Showing posts with label Mike White. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mike White. Show all posts

Monday, March 03, 2025

Quote of the Day

Did y'all catch MNPP fave Alessandro Nivola during last night's Oscars show? I can't remember who it was that won (maybe the songwriters?) but they were seated behind The Brutalist actor and Nivola and his wife Emily Mortimer were sitting front and central on-screen for awhile as the people got out to walk to the stage and I yelped in excited recognition. (It was very the "Leo Pointing" meme.) Anyway Esquire chatted with Nivola about his custom-made tux and The Brutalist and his crazy year yesterday before the show, but my favorite bit was when they asked him about watching his son Sam Nivola on The White Lotus right now:

"You bet I have been watching season 3. From the looks of it, I may have to start watching some of it through my fingers. But I mean, it’s just amazing watching him. He’s done so well. I think he’s so good in it, and there’s something about his character that is so gentle and mysterious and really draws you in. I can tell that it’s headed in a direction that’s going to get a little hectic soon, so I’m bracing myself for the coming episode tonight. You know, Carrie Coon was texting me and wishing me luck for the Oscars, and I was saying I might have to slip out of the Vanity Fair party tonight to catch episode 3 before rejoining the fray. But, yeah, he’s kind of being shot out of a cannon now, and I’m so happy for him."

His saying "I may have to start watching some of it through my fingers" made me lol. No kidding! We've been leaning forward ourselves during Sam's scenes with Patrck Schwarzenegger but we have the benefit of not being his father haha. But in related news I passed out right after the Oscars last night and have not watched last night's episode of The White Lotus so nobody spoil anything in the comments please! I'll watch it tonight. And now I must insist you hit the jump for a couple more photos of handsome devil Alessandro looking sharp as fuck...

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Arnas Fedaravičius Nine Times

I didn't intend for today to turn so White Lotus centric (see also this morning) but it's not really too outlandish either, given I have been worshipping at the altar of Mike White for two and a half full decades now, ever since his first film Chuck & Buck became Chuck & Buck & Jason Forever back in the year 2000. And this Vogue Scandanavia photoshoot of Lithuanian actor Arnas Fedaravičius, who plays the third season's hot-stuff masseur Valentin, obviously demanded its attention. I won't get into spoilers re: his character since some of you might not be caught up on the show but I think Valentin is going to turn out to be an interesting character, don't you? Mike White always gives the beefcake a surprise twist and I expect no less here. Not that I've seen any more than any of you, but the tea leaves are pointing! Anyway until then though just hit the jump for the full shoot (with a little bonus video at the end)...

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Good Morning, World

I was going to wish everyone a happy Monday, but it's Tuesday? Okay, sure. Happy Tuesday from me and from the fun-time brother duo of Patrick Schwarzenegger and Sam Nivola on the season premiere of the third season of Mike White's hit series The White Lotus, which aired on... Sunday? Yes Sunday. Speaking as an only child sibling relationships have always been a mystery (and a fascination) to me, but I think that maybe this whole conversation about what kind of porn your brother likes was meant to feel off? In my days on this earth I have yes watched a lot of let's say fictional recreations of this exact scenario. But I don't think that's what real life between siblings is usually like. But what do I know. As I said on Sunday...

I'm going to have to spend a lot of this season of THE WHITE LOTUS reminding myself that Patrick Schwarzenegger and Sam Nivola are NOT related, they are ACTORS playing ROLES, and the feelings I am feeling are OKAY, aren't I?? Damn you, Mike White! (I love you, Mike White.) #thewhitelotus

[image or embed]

— Jason Adams ( February 17, 2025 at 12:35 AM

... I'm just thankful I can keep repeating to myself that these are two very attractive actors that Mike White has engaged in a fictionalized scenario for me, and not wrestle with it beyond that. Pretty naked people being freaks -- yes please! What did y'all think of the premiere? I refrained from asking for screeners so I could watch it weekly with everybody and not binge it all weeks ahead of time because that's an isolating way of watching the show and I don't need to review it. This is for me to have fun with! As is Patrick Schwarzenegger's bum, of which his father speaks very highly. (Speaking of weird family vibes.) As well he should! It's a great bum. And you can see plenty of it after the jump...

