Old School here and as you may or may not know, I have thrown my name in the hat for Special Operation Killzone At Adepticon this year. I have so many thoughts going through my head as to what army to make my team from, that I just cannot decide.
Now let me preface this with the idea that yes, I would love to win games, but the main objective for me when playing Killzone is to have fun and show off a small collection of my models painted and converted to a very nice standard. That being said, I am stuck. On one hand, I could just go with Chaos and just add the models to the 14th Black Crusade ... but on the other hand, I see Killzone as an opportunity to branch out into other directions and make something very specific to kill zone and full of character. With that in mind, the ideas are as follows:
A slaaneshi warband: Fast, shooty, killy and the chance to field a doom siren - very appealing, a chance to paint a nice looking group of pink minis.
A team of Tyranid Warriors and other lifeforms - a chance to really make the most of my magnetic warriors and to throw some of my space hulk genestealers on the board. This army would look cool and has an appeal to me as all 6 of my warriors are magnetic. This group would also look pretty on the table.
Deathwatch Killteam - Big Jim has not posted a seperate SOG for them, but I could draw them from the Marine Codex. I have had the bits to make a deathwatch kill team for a long time, but never the incentive to actaully make it. It would be cool to own, cool on the board and would be a nod to the old days of killteam.
Space Wolves - This would be another chance to put my already converted and painted khorne models on the table in a counts as match, but then again, it would not be a new endeavor for me, but it would save me time as I have been already working on these models.
Well, those are the choices I have been looking at and I really am stuck. What do you think I should field? What would you like to see on the table if you were to throw down? Are you going to play too and are also stuck? Let's hear your thoughts!
By the way, you can find all the Killzone resources you need here!