Showing posts with label War Without End. Show all posts
Showing posts with label War Without End. Show all posts

Monday, February 25, 2013

A War Without End: Heldrake vs Wraith's!

OST here with a quick overnight War Without End post! Tonight we are looking at some footage from the Test Game Arena, AKA the home made table Wolfson and I made to play 40k in the house. I love to take photos during games when I get the chance and this one was great. It screams for captioning.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

A War Without End: DE Vs Traitor Guard Pic of the Day!

Old School here with the pic of the day from Jeff on the DFG Facebook group (you should join the group!) His Traitor Russ formation brings its unholy munitions to bear against the xenos raiders! Personally, I think the Wyches have this! Hope they brought G'Nades!