Friday, February 14, 2025

Don't Forget...

... the third seasons of both The White Lotus and Yellowjackets are back onn T.V. this weekend! And I have illustarated this news with two photos of Sam Nivola, son of Alessandro, who is on TWL so you don't forget. Of course Arnold Schwarzenegger already did that work for me when he told us all to keep our eyes peeled for his son Patrick's bare ass. What a proud papa!

Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Nivola in the Morning, Nivola in the Evening...

Everything is obviously shit but I woke up in a good mood this morning and I listened to this song on repeat on my commute which kept the good mood rolling so as I sit here I find myself trying to put optimism into the world. A monumnental task I have set for myself! Thankfully one of our faves actor Alessandro Nivola has done a lot of work on that front this week for us, so let's just take his lead. First off he gave us this new photoshoot via Avenue magazine -- there's also a chat with him there, click here for it. Seeing his smiling face always makes the world smile! But there's even more...

... do you remember that time he wore this tennis outfit in JC Chandor's film A Most Violent Year? I did a big post on it because DUH and hysterically the subject came up in a new chat with him at Vulture! It's mostly about The Brutalist but bless my fellow Pajibite writer Roxana Hadadi, who conducted the chat, for flipping the script over to the internet's thirst for him in these shorts. Here's what he had to say about it:

"Someone once sent me, I don’t know what you call it — a GIF, a meme, something — of that scene where I’m in my very short tennis shorts and there was some repeating thing of my ass filling up the camera frame. I figured somebody had posted it. I didn’t know that this was reaching a wider audience. [Laughs.] But I couldn’t be more thrilled."

That "someone" was me LOL and I am glad this Very Important Subject has been  carried out of this here gay ghetto and into the world at large. Give it light! Anyway I wasn't going to post about this but reader Harrison -- hey Harrison! -- messaged me, egging me on, and I figured since we have a lot of Alessandro to talk about today we might as well relive those shorts. Make a full tennis movie, Alessandro! The people demand it! 

Aaaaaanyway yes, there is even more Nivola News to share this morning -- the actor and exceptional silent screamer has just joined the crazy amazing cast of a movie called (wait for it) Diamond Shitter (lol!) that's to be directed by actor Antonia Campbell-Hughes, who you should know from Jane Campion's Bright Star or the recent terrific spy-series Black Doves. And what do those two properties I cherry-picked out of her sizable filmography have in common? They both also star Ben Whishaw, and yes our boy Ben Whishaw, the great gay hope, is also in this movie alongside Alessandro. Oh plus Eva fucking Green! My god! And also up-n-comer Raffey Cassidy who you should know from The Killing of a Sacred Deer or Vox Lux or White Noise -- Vox Lux was of course directed by Brady Corbet, director of The Brutalist (which co-starred both Cassidy and Nivola!) while White Noise co-starred Alessandro's talnted son Sam Nivola (who's about to be seen on the new season of The White Lotus) -- basically there's a lot of incestuous overlap with these folks coming together and I'm here for it! Good sexy talented people all around. And speaking of sexy people! Hit the jump for the rest of this Alessandro shoot...

Friday, January 24, 2025

Everything You Ever Need To Know About Life...

 ... you can learn from:

The Nest (2020)

Allison: You can blame shit on me Sam, but you're 
the one who's going to have to live with your choices.
Sam: I don't have to make choices, mom. 
I'll just find a man to make my choices for me.

