Showing posts with label primarchs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label primarchs. Show all posts

Monday, September 17, 2018

Magnus the Red: Converted and Painted!

I have Magnus here painted and converted. Yes, the background is a little busy, but I am happy with the model overall.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Angron Daemon Primarch Conversion: The Best I Have Seen!

TJ here to talk about something I have stumbled across during my travels on the internet and that is the greatest Angron Daemon Primarch conversion to date! Dakka' VonKessler has created something that is truly inspired! Let's take a look at this incredible conversion. Warning, large pics!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Perturabo Fully Painted and Ready for War!

Not long ago I asked what people thought my next project would be. Keeping in step with the unsubtle nature of the Iron Warriors, I have decided to announce my return to the IV Legion with the posting of their gene-father, the Lord of Iron, Perturabo. The model I chose is the Pro-Turbo model from Hi-Tech Miniatures, which as you can imagine, is a great fit for Perturabo. In fact, with further research into the Heresy series, this model is nearly dead accurate. In any case, I really enjoyed painting the model that will form the centerpiece of the Heresy-Era Iron Warriors and their cohort. Let take a look at the model and where I drew inspiration from.