Kind of flummoxed and flabbergasted when I searched the site this morning and realized I never posted the first trailer for Guillermo Del Toro's forthcoming Nightmare Alley -- the original with Tyrone Power is a fave (it just got a Criterion release not too long ago) and the cast that Del Toro has gathered up, including Bradley Cooper and Cate Blanchett and Toni Collette and Rooney Mara and Richard Jenkins and Willem Dafoe, well, that says it. Oh and it's set in, and was filmed in, Buffalo, not far from where I grew up. Anyway I didn't write up that first trailer back in September because Nathaniel beat me to the punch over at The Film Experience -- see that here.
Or don't, because we have a new trailer today, and here I am writing it up. Guillermo Del Toro's Nightmare Alley is actually out pretty soon -- and yes I realize that saying December 17th is "pretty soon" is enough to send anyone with half a brain spiraling into a panic about how the fuck is it already almost Christmas and oh my god I haven't bought a fucking thing and... et cetera, et cetera. The "pretty soon" equals out to "29 days" and yeah, that's pretty soon. And here's the full trailer they're making their final case with. You decide!
If you've got any thoughts on it in the comments let me know -- I need no convincing on seeing this because of that damn cast... also I already have a screening of this scheduled even sooner than 29 days from now; I'm seeing this in two weeks! I think it looks like fun though and there are some stellar shots in there -- the one of the bloody angel in the snow (pretty sure that's Rooney, and if you've seen the original film you know what's happening here) is giving off super duper Crimson Peak energy and I am as always here for that.
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