Showing posts with label Glottkin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Glottkin. Show all posts

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Glottkin Lamprey Maulerfiend Conversion Painted!

TJ here with another insane conversion monster painted and ready for battle. Today I am showing off the panther (or lamprey) Maulerfiend conversion I made from the Glottkin arms. Let's take a look:

Monday, March 9, 2015

Glottkin Maulerfiend Conversion Continues V: Ripped Flesh and Nearly Complete

TJ here with more of my latest project, which has been dubbed Gluttony, or keeping the zoo theme: Project Sex Panther (PSP). A lot more green stuff work has gone into this, so let's take a look at it.

Friday, February 20, 2015

The Glottkin Mauler/ Spined Beast Conversion Update 1

TJ here to discuss my progress with the Glottkin  mauler fiend/ Spined Chaos Beast. Last time we looked at the basics and to be fair, it isn't far from where we left off, but I am excited to pick the tools up again and get to work.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Glottkin Conversions: Plague Panther Part 1

TJ here to talk about my first Glottkin conversion peice. Basically, I am turning his arms into an entirely different (40k) model. Let's take a look at the mock up so far, which I call the Panther to fit my history of zoo themed project names.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Glottkin in 40k: Conversion Ideas YOU Can Steal!

TJ here with a post regarding my plans for the Glottkin bros. I will do other posts for my End Times Nurgle plans, but this post is all about getting the best value for my dollar on this kit, which I will have in hand very shortly. 

With no further delay, lets look at the brothers ...