Showing posts with label Product Reviews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Product Reviews. Show all posts

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Step Up Your Conversions and Modelling: The Green Stuff Industries Tentacle Maker!

TJ here to talk to you about a tool that has stepped my game up considerably as a converter and modeller and has become a part of my model-building musts, alongside my hobby knife, clippers and glue. I am talking about the Tentacle Maker from Green Stuff Industries. I have talked about it quite a bit on the blog and only because I have had such great success with it. I don't advertise products for money on this blog, I advertise based on their merit or potential. I have used the tentacle maker for 2+ years now and I use it all the time. If you haven't picked one up yet, I would like to show you a selection of models (not just mine, but from around the internet) that give you an idea of what you can do with this tool (really these, as there are several of them):

Monday, November 4, 2013

Kromlech Bionic bits for Iron Hands and Iron Warriors

TJ here to show off some bits I bought from Kromlech that I think could be useful for the Iron Hands and (for me) the Iron Warriors. These bionic bits are very well detailed, pretty inexpensive and will draw attention to your army!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Hi-Tech Obliterator Alternatives Painted!

TJ here with a ton of photos of my Oblits which were made from the original three Hi-Tech Miniatures Terrorizer models (now I believe there are three more additional models). These models are a lot nicer than the GW models and make great oblits. I painted them up in the same scheme as the rest of my End of Days army, so let's take a look:

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Product Review: Plague Marine Alternative Legs from Kromlech's Morbid Legionaire bits!

TJ here to talk about some great alternative Plague Marine (or Possessed) legs that I picked up from These legs come in a 6 pack (two pairs of three) and cost about $10 US. They are very detailed and in fact, I would say that these are the legs Forge World should have produced when they made their plague Marine conversion kit. There are open sores, rent armor, worms and many more small details that make for an excellent set of legs for anybody looking to make legs for Plague Marines or Possessed. I would even stretch to say you could make some zombie themed Legion of the Damned with them too (oh, now there is a hilarious idea!). Anyway, I have prepared some pics below to help you get a full visual of each set of legs in the kit.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A Closer Look At Chapter Tactics by Darren Driver of The Art of Warhammer!

A Closer Look at Chapter Tactics by Darren Driver at The Art of Warhammer

While looking through the DFG Blog Network, I found an article on Space Marine Chapter Tactics that summed up everything I had thought about the new tactics, especially in comparison to the old 4th edition version of the chapter traits. The article is by Darren Driver at The Art of Warhammer, an excellent blog that I recommend you check out and follow. Darren has a lot of great paint articles and has been doing a hell of a job with his own Marines. Please check out The Art of Warhammer or read the article below and then go check out the blog, you won't be disapointed:

It's been about a month and I still haven't said anything about the new Space Marine codex, so this article has been a long time coming.

I think it's fair to say that the Chapter Tactics are the hottest thing in the new codex. Who remembers the old Chapter Traits in 4th edition? I do. They're like them without the opportunity to abuse the rules. I mean, let's face it, who didn't go with a custom chapter and use whatever tactics worked best every time? And then there were us suckers who used established chapters. Us Ultramarine fans especially had our faith tested with no traits at all.

Fortunately, in my honest opinion, Games Workshop got it right this time. You're guaranteed unique special rules that shape your army in a way that others can't. For me the best thing is, aside from the Black Templars, no chapter is limited in what they can take, but their rules will naturally make collectors evolve their armies in different  ways. I thought I'd take some time to go through each chapter tactic and what they do for their respective chapters.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Quo vadis, Centurions? An In-Depth Review

Hey everyone, Krautscientist here. And for the fluently Latinate among you: Yes, I realise it should probably rather say "Centurione" or "Centuriones" in the title ;) Anyway, what is this about?

With the Space Marine release now some time behind us, I thought it would be interesting to take a look at what may be one of the more divisive GW kits in recent history: the Centurions.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Perfect Portalglyph Marker for Chaos Daemons from Ironheart Artisans!

When I come across a product that I buy that I think is really good, I like to pass it on in hopes that others find it useful and, of course, the people who make it are encouraged to make more. Today, I will be looking at the 3" Warp Portal from Ironheart Artisans, which just so happens to make a great Portalglyph for my Chaos Daemon allies. First the basics - the portal is available in a ton of different colors and opacity. In my case, I saw a few that were really loud and bright and in red/green, clear and green/purple ... so I asked for an almost transparent Green/Purple and got exactly what I asked for.

The portion that faces up while on the table is textured in a swirling texture with faces in it to make it look like a swirling mist with daemons seething just below the surface ... actually, that is the first thing that drew me to it. That is just way cooler than a small blast template.

The portal itself is exactly the size of a small blast template (which is what the codex calls for in the rules) but don't just take my word for it, let's look at the pics.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

New Chaos Daemons First Glances: Nurgle

Old School here to add my thoughts to the storm of delight and gnashing teeth that is the Internet's knee jerk reaction to the release of any new codex. This time, Daemons are in the hopper and for me, as with any CSM player, I am happy to see my battle brothers receive an update. Now it's no secret around these parts that OST loves some Nurgle! With that in mind (and while everyone is excited about Slaanesh, as they should be) I am going to first look at Nurgle through the eyes of a CSM player primarily but I will also do a little armchair action on Nurgle Daemons proper.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Flames of War: SeerK's Thoughts 12 Games In

SeerK here. So I have been going through some hobby and 40k blahs as of late. I am in the thick of building an Iron Warriors army for the GT at Adepticon this year. I have not been able to play as much as I would like due to work, moving and not being in the mood to play. So what have I come up with to help mix it up and alleviate this situation? I have been delving into a new game.

