Showing posts with label The Test of Khaine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Test of Khaine. Show all posts

Monday, April 8, 2013

Test of Khaine Adepticon Primer Announcement

I want to take the opportunity this afternoon to help get the word out about the Test of Khaine, an annual tournament held at Evolution Games in Lansing, MI by my friend and fellow club member, SeerK AKA Josh as we know him. This year he is running the event as an Adepticon GT primer on April 13 and I have to say that he puts on a good show and Evolution has plenty of space for a huge event. With that said, I am sure some of the best players will also show up, so if you really want to test your Adepticon list and theory under the Primer Rules and FAQ, then this will be the place for people in Michigan to do it.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Test Of Khaine Tournament April 13! Adepticon Primer!

  The Infinity Circuit is burning with Rage. The Avatar Stirs. The Test Of Khaine is upon us.....

Wow has it been 3 years already? Time flies. Well as I have done for the past two years we will be celebrating Craftworld Lansing’s 3rd Birthday on April 13th with our annual tournament “The Test Of Khaine.

This will be an Adepticon Primer 1850 point tournament.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Test Of Khaine Tournament: Missions

Well its that time again. To celebrate Craftworld Lansing's 2nd birthday I bring you the 2nd Test Of Khaine Tournament on April 14th at Evolution Games. This is an 1850 pt tournament. Painted armies are encouraged but not required. Standard force org is being used with no Forge World rules allowed. Models are if they are being used instead of standard GW models. So I present to you the missions sans the fluff so you can prepare your army. Primary Objectives are worth 30 battle points, secondary Objectives are worth 15 points and Tertiary Objectives are worth 10 points. Games are 5 turns with standard random game length rules in effect.

Friday, March 30, 2012

The Test Of Khaine: April 14th

Well the Test was so popular last year we are doing it again.  This Test Of Khaine will take place on April 14th at Evolution Games.  The tournament will start promptly at 11 am and as Long as I can get Farseer Rerolls to open early registration will start at 10 AM.  It will be 1850 pts and no Foregworld Rules are allowed.  Standard force org is in full effect.  There will be 3 missions which will be posted this coming week.  Armies do not have to be painted, but a 3 color standard is encouraged as there will be prizes for best painted army.
The theme again will be Strength, Speed and Cunning.  Will General Chaos and his Orks Meet Khaines Challenges once again?  Or will a new Young King take the mantle?

Email me if you have any questions at

Hope to see you all there.


Blood Runs, Anger Rises, Death Wakes, War Calls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!