Showing posts with label pre heresy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pre heresy. Show all posts

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Perturabo Fully Painted and Ready for War!

Not long ago I asked what people thought my next project would be. Keeping in step with the unsubtle nature of the Iron Warriors, I have decided to announce my return to the IV Legion with the posting of their gene-father, the Lord of Iron, Perturabo. The model I chose is the Pro-Turbo model from Hi-Tech Miniatures, which as you can imagine, is a great fit for Perturabo. In fact, with further research into the Heresy series, this model is nearly dead accurate. In any case, I really enjoyed painting the model that will form the centerpiece of the Heresy-Era Iron Warriors and their cohort. Let take a look at the model and where I drew inspiration from.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Who Plays 30k and Other Heresy Related Questions

OST here to pose some questions to the community concerning 30k. I don't talk about it here a whole lot, but I have been into the Heresy Era since before BL was publishing books about. 30k Hipster status aside, now that there are rules and models for it, I haven't actually ever seen anybody playing it and aside from the old Tempus Fugitives stuff (which is awesome), I haven't really seen a ton of traffic and actual batreps either. With that said, I have some questions for the Gurus out there when it comes to playing games in the 31st Millenium:

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Showcase: Kitbashed Legio Custodes army

Hey everyone, KrautScientist here. Yet another showcase post from me. And while the project I would like to show you today may be a little rougher around the edges than my World Eaters, Traitor Guard or INQ28 retinue, it’s because this is a fun project that helps me to recharge my hobby batteries whenever I feel tired of my other armies.

So what we are looking at here is a small army of Pre-Heresy Custodes, the Empire’s personal bodyguard. I have been in love with the Legio Custodes ever since I read through German WD 112 (from April 2005): Not only did it feature rules for a Horus Heresy campaign, but it also marked the first time I ever saw Dave Taylor’s spectacular Legio Custodes army. There was something about those guys that really clicked with me. And even now, quite a few years later, Dave’s Custodes are still easily one of my favourite armies ever.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Video: Questions and Answers with Forge World Part 1

Alright, Old School here with another video from Games Day UK 2012 brought to you by our Alpha Legionnaire! This one is the first half of a Q&A session where folks get to talk directly to the designers. Some of the things discussed are the Legio Cybernetica, where the Forge World Heresy Series plans to go and whether or not they will continue to work on 40k material for xenos races.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Video: Forge World Horus Heresy Book II: Massacre, New Models, Nightlords, Salamanders and More!

Old School here with a video taken from the Games Day UK 2012 Forge World Seminar by a friend of the blog. The second half of the video talks about the next Heresy Book FW plans to produce: Massacre, the next character model to follow Angron and some of the new models that we will see in the coming weeks. They also talk about re-doing

Friday, October 5, 2012

Iron Warriors Primarch/ Chaos Lord Alternative Unboxing: Hi-Tech's Pro Turbo!

Old School here with another unboxing article. This time we are looking at another Hi-Tech model named "Pro-Turbo." This model, in my opinion would work well for the obvious task of being the Iron Warriors Primarch, but could also fill in as a Chaos Lord, Abbadon ... or with little modification, a loyalist HQ as well. Let's take a look ....

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Games Day UK 2012 Post 1: Angron, New Models and More

 Old School here with a massive post featuring photos our trusted friend has grabbed for us from Games Day UK 2012. In this post, we will look at Angron's stats, New models from Forge World and more, so let's take a look!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

New Pre Heresy Terminator Armor!

Forgeworld just put out word that they are releasing Cataphracti Pattern Terminator Armor and weapons!

Look below this paragraph for the link to the photos! (blogger app on my phone is not amazing) This officially is what makes me happy about not only this release but also the new Chaos Legion stuff.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Forge World Pre Heresy Legion Jetbikes, Traitor Legion Pads and Etches

Old School here. I just thought I would pass along one of the more exiting things I have seen in a Forgeworld newsletter since the Contemptor release. It's called the scimitar pattern Jetbike. There are plenty more photos here so check it out.

I am hoping to have somebody pick up some of these for me at Games Day so I can mod them as traitor bikes for my Chaos Comeback Project.

Also of note are the shoulder pads and etches which will work for pre-heresy and post heresy traitor legions alike, check them out:

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Painting Challenge Week 7! Storm Eagle and Traitor Guard!

Old School here to post the weekly wrap up of Painting Challenge Kill Points from our contributors! This week is all about traitors! We have a World Eaters pre-heresy (maybe even mid heresy) Strom Eagle and some Traitor Guard Chimeras for you, so let's check them out!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Pre-Heresy World Eater Drop Pods - Mordian7th enters the DFG Painting Challenge!

Old School here, with a Painting Challenge Kill Point Guest Post from Mordian7th, a super talented artist with a serious love for Heresy Era armies! Anyway, check out his pods, then follow the link at the bottom of the page and explore the great stuff he has been working on over at his blog. Here is Mordian7th ...

Friday, July 1, 2011

Forge World Releases Pre-Heresy Pattern Dreadnought!

 I got out of work to discover that Forge World has brewed up another special dose of their resin Spanish Fly just in time for me to whip out my dollars! I have seen so many conversions of the Pre-Heresy pattern dreadnoughts and always thought there was something off about them, but I loved the artwork and always thought some company would make one someday ... and now Forge World has done it and have pulled it off much better than I concieved.

I like the fact that it looks like a terminator - Now it is clear where the term "Tactical Dreadnought Armour" came from. The model doesn't have a lot of chapter markings which is nice because people will want to add their own markings and design elements. Also, the model hold potential for making Daemon Primarchs (as a base model anyway), daemon Princes, better looking dreadknights ect. While we are at it, let's take a look at the weapons put out so far ...