Showing posts with label Necrons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Necrons. Show all posts

Thursday, July 31, 2014

GW Alternative: Transcendent C'Tan Alternative from MC Minis!

TJ here to just talk about another Alternative model from a company that desrves a little shout out: Master Crafted Minis. Now, they produce quite a few items (shoulder pads and guns being on the list), but since we have been talking super heavies lately, I wanted to show off what I think would be  great alternative to the plastic Transcendent C'tan model.

Friday, July 11, 2014

It Came From the Blogosphere: Rumplemaster's Yellow Necron Conversions

TJ here to introduce you to an artist known as Rumple Master and just one of his fantastic conversion armies, his Yellow, Rusty Necrons. Now as a fellow artist with an army of yellow, white and blue, rusty Necrons, I nearly fell out of my chair when I saw these incredible conversions in my favorite scheme. Wonder what this huge mech is? Well, let's look together ...

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

My Army: A Year of Daemons and Evil Things! Happy New Year!

TJ here with a ton of photos of my Army of the Apocalypse, otherwise known as my Chaos Space Marine and Chaos Daemon army. Along with a few other projects (commissions and such) and between military moves (one deployment and four exercises in 2013), I have worked on this army and with the help and encouragement of readers and close friends, it has been great. Let's take a look at some group photos as we close out 2013 and look toward another year of adding to this crazy army!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Dreadknight Daemon Prince Conversion: Part 1, Help Me Make A DP

TJ here with another big baddie. Before I took off on the boat a month ago, I was building a DP out of a Dreadknight I had won at a local tourney. I just didn't feel right with where it was going, so before I left I tore an arm off of it and disappeared.

Friday, November 29, 2013

It came from the Night O Sphere: Deathmark Night Scythe and Despair Crypteks

I blew the dust off my painting desire for the Necrons and finally finished my two night scythes.  These guys got to be the Deathmarks own personal ride.  I figured since I love them so much I have to give them their own rides in my collection.

Monday, November 25, 2013

TJ's Necron/ Chaos Marines at $250 Tourney Round 3 Batrep and Final Thoughts!

TJ here to talk about the third and final game in a recent tournament I attended at Blue Ox Games in Greenville, NC. The tourney was 1850, with a $250 grand prize. I ran my Necrons and CSM allies. If you want more of the list, check out the first part here, game two here or ... just read part three along with my final thoughts below:

TJ's Necron/ Chaos Allies at $250 Tourney Batrep Round 2!

TJ here with part two of the Blue Ox tourney I attended recently with my Necrons/ CSM army. For Part 1 to this report and a look at my list, check out this link, otherwise, continue here for part two and a peak at an amazing army.

TJ's Necron/ Chaos Marines to $250 Tourney, Batrep and List Part 1!

TJ here with a little series of write ups from a tournament I attended the weekend before last. I took my Necrons with Chaos Space Marine Allies to Blue Ox games in Greenville, NC. I will talk about the store briefly, give a breif run down on the games and then talk about the list since I didn't really take many good photos. So here we go:

Sunday, November 17, 2013

They Came From Hyper Space Part 1: Possessed Night Scythes!

TJ here with something different ... but along the lines of the same stuff I have been doing for the last year and that is The Army of the Apocalypse! So, a tourney reared its ugly head this Sunday and after much discussion with my Necron soulmate, Chris Vinton, I decided I needed more scythes (perhaps it was his subtle use of mindshackle scarabs, but I really needed them, so I unpacked the boxes and got to work. These wouldn't be normal scythes though. No! These have special cargo and thus must be special themselves! So let's take a look at the first installment of what I did.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Reanimating the Necron Airforce

By Chris Vinton

I blew the dust off my necrons to take to Indiana and it was quite the learning experience.  I've played them since they came out and they are my go to army.  Because of how long I've played them I am able to wield them as if an extension of myself.  Until this weekend I didn't notice but it seems as if the world around me is forcing me to evolve...or devolve.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Indiana State Chapionship Round Up

by Chris Vinton

My theory of people that go to tournaments get better at tournaments (yes, its obvious but really think about it) was reinforced this weekend.  Jesse Z and I packed up the diesel jetta and made the trek down to Lafayette Indiana for the first state championship.  Despite the field being very small, there was some very stiff competition.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Breaking the Established Norms, Your Take!

TJ here to talk about how we build and paint our armies to either fit the established background of our games or how we break with those traditions and why. For myself, I have always ridden the fence on the subject because I am an avid fan of the Black Library and to date have read all of the Horus Heresy novels and several omnibuses from the current millennia. When I start a project the background is always right there in my face and I am always tempted to satisfy that itch of making a conversion and paintjob that satisfies that background, however, sometimes I feel like I am painting myself into a corner in more ways than one.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

MiGT Battle Report; Ken Brunner Part 4

Coming in with part 4 of Ken Brunners battle report from the Michigan GT.

Here we go, Round 4! It's another doozy of a list. Predictions? I'm thinking this is gonna be tough. I've got a better chance at The Relic than he does.. I think. BUT, his guns all out-range me by a LOT. And to make matters worse, it's on Hammer and Anvil deployment. I'm not sure my army will hold up before I can even get in range to shoot him! And that evil Dark Reaper squad of his manning the Icarus can easily gun down a Night Scythe a turn. The same Night Scythes which represent my only real chance to win the game. :( We'll see..

Monday, September 30, 2013

Fateweaver/ Lord of Change Part II: Fully Painted and Ready!

TJ here with an update on my Fateweaver conversion or the Fly of Destiny or the Fairy (as my wife calls it). This model was a pretty quick conversion for me and a nice way to break back into painting after ten days on the boat. Let's take a look at the finished product.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Chaos/ Necron List Thoughts 6th (1 year in), Time to Change My TourneyList

Regardless of what some people say there is a meta, nationally and locally, no matter where you live. That meta is defined by the types of lists and the capabilities those lists bring to the table and the kind of players who pilot those models and use the tactics behind them. That being said, 6th edition has been out for some time and we can now look back at list building over the last year and what has happened to change our lists and the way we approach coming to the table competitively.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Tentacle Monster Fully Painted: Keeper/ Greater Daemon Conversion Ready!

TJ here with the Nasty Deamon/ Alien Machine sculpt/conversion fully painted. This was the first thing I grabbed, converted and painted since I have been back from my deployment and I have to say I am quite pleased with the results. Let's take a look at the model and talk about the paint and the parts.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Greater Daemon Conversion w/ creepy eyeballs: Can you keep a secret?

Despite three months overseas with no hobby whatsoever, I picked up the tools and laid down this latest effort, complete with pinning, green stuff sculpting, conversion work and all manner of skills I had worried would have atrophied while away. This is the back of what will be my Keeper of Secrets/ Boon table DP/ Destroyer Lord/ Whatever I feel like it being at the appropriate base/ size for it. This is all part of my End of Days Army that includes my Converted Typhus and Bananas, the flying Monkey DP. Let's take a walk around this model though.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Conversion Showcase: Hail Typhus, Zombie Overlord!

TJ here to show off my latest work on my Chaos Marines. With the Zombies done and posted earlier this week, I decided to get my Typhus conversion painted and ready to go. Now, this is the version of Typhus that I converted specifically for games that I run my Necron allies. I call him Canoptek Overlord Typhus, hahaha. All joking aside, I had a lot of fun painting and converting this model and I took a ton of photos, so let's take a look at this fat fellow:

Friday, March 29, 2013

Canoptek Helldrake WIP

Carrying on with the Charons conversions I have today my Canoptek Helldrake. This conversion is based on the vampire dragon kit with some digging into the necron bits box.

The conversion is green stuff free and more flesh than machine. If I do a second one I plan on making the counter part more machine than flesh.

I also when a little dynamic with his basing to elevate him off the ground but not in a typical flier fashion. This monstrosity has found himself a little perch....

More to come on this little fella in the future but I just wanted to put him out to the blogosphere to get some input. Also didn't want TJ having all the fun with Helldrake conversions.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

A Twist on Typhus Part II

Following up on the little Typhus conversion I came up with, I wanted to follow up with some of the GS work. This was a quick, but pleseant little job and I really am excited to get this model on the board. This will be a quick and easy little walk-through.