Showing posts with label Forge World. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Forge World. Show all posts

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Uraka Forge World Khorne Daemon Prince Painted and Ready for War!

Here we go with more Khorne. I bought this Daemon Prince from my friend A-Aron who had started to paint this model before quitting Khorne. I picked him up and after years of admiring this model, finally put some paint down.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Alpha Legion Khorne Berzerker Conversions from Primaris Reivers and FW bits

I've made some Khorne Berzerkers for my Alpha Legion. I really liked what I did with my Agressor Conversions so I decided to use Primaris Marine Reivers as a base for my berzerkers. I wanted to add some seriously Khornate stuff, but leave them a little toned down and give them the "behind enemy lines feel," so I left chainswords off the menu and went with only blades (another reason to use the Reivers). I also used the Forge World berzerkers helmets and shaved off the huge crests (bunny ears to the initiated, lol). Let's take a look though ...

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Meanwhile at Forge World ... NEW CHAOS TITAN CONVERSION KITS!

Not only a Chaos Knight Titan Conversion kit, but also a Khorne Lord of Skulls conversion kit. Can't wait to see the rules. Looks like I won't have to convert the Blood Knight afterall!

Friday, April 17, 2015

It Came from the Forums: Vonkessler and his mind blowing conversions, Titans and Much More!

TJ here with another edition of It Came from the Forums and this one is for the hobbyists that love HUGE, intense conversions and sick paint jobs. This is Vonkessler's expertise and I am about to make your dork endorphins go into overdrive with his incredible work. Let's take a look!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Horus Heresy Models! Mechanicum, Possessed, Primarchs and More!

 Whether you are a Mechanicum thrall with gears for brains, a devout Word Bearer, Son of Vulcan, Gorgon, a Knight fanboy or a good old fashioned, Primarch junky, the Horus Heresy Weekender had a little something for you ....

Friday, October 19, 2012

Building a Better Plague Marine with 3rd Party, Standard Parts and Green Stuff Sculpting!

Old School here with another installment of the Building a Better Chaos Space Marine series. In this edition, we will be looking at various parts and options out there for everyone's favorite fatties, the Plague Marines! After we get past all the products out there, we will take a look at a great Green Stuff Tutorial as well.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Video: Questions and Answers with Forge World Part 1

Alright, Old School here with another video from Games Day UK 2012 brought to you by our Alpha Legionnaire! This one is the first half of a Q&A session where folks get to talk directly to the designers. Some of the things discussed are the Legio Cybernetica, where the Forge World Heresy Series plans to go and whether or not they will continue to work on 40k material for xenos races.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Video: Forge World Horus Heresy Book II: Massacre, New Models, Nightlords, Salamanders and More!

Old School here with a video taken from the Games Day UK 2012 Forge World Seminar by a friend of the blog. The second half of the video talks about the next Heresy Book FW plans to produce: Massacre, the next character model to follow Angron and some of the new models that we will see in the coming weeks. They also talk about re-doing

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Building A Better Khorne Berzerker with 3rd Party and Standard Parts

Old School here with the second installment of posts focused on building better Chaos Marines. This time we are going to talk about Khorne Berzerkers and Khorne Marked Marines. The berzerker is a special kind of evil to me as he is the embodiment of rage, the full, violent potential of the Adeptus Astartes unleashed, unbound by the chains of discipline! The only problem is that the GW khorne Berzerker kit is a little dated. Let's look at bits and kits that will help you build a better Khornate Marine!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Games Day UK 2012 Post 1: Angron, New Models and More

 Old School here with a massive post featuring photos our trusted friend has grabbed for us from Games Day UK 2012. In this post, we will look at Angron's stats, New models from Forge World and more, so let's take a look!

Monday, September 10, 2012

DropZone Games Painting Competition

Hello everyone Wolfson here bringing you full photo coverage of all the models entered in the DropZone Games painting competition that took place during their grand opening September 7-9.  The amount of amazing minis entered approached 70 by the cut off period on Saturday night and made the judges job very challenging the following day as there were a lot of great pieces to choose from.  Lets take a Look!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

DropZone Games Grand Opening Day One

Hello everyone Wolfson here to bring you some pics of all the amazing things DropZone games had going on for the first night of their grand opening. Check it out:

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Three Kill point Painting Challenge Entries

Sammy here, alright so we have a few entries on this post. First is my Hellhound that I converted from a forge world tauros venator, hopefully the red paint shows up correctly to everyone.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Painted Forge World Avatar

      Hello everyone,
Wolfson here bringing you my recently completed Forge World Avatar that I purchased at Adepticon.
I have been in need of an Avatar for my Eldar for quite some time but decided that only a Forge World one would do Khaine justice!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Pre-Heresy Terminators from Forge World

Old School here to help further push the news out there that Forge World has finally released a Pre-Heresy pattern Terminator armor set; the Tartaros Pattern! This should help those who are looking for full Pre-Heresy armies round out their forces and for me, it means that I can make some really sick Chaos Terminators.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Forge World: New Necron and Ork Resin Crack and Will Attend Adepticon!

 Old School here to put the word out that Forge World is now carrying Necron Scarab Swarms and a new line of Ork vehicle bits (below) that look like they would be perfect weapons for a buggy.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Contemptor Dreadnought Gets a Few New Guns!

 Old School Here with some shots of the new Dreadnought Contemptor from Forge World! Now the big guy has access to a plasma cannon, assault cannon and twin linked heavy bolter. More pics below, enjoy!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Forge World Releases Pre-Heresy Pattern Dreadnought!

 I got out of work to discover that Forge World has brewed up another special dose of their resin Spanish Fly just in time for me to whip out my dollars! I have seen so many conversions of the Pre-Heresy pattern dreadnoughts and always thought there was something off about them, but I loved the artwork and always thought some company would make one someday ... and now Forge World has done it and have pulled it off much better than I concieved.

I like the fact that it looks like a terminator - Now it is clear where the term "Tactical Dreadnought Armour" came from. The model doesn't have a lot of chapter markings which is nice because people will want to add their own markings and design elements. Also, the model hold potential for making Daemon Primarchs (as a base model anyway), daemon Princes, better looking dreadknights ect. While we are at it, let's take a look at the weapons put out so far ...

Friday, May 6, 2011

Forge World love for Salamanders and my Broken Computer

Old school here with a little Forge World post that is already circulating around the internet; Salamander shoulder pads for.power armour Marines. I am sure this news will make Cvinton all the more happy he sold the sallies off as his all had Alpha Legion shoulder pads.