Showing posts with label 14th black crusade. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 14th black crusade. Show all posts

Friday, March 11, 2011

Khorne Thunderwolf Cav Counts As Conversion: Another Khorne Khav joins the 14th!

Old School here with another update to the Painting Challenge and another of my Khorne Counts As Thunderwolf Cavalry or "The Khorne Khav" as I call them. This Wolf Lord (or Skull Lord) was made with a Forge World Berzerker conversion kit, a devestator powerfist, a plastic jugger (obviously) and some various parts from other kits. This is the fourth Khorne Lord I have made so far for the 14th Black Crusade and I have plenty of photos (though, not the best, damn 4MP), so lets take a look.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

DFG Painting Challenge: Iron Warrior Havocs by OST!

Old School here with a quick look at my latest entry for the DFG Painting Challenge - These Iron Warrior Havocs. Yeah, I know some folks were looking for the Tervigon, but that is a very special peice and will take some time. For now though, the 14th Black Crusade requires missile launchers, especially with what I have in mind!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Death Guard Possessed Vindicator! Vomica Painted and Ready to Go!

Old School here with my next entry for the DFG Painting League; my Nurgle Vindicator! This vindicator was something I converted two years ago and while it has a couple little modeling flaws, it has always been close to my heart. Let's take a look at a few photos of this model ...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Painted Dreadclaw Drop Pod Conversion! Iron Warriors!

Iron within, rust without, that's what I always say! Old School here with a finished look at the dreadclaw conversion I built in October and painted yesterday. This is the first step down the path of getting my armies painted as mentioned in my last post. This dreadclaw took on a few last minute changes before hitting the paint bench so let's look at a few more pics and explore the changes and the paint ...

Sunday, November 28, 2010

The 14th Black Crusade Sees 1st Combat in Local Tourney!

Old School here to talk about a tourney held recently at Evolution Games, our local FLGS. About three weeks ago, the local store manager (Re-rolls) put the word out that Evo would hold an 1850 tourney and all the models would have to have the three color minimum. This was incredibly exiting to many of us as all the other tournies we have had at the store have been either small points or doubles and never had a paint requirement. I already had most of my drop nids painted, had a great record (only three losses and a draw in over 30 games) and everyone figured I would bring them.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Khorne Thunderwolf Conversion: Counts as Canis: Khanis Bloodborn, painted and ready!

Old School here to welcome in Halloween with my Khorne Version of Canis Wolfborn - Khanis Bloodborn! I know it sounds cheesy, but the model speaks for itself! Here is the newest member to my growing 14th Black Crusade - yet another Forge World Khorne Berzerker on Juggernaut!

The arms came from the Chaos Lord plastic kit and they were painted black as a small homage the Blood Lords must pay the Black Legion when marching under the banners of the latest Black Crusade, The bodey is from the FW Berzerker conversion set and the head is the bare FW Lord Zhofur head.

As usual, please forgive the camera for not liking red.

The face really is one of my favorite things about this model as it adds so much life to it, along with the over reaching pose of the model reaching forward every available inch to try to dig those claws into somebody. Coupled with the pose of the Jugger, I think this Khorne Khav model best captures the raging fury of the World Eaters better than the other two I have painted.

As usual, I went for the gritty look with lots of blood spatter and green washed into the brass on the Jugger. I also liked the green lighting effect from the last one so have made it a fixture for all my upcoming juggernaught projects.

This dude has some serious trophies to take home for the Blood God, including a Salamander head taken from the Space Marine Commander set (you know its gonna happen CVinton!), a sanguinary Guard head, and plenty of skulls ... oh and almost forgot the dirty, blooded head of a Dark Eldar (just for you, SeerK).
Overall, I just had a lot of fun with this model. Now that I can see it in super-zoom-close-up mode, I have spotted a ton of little mistakes. I am my harshest critic (besides CVinton and Capt. Obvious of course). I would love to here what you all think of it! Happy Halloween and if you live near me don't be suprised if I stop by for "Trick or Beer"!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Completed Khorne Lord Zhofur for the 14th Black Crusade!

Old School here with some photos of the Forge World Lord Zhofur model I painted up today. I impulse-grabbed him from my case and got to work on him. When I first modelled him nearly a year ago, I wanted to use him as a Chaos Terminator Lord with Daemon Weapon and I wanted to keep the nude head for another potential project. I hated the trophy racks as they limit the range of motion you get from the model, so I checked them and used some green stuff to fill the gaps - along with tons of pinning. I based him on crushed-up floor tile.

He was already primed Valspar's Ruddy Brown (reddish-brown color), then hit all the red areas with Mechrite Red foundation. I then hit all the brass areas with bestial brown and proceeded to wash the entire model in a good thick wash of delvin mud wash, ensuring I pushed it into every crack and gap.

Once that was done, I hit the eyes and the small meters on the back of the model with layers of green starting with Thraka foundation, followed by dark angels green, goblin green, snot green and the hints of scorpion green. The areas that were mechrite, were then painted with thin layers of red gore to build up and blaend the areas shaded by the wash to give the model a time-tested look. I love gritty!

