ravenwing standard bearer 

Old School here with a post concerning Raven Wing bike armies. Now, usually I would just talk about what I thought worked and what doesn't and list ideas when it comes to exploring a new book, but then I found a couple of articles that not only detailed a list using the new Raven Wing, but 5 games worth of competitive battle reports summing its performance against a lot of different lists and how it was used to full effect on the table. With that said, rather than run my mouth, I want to share some field experience from the links below:

Monday, November 12, 2012

What's to Like About Tournaments? BDS Puts Our Thoughts into Words!

Old School here with an article from a fellow Michigan War Gamer, BDS, of BDS 40k. I want to run this article here because it sums up basically how the DFG authors and most of the communities I have gamed in really feel about tournaments. I will have more to say after the article, so here it is:

Friday, October 12, 2012

A Blog of Note: Drowned in Plastic, Tutorials and Amazing Paint!

Old School here with another installment of Blogs of Note. Every once in a while I find a blog that is so awesome, so great in terms of hobby that it must be recommended to our readers. Drowned in Plastic is a young blog by an experienced player and hobbyist named Brandon Griffith who not only shares his amazing art, but also plenty of tutorials and guides to the kinds of paint he uses. Let's take a look at some of his work.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

365 Days of Gaming!

Old School here to help get the word out about something one of our friends and fellow author is doing that is not only one hell of a challenge, but something I think will be interesting to see progress as a spectator. Rhellion from Rhellion's Tabletop will be attempting 365 days of gaming. Here is his announcement:

Thursday, March 15, 2012

A Blog of Note: Rust and the City! Chaos Marines and Renegades at their Best!

Old School here with a new Blog of Note. Blogs of Note is a series I have been running for a few years now to feature some of the best blogs out there you may have never seen, but you should follow! Tonight we are looking at the talented Cameron of Rust and the City, an artist who has brought some serious skill to the Chaos Renegade and Legionary scene. Let's take a look at his work.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Welcome to the Blogosphere, Battle Barn!

Old School here to help break the Battle Barn into the Blogosphere. Having hosted tournaments attended by members of the Battle Barn crew and with them being a fellow Michigan Wargaming Blog, I figured I would help them out by throwing up this shout out and inviting my readership to check their new blog out.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Blog of Note: The War Master's Revenge

 Old School here to share a little love for a newer blog that I have found and have come to really enjoy: The War Master's Revenge! If you enjoy conversions, vibrant paint and hilarious commentary, try them out and if you see something you like, follow them. Before I drop the link, let's take a look at some of the stuff Greatgunz has brought us (warning, for you skirts who hate counts as, this may not be for you :-) )

Friday, February 18, 2011

A Blog of Note: Eye of Error, the home of incredible evil eye candy!

 Old School here with a Blog of Note that I take very much pleasure in posting. This blog of note features a blog managed by a very talented artist with a theme that of course, I am a sucker for ...

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Dark Eldar Voidraven Bomber Conversion from MI40k: A Blog of Note!

 Old School here to talk about an incredible Voidraven Bomber conversion that Xerohack from MI40k posted on their site (MI40k, duh) about two weeks ago. The conversion caught my eye immediately and all of the DFG crew really were exited to see it. I know MI40k tends to operate on a more local level, but I just can't help myself, I wanted to show it off for those of you who haven't seen it and also, give you an opportunity to check out MI40k for yourself ...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Storm Raven Revealed! Possible New Dread in background!

Old School here and it looks like GW went and outed the Storm Raven either by accident or clever marketing manuevers. Either way, it was spotted and it is out there. The image was spotted on their Web site, but then was taken down. Here is thread from dakka detailing the sighting:

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Chaosgerbil's Elect of Tzeench: Counts as Taken to the next Level!

Old School here and in case you have never been to Chaosgerbil's Lair, you have been missing out on the progress of one of the best counts as armies in the works right now - The Elect of Tzeench! From the photos, it should be obvious what everything represents (the mark of any good counts as army), so here are some great shots from his blog. Enjoy.

Even more without the Fenrisian Wolves.

I love the predator riding on writhing tentacles.

