Showing posts with label Heavy Support. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heavy Support. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Case For Heavy Bolters


Fly back to do the impossible (that might be a little dramatic... how about difficult?): Make a case for the much maligned heavy bolter.
And make a case I will.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Imperial Guard in 6th Edition, a new series

Hello once again ladies and gents, up here in grand ol' Michigan we have started diving in more and more into the world that is 6th edition. The more we dig in, the more I at least realize things have changed. I do not mean that the entire thing has been turned upside down, but some units have becomes far more viable, and some less so.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Wait… Steve… no Leman Russ? What’s wrong?

That is an exact question asked to me when I revealed my new list to a few people a couple weeks ago at Evolution games. I understand why as well, as I have for the longest time been a big proponent of the Leman Russ tanks and all the glorious damage they bring. I have won more than a fair share, or taken second, in enough tournaments to have proven my point of their power and durability if properly played and supported with the rest of your army (once again I preach balance in a list and how that makes entire codices better if used). However that does not mean I do not like to vary up my lists every once in a while and as such with the recent purchase of 3 Vendettas/Valkyries I decided it was time to take a look at some other ideas, and I built the following list with a little extra input from The Judge and Samsquanch Monster.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Rise of the Plasmacutioner....

Alright, so everyone knows that Leman Russes are amazing, and everyone knows that plasma guns kill things... So why is it that people seem to fight the idea of a Leman Russ Executioner (Or as we at the local FLGS the Plasmacutioner)? I personally think the problem stems from people's concept of what the tank itself can do, on-top of its point costs. So lets delve into this wonderful machine for a moment and think about it ...