Once I had the red gore just right, I hit the high areas with a solid highlight of blood red, then went through with thin layers and blended it onto the model to fade into the red gore. The camera, no matter how I adjust the brightness with photoshop hates red (as we have seen in previous posts), but hopefully you get the idea. The powerfist on the base was painted blue and heavily weathered with the idea of adding a little balanced contrast to the base that also ties to the planets in the World Eaters emblems.

The brass was worked up with Game Colour brass, followed by a wash of 50/50 delvan Mud/ Gryphone Sepia. I then hit the highest points with some flow-aided Dwarven Brass.

The world on the World Eaters Shoulder Pad was done with a progression of greens on the continents much like the eyes. I just thought it looked cool to make the planet look like an actual globe!

The Commisar on his back is an awesome touch by the designers at Forge World. The painting was simple with such smooth, flowing lines and surfaces to work with. There are a ton of little details on it that you don't come to appreciate until you sit down to paint it - like the little medal on his chest.

So the question then becomes "How does Zhofur work into your Counts as themed Black Legion 14th Crusade?" Well, he does have a black powerfist (lol).
Seriously, this was a chance to paint a great Forge World model and I will figure out a way to run him. He could easily stand in for Abbadon in some lists or even Logan since he has a fist and an axe. No matter what, you can rejoice that you will see this guy in battle reports coming soon.
That's all I have to show off today - I'm sure I'll be building some new, fun stuff tonight. Let me know what you think of Zhofur. Feedback is always welcome.

T Sons Sorcerer joins the Black Crusade!

Old School here and it is shaping up to be another 14th Black Crusade weekend at the casa. I just painted this Chaos Sorcerer this morning. it was a bit of a repaint from its days as a tson sorceror. here he is ready to serve the webmaster in the role of librarian, sorcerer or rune priest. I am working on another, plastic sorcerer this weekend, painting the forge world Khorne lord and a few other things. hopefully Big Jim remembers the DREADCLAW templates. if he does I will whip up a part two to the DREADCLAW post soon.

I have more photos of this sorcerer that were meant to show off the freehand eye of uprising, but the Droid macro was not agreeing with me. I know it isn't super exiting as all it is is just a new paint on an old model, bit I'd love to hear what you think. more on the way, guys!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

DIY Cheap Chaos Dreadclaws: getting it built!

Old School here with a quick little tut for creating cheap Dreadclaws. For those of you who are unfamiliar with what a Chaos Dreadclaw is, it is a boarding pod used by Chaos Marines to board ships by clamping onto the hull, blasting a hole and then inserting a deadly team of bad guys. The claws are also capable of making planet fall much like a Space Marine Drop pod. I do not really have a reason for owning a real dreadclaw as I shy away from IA for the most part, but as a guy who is building his Chaos to work as a count-as for any and all power armoured armies, I have plenty of reasons to own drop pods. My feeling however is that my pods shouldn't just be loyalist pods painted evil, they should look different - so along comes the idea of the claw. (Above is the plain, undressed version - the basics before being chaosified)

How do we build one of these - easy, just buy a drop pod kit. take all the outside doors, fins and engine assembly off the sprues and clean off ALL the mold lines and snags (left over plastic from clipping). Now take the fins and cut the pointy corners off like on the picture above. Take a look at the top one (uncut) and compare it to the bottom one (cut). I cut the corner on the inside of the fin (the corner that was cut on the left side as you look at the photo) parallel to the rune-like markings running along the inside of the fin. On the other corner (the small one on the right side as you look at the photo) just near the hose on the bottom part, parallel with the diagonal line below the rune-like marking strip.

Now, because the fins are going on last and the top part here will not be exposed, I shave off this bolt on each side of each fin - just this bolt.

This is what your five fins should look like.

now assemble the pod with just the outside panels of the door (the inside panels will be used for something else (you'll see, just save the inside door panels). Now glue it together so you have the normal pod pedal for the bottom (you don't need any of the bits for the inside as the dreadclaw will never open). Also assemble the engine completely as you normally would with a drop pod. Then glue the top corner of each door to the top of each square section from the engine housing that matches each door, leaving the actual turbine above the door (or hull as they now form on the dread claw.

(the marines fall out of a hatch on the bottom) Now take your fins and insert each one into the slots made between each door. They will fit snugly (good thing), the idea is for the corner to catch under the lip made by the turbine bit on the engine housing, the other area you cut should fit snugly into the grove where the fin would normally go on the bottom side. After one good dry fit, glue the fins into place. Your dread claw is basically complete in form. Now all that remains is for it to get some chaos character and some retro thrusters and other small details which I will cover in part two.

The conversion is simple and requires no extra parts at this stage, but in the next post I will show you how to spruce this up using just the bits most of us Chaos players have laying around anyway. I will also show you a few tricks to make this thing look a little more aggressive.
Let me know what you think so far and before anyone tells me the fins are upside down, just google dreadclaw (lol).

Sunday, October 17, 2010

chaos marine biker on horse, the first yutz!

Old School here with my first regular CSM on bike ... er ... horse and while I am pretty happy with it all together, I want to ask you all about the helmet. I like the gothic theme carried by the double shoulder pads and the leg armor, by I wonder if the helm is just right, need a little work to look futuristic or if I should scrap it for a 40k CSM helm and leave the fantasy helmsman for the hq?

Hope you all enjoy it in any case. If you haven't seen the other biker horsemen, then scroll down, you'll find them.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Black Legion Rhino for the 14th Black Crusade!

Old School here and while I know Rhinos are not the most exiting thing to post, they are an essential and therefore must be painted. Back when I first started Chaos ('07), I grabbed a number of rhinos, slapped the basic colors on them and left them alone - a shame considering they have graced tables in at least 6 states since then.
This was one of my very first rhinos and the tentacles and painted on arrow were a part of it back in the day, but the tentacles remained unpainted and the arrow has been a little light and messy. I repainted all the black surfaces, then retouches all the gold with Game Colour's Brass followed by GW's Shining gold and a Devlan Mud wash (love dirt and grime and tarnish - these tanks have been to a lot of fights after all)!

The tentacles were painted mechrite, then tentacle pink (great pot to have around still) and washed leviathan purple. It was really great to paint something that I have neglected for so long and hopefully my opponents will appreciate it after I have ran these things so shabbily (funny how I have apinted other peoples' stuff and most of a second army, yet neglected my first real army).

There is a healthy amount of graffiti on this rhino and I did it for a couple reasons 1) I really like the old rogue trader Marines with their graffiti on their armor for kills and such 2) It breaks up the dullness of the rhino, especially when you see anywhere from 3-14 chassis on the table and 3) These guys are traitors, baby! and rather than paint really artistic stuff on each rhino, I would rather make it look like something that may have been drawn by a Black Legionnare prior to battle.
Before anyone points out to me that the Sons of Horus were the XVI legion, I will inform you that the XIV is there to denote the 14th black crusade and it will be on each of my vehicles.

finally, the arrow is there because, like I said I did it back in the day, but also it will be cool when all the rhino chassis get done and I have them arranged to display a massive eight pointed star. This wraps up the project marathon from yesterday, though I am by no means done for the weekend! There is plenty more to come and if I ever find my charger - a video as well.
Feedback is appreciated and just out of curiosity has anyone else ever been through the situation of neglecting your first army as I have mine? Love to hear about it for motivation!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Khorne Thunderwolf Cavalry: Thunder Hammer Lord Complete!

Old School here and the marathon of hobby continues! Here is the completed (99% anyway) Forge World Khorne Lord On Juggernaut with Thunderhammer! I am very happy to have this model painted as it marks another step in the 14th Black Crusade.

I decided to stick with the iron and brass colors on the juggernaut as they provide a nice contrast to the World Eater's armor. I love the Forge World kits, the head is actually from the FW WE terminator kit. I would never attempt this project with plain GW zerks.

As I look at these photos I see the 1% not completed like where i used a GS joint to fasten the jugger to the base and a couple spots that need light effects on the hammer.

CVinton, I hope you enjoy the Salamander head on the back ... get used to it, buddy!

These plastic juggers are a dream to work with and if you have any excuse to field them in your army, pick them up. Keep the comments rolling, I will be slaving away in the workshop for the rest of the night!

Chaos Lord on Daenomic Horse! 14th Black Crusade!

Old School here. Still Sick and Still busy. Here is another "biker". This one could fit into a Space Marine Command Squad for counts as, could make an excellent "wolf Lord on Bike" or an awesome Chaos Lord on Demonic Steed.

This is kitbash taken to the extreme. He has the artificer type armour from the Death Company set, chaos bolters, the death company thunder hammer and obviously the Chaos knights stuff. I like the double shoulder pads and may stick with it for the rest of the bikers as it makes them look very gothic and hard and cool.

I am stuck on whether to just make the dark apostle a word bearer or to go for the gothic Word Bearer bikers with black legion paintjobs on thier left arms. hmmmmm.

In case you may be wondering, the bolters on this and the last model are to represent the twin linked bolters on the bikes. I don't want to take a ton of time converting an elaborate twin linked bolter system for each biker and while it would be cool to give them custodian type weapons, it wouldn't fit for each model. So there it is a easy solution. No harder to swallow than a turbo boosting horse LOL!

Well, got some more work to do. Look out for a video and a few painted models coming out of my work bench tonight!

Dark Apostle on Horse, 14th Black Crusade!

Old school here and I am working like a madman in the dungeon on models and painting all day today. Here is a Dark Apostle on bike ... er ... horse to count as a chaplain on bike or wolf priest on bike in the 14th Black Crusade counts as armies I am building.

I used a variety of bits on this model from the chaps knights kit and while I was going to mount all my bikers on bikes, the horses just seemed to embody the dark Gothic horror I prefer for Chaos space marines.

As a last note, I will give huge props to the person who can guess where I got the bits to make the braziers on his backpack.

Well, I'll be at this all day, so expect more painted and unpainted epic bad guys churned out from me all day.