Showing posts with label gaming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gaming. Show all posts

Friday, August 24, 2012

Alright already... lets talk about what went right..

There has been a lot of crying, a lot of calling out issues and a lot of questions with 6th Edition, yet perhaps it is time to take a step back, with the acknowledgement that some things need clarity, and take a moment to praise some of the -GREAT- things we have gotten with the new rule set. (and i don't mean just things that benefit my army)

First off and primary to my enjoyment of the game overall is the new and improved missions. I am loving every bit of it, It got quite tiring to play the same three setup/mission combos over and over again at the FLGS and then once again at a local tournament.  (I know that some tournaments used other things, but still...) Which more than anything has resulted in the less importance on kill points than before (yay!)

The chances of you playing two games that are nearly the same setup, with the same mission and objectives is extremely rare now with the advent of mysterious terrain and objectives which add a thread of variety to each and every game (and yes I am of the opinion that those rules are not optional, they are not presented as such in the rule book, so why do we think that they can be?) To em this variety and excitement of never quite knowing what things are going to be like make the player have to anticipate far more than you used to, making the game far more thematic as well as thought provoking.  So if you find your games getting a bit stagnant  make sure you -USE- these rules, from the terrain and archeotech things to the mysterious objectives.

What do you guys think is the greatest thing about the new edition? Do you think it is the new way terrain works? The new missions? Or perhaps it is the allies chart or the something else?

Once again, if you readers have anything you would like me to cover in a post (I recommend Imperial Guard questions but hell I will give any subject a shot as long as it pertains to 40k) shoot me an email at

Until next time, burn some heretics, kill some mutants, and do it always.....


Monday, May 16, 2011

Wait… Steve… no Leman Russ? What’s wrong?

That is an exact question asked to me when I revealed my new list to a few people a couple weeks ago at Evolution games. I understand why as well, as I have for the longest time been a big proponent of the Leman Russ tanks and all the glorious damage they bring. I have won more than a fair share, or taken second, in enough tournaments to have proven my point of their power and durability if properly played and supported with the rest of your army (once again I preach balance in a list and how that makes entire codices better if used). However that does not mean I do not like to vary up my lists every once in a while and as such with the recent purchase of 3 Vendettas/Valkyries I decided it was time to take a look at some other ideas, and I built the following list with a little extra input from The Judge and Samsquanch Monster.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Question for the Community; Do You Think There is a Meta Game?

Old School here with a Question for the Community concerning the existence of the Metagame. The metagame is defined as a source of influence into the game that is not directly related to the rules, rather the metagame is a web of unit choices, combinations, USR and common army list builds that a player may percieve to be common enough at any given time to influence the type of army, army list and tactics he or she may use.