A happy 44 to Carrie Coon today! We've just got a couple of weeks until The White Lotus returns for its third season and we're gifted with CC dropped Mike White dialogue like its hot (her AND Parker Posey -- I can barely contain my glee; and you did hear the show's already renewed for a fourth season right? It sppears the trade-off on this timeline was everything else is shit but we get Mike White finally being appreciated properly.) Anyway if you still haven't seen Sean Durkin's 2020 film The Nest (it got seriously lost and underappreciated amid the doom of that year) I highly recommend you seek it out; I think it's brilliant. Here's my review. And even if you disagree there's a Carrie Coon dance sequence that transcends all differences!

You should also go and watch His Three Daughters on Netflix by the way -- the movie got ignored by awards bodies I think because nobody knew which actress between Coon, Natasha Lyonne, and Elisabeth Olsen to focus on because they're all really great in it. A really fine piece of work, that one. 

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Leo Woodall Five Times

Last week a reader sent me a message asking how many posts it takes for an actor to get a tag here on the site, and it was specifically in reference to our boy Leo Woodall here -- I answered what I usually answer with that question, i.e. that it takes several photoshoots and some buzz. But it didn't occur to me in that moment that we'd immediately be barraged with Leo photoshoots (see also yesterday's shoot) thanks to his One Day show on Netflix, and so -- ta-dah, I give you the post that earned Leo his own tag here on the site. These are for Interview Magazine, where they have him chatting with his White Lotus co-star Tom Hollander (you might remember Tom getting fucked by his "nephew" Leo on that show), and you can hit the jump for the lot...

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Leo Woodall Seven Times

White Lotus cutie Leo Woodall has a new show called One Day on Netfllix -- anybody watched it? -- and so he's making the media rounds, which has gifted us with this new photoshoot for GQ UK. Read the chat here. It's weird how much softer and younger he looks in these photos than he did on that show right? I guess the longer hair and lack of fuckboi-tats really make a difference.  Hit the jump for the rest...

Friday, January 05, 2024

Parker Posey! The White Lotus! Ahhh!!!

Okay we can shut down for the day, we've reached our pinnacle and nothing's gonna top this -- Parker Posey is going to be in The White Lotus' third season. She was on our wish list of names last year -- Parker is on our wish list for every thing, every time, every where -- but the fact that it's actually happening is too good to believe. Parker Posey and Mike White working together -- it's a dream pairing and I am tingling tip to toe y'all. It honestly seems insane that they've never done anything before, and the fact that it's happening feels so monumental like a prophecy being fulfilled. 

That also would be epic. Anyway my apologies to the other names that Deadline drops in its announcement -- those being Leslie Bibb, Jason Isaacs, Michelle Monaghan, and Tayme Thapthimthong -- but all I want to talk about is Parker... oh and one other name! A well-known Thai actor named Dom Hetrakul who is extraordinarily hot and who I will now share several photos of after the jump...

Wednesday, July 05, 2023

Quote of the Day

"I’ll do anything with Mike White.
I’ll hold a camera for Mike White.
I just need to work with him again."

That's The White Lotus actor (and newly gay-married -- congrats!) Lukas Gage talking to Vanity Fair today at the tail-end of an interview that's mostly about his brand ambassador gig for some Armani perfume thing. I hate perfume but what's he saying above is important, and a sentiment I would like to echo. I too will do anything with Mike White. I can't say I want to work with him "again" since I haven't worked with him the first time, but if Mike White wants to film Murray Bartlett eating my butt I am just saying that I am down for that. Just so's you know, Mike!

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Everything You Ever Need To Know About Life...

... you can learn from:

Beatriz: You think killing is hard? Try healing.
You can break something in two seconds.
But it can take forever to fix it.

It's ridiculous how prescient this movie was about all the conversations we'd be smothering in five years later. I re-watched it a few months ago and if you've never seen it, or if you haven't seen it since it came out, I really recommend a revisit. Just an astonishing piece of work, and Salma Hayek has never been better. The whole cast, top to bottom -- John Lithgow, Connie Britton, Chