El investigador bielorruso Evgeny Morozov (del Open Society Institute in New York), plantea, en Foreign Policy, una teoría distinta y que me parece bastante acertada. No olvidemos que el mundo post-soviético es un mundo en que la vida y las relaciones se rigen por normas distintas a las que estamos acostumbrados en Occidente.
Su artículo, muy interesante y claramente escrito, en Foreign Policy, Is CYXYMU the first "digital refugee"?
If you carefully look at CYXYMU's Twitter account (most of it in Russian), you will see that there is really no information of ANY political significance there. He's been tweeting since late December 2008, produced 41 updates, and most of them had nothing to do with politics (here are some typical updates: "Summer is good!", "Life is great! I am recalling all the jokes about mothers-in-law", "Oh those bureaucrats").
This is definitely not the kind of stuff that threatens Kremlin. For those who do not follow the Russian-speaking blogosphere, I should point out that CYXYMY is not a crusading investigative journalist who produces breaking stories that challenge the regime; he's more of a pundit who has very articulate and predictably Kremlin-bashing views on the regional conflicts. His blog is also somewhat of a news hub: he has done an amazing job of keeping his followers in the loop as to what happens in Abkhazia and Georgia, the two regions that are not exactly in the center of media attention (even in Russia). He's definitely NOT the blogosphere's version of Anna Politkovskaia; it is his opinions and visibility - rather than his revelations - that have made him an important target.
Thus, I think that the attackers' real goal was humiliation, not censorship (however, more on the censorship part at the very end). A secondary goal was to generate awe-inducing headlines about Russia's cyberpower all over the Web; there is no better way to do it these days than to make Twitter inaccessible for a few hours.
Pero léanlo entero, porque es interesantísimo, es lo mejor que he leído, sobre el tema, hasta ahora. Si no saben inglés, métanlo al traductor de Google ;)