His vehicle lot is awesome. The yellow writing and the faces painted in make it stand out and give it some serious flavor. I am not sure what that sea cucumber thing is, but it also looks very awesome.
I am promoting this army and his site because I want people to see what Counts-as armies can be. I think a lot of the people out there who are opposed to counts-as armies feel that way because they have been exposed to peple who just busted out a different power-armored army, put it on the table and said, look these guys count as Wolves or they count as angels today, with no modification and nothing done to make their models characterful within their own theme. I can understand how this can seem lame and I can also see when people bust out counts-as just to play their own models to make counts as lists with the most powerful units at the moment how that can be lame as well.
What I want people who have been exposed to those kind of counts as armies and people who oppose it in general to see is that some folks prefer a particular army's look (for me it is Chaos, for Cvinton it is Salamanders) and they want to use the army and its look and concepts to represent other books so they can play their models and their army more. They want to convert cool looking shit ad put it on the board for everyone at the FLGS to do backflips over - clearly, this is what Chaosgerbil was going for. CVinton right now is building a Salamanders army with guys riding Carnasaurs, Cold Ones and Stegadons, guys armed with huge, dragon-headed thunderhammer and generally cool counts-as stuff and it does blow my mind to see it even in concept.
I am building my Black Legion into a 14th Black Crusade force - an army that can represent any power-armored army with cool twists. Right now I am working on my fleshweavers - hulking half-machine, half-daemon creatures that will count as iron priests on thunderwolves who will lead genetic failures (cyberwolves) into the fray. I am drawing up concepts for a Black Coven - an army of chaos sorcerors and apprentices to act as the Grey Knights and i will keep going and converting and having fun with my chosen army.
With that being said, there are other good counts as out there, Black Matt is working on a World Eaters commission that can function in various books - We have all seen BoLS' Death Guard who can be both loyal and traitor.
Let me be the first to say that if you have a badass counts-as army that functions in several books, no matter what army it is and it is WYSIWYG, we will show it off here and promote it for you! Got a link, hit us up! Want to see more of Chaosgerbil's army or add him to your blogroll? Check out his blog at the link at the top of the article - let him know what you think.

Friday, August 27, 2010

A Blog of Note: Eldar Addict's Shrinky Dink Bone Swords Pave Way for New Conversion Techniques!

Old School here to promote a great post from Eldar Addict. He used a kids craft kit called Shrinky Dinks to make Bone Swords for a Swarm Lord - but the great idea here is that you can design something at 3X size (like chapter symbols, chaos icons, hard to carve parts) and then shrink it in the oven. This means that folks who are just starting with plastic card or folks who have trouble carving small details in card can now create their work in a larger format and then shrink it down. I have never seen this before in all my blog and forum whoring, which means that this is one hell of a great discovery by Eldar addict and I am very happy that I have been following his blog these many months.
Don't take my word for it, look at these photos and then go check out his guide here.

Starting with a 3x sketch, he begins to design his bone sword.

He cuts them out of the Shrinky Dink material.

After baking, he has a sword!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Agreat Paint Color Matching Tool Discovered!

If you aren't checking Mi40k out here, then you need to. They just posted a link to a great online tool for matching paint colors from different lines so you don't have to be like me; sculking around department stores with a gw pot, opening up paints and holding them up in the light while saw-toothed employees gawk at you like your going to steal their precious craft paint! Seriously it has taken me a couple years to get to know the many different brands and how the colors corrispond and what colors work best for cheaper or just plain better in each brand and they posted a link that gives you the keys to the castle!
Alright, I am rambling, go check them out again here, check out the link, follow them, add them to your blogroll, you won't be sorry!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

A Blog of Note: Craftworld Lansing!

Old School here with a Blog of Note! This blog of note is an upstart blog from our friend Seerkarandras! The good Seer is a former GW employee and veteran of the 2nd and 3rd editions of the game - not to mention a stand-up guy (literally, he could be a comedian)!
Anyway, the Seer plays at our FLGS here in Lansing: Evolution Games and mostly blogs about his Eldar army which is being updated and overhauled from his 3rd edition roots to 5th edition glory. He is also participating in an Ard Boys tournament this weekend at Pandemonium Games in Ann Arbor, where hopefully, he can bring back some glory for the local Craftworld! Check out his blog here and add it to your roll to hear about his exploits: Craftworld Lansing

_ACyn65UDVmc/S-8ETy-tN0I/AAAAAAAACmQ/Am-MalST4c0/s1600/100_0846.JPG"> Anyway, if you want to read more about his eldar, see some of his future battle reports or be there when he opens his Chapterhouse Studios jetbike seer counsel models, then visit his blog. The link again is: Craftworld Lansing

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Blog of Note: Space Wolves

Old School here,

It has been a while since I have posted a Blog of Note and I usually reserve it for much smaller blogs that need help getting off their feet, but I have to give it up to the guys at Space Wolves. As I have been putting together the lists and artistic themes I want to work with prior to building my Hounds of Cerebus 13th Company, I have constantly turned to either their latest articles or one of their older ones for help. The fact that they have come from all over (many with their own blogs) to talk about the tactics and painting and well ... everything Space Wolves is a boon to the community and is in essence what the spirit of this hobby is all about. I commend you gentlemen for what you are doing and though I am sure EVERYONE has heard of you, I hope this steers a few more folks in your direction. If you have never heard of the Space Wolves blog, check it out, I promise it will not let you down: Semper fi.