Flames Of War peaked my interest so I did some research and split an “Open Fire!” starter box with Inquisitor Vogrin. I got in a couple games and the game felt eerily like one I have played in the past. Mind you Flames is more complex and a richer game, but it reminded me of my days playing Epic.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Land Speeder Vengeance/ Dark Shroud kit Review

I picked up a Land speeder Vengeance last night and finished putting it together this morning. I have to say its a pretty decent stream lined kit.

I come from the old school land speeders that fit together like a Picasso painting. Like the new remake of the basic speeder this guy really fits together will with just the nose leaving a little to be desired. The alter has great detail and and that detail carries through the whole model in very subtle ways.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

New Dark Angels Codex Thoughts: Troops!

Old School here to continue my initial thoughts and ramblings on the New Dark Angels Codex. Since I have already covered HQs and Elites (and since I need to keep it brief, haha), I will talk about the troops today.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

New Dark Angels Codex Thoughts Part 2: The Elites!

Old School here to continue the talk I started yesterday concerning the new Dark Angels codex. We talked about HQs and my initial thoughts and today we will continue with the Elites section. No discussion about Dark Angels Elites would be complete without talking about the Death Wing. Since the Terminator army was one of my first and certainly one of my favorites, we will start there:

Monday, January 14, 2013

New Dark Angels Codex Thoughts Part 1: HQ

OST here to talk about my initial thoughts on the new Dark Angels codex, since we didn't recieve any new, original tutorials this week. I would like to note how spoiled I have been with the last three codices released being relevent to me! I think it has been great, but it has also messed with my painting schedule and enforced some hobby ADD, which I will discuss in some other article. With that said, let's take a look at the DA codex from my titlted 40k point of view:

Saturday, January 5, 2013

A Great Read: Ahriman: Exile by John French

Old School here with a quick look at Ahriman: Exile, a Black Library novel that was released electronically recently. I was sick the day after Christmas and downloaded it expecting to maybe hammer it out over the course of the week, but I actually read through the whole book in a sitting. The last time a 40k novel entertained me this much was the original Soul Hunter novel by Aaron D.B. I will give a quick break down of what the book is about and what I thought about it. I will avoid making any real huge spoilers, but if you like to go into books blind, please avoid the rest of this post and just know that I thought it was a good read.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Mantic Zombies Review

Old School here with a review of the Mantic Zombies sprue. Zombies have always been a hit with war gamers and our special geek culture in general, but with the re-introduction of Plague Zombies into 40k, the zombie craze is officially hitting our tables in miniature form. Let's take a look at what I believe may be the best zombie kit for your money.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Battlefoam Sheild Bag; Worth a second look

One thing I really had trouble with for the Necron army was Night Scythes.  They're awesome, cheap to field in mass, but they're a pain to drag around.  Luckily Battlefoam had a solution...kind of...

At Adepticon last year BF did this awesome promo of their new Shield Bag line. They gave something like 500 free bags to attendees.  I've been using mine for a work bag until I put it together that I needed something to transport my

Friday, October 5, 2012

Iron Warriors Primarch/ Chaos Lord Alternative Unboxing: Hi-Tech's Pro Turbo!

Old School here with another unboxing article. This time we are looking at another Hi-Tech model named "Pro-Turbo." This model, in my opinion would work well for the obvious task of being the Iron Warriors Primarch, but could also fill in as a Chaos Lord, Abbadon ... or with little modification, a loyalist HQ as well. Let's take a look ....

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Paolo Parente's DUST: Allied Walker Crew Kit Unboxed!

Old School here. Today's Un-boxing and review will cover the Allied Walker Crew Accessory fro Paolo Parente's DUST. For those of you unfamiliar with the site. Paolo's site sells high quality, resin miniatures, including many unique units that may not have Warfare rules, but look really great. I would say his site is what Forge World is to Games Workshop. Anyway, I wanted a way to dress up my Allies Walkers and for $4.99 plus $2 shipping I couldn't go wrong. I did a little video that walks through the kit and how it functions below

Monday, September 17, 2012

Chaos Obliterator/ Terminator Alternative Unboxed: Hi-Tech Terrorizers

Old School here to un-box a couple of miniatures from Hi Tech Miniatures called Carcass Virus Cult Terrorizers. The two I will be looking at in today's post will be the Flesher and the Skinner. Let's take a look at the pics and what I thought about the miniatures in general.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

DUST Allies Mickey Walker Painted Up!

Old School here with my kill point for the week, this time, I am showing off my first DUST Warfare model; the Mickey! When I first saw Paulo Parente's artwork for DUST Tactics, the Mickey was the very first walker I saw and I thought it was cool and I wanted to paint one some day. It is fitting then that my first model in my Allies army is the famous M2 Medium Walker. Let's take a look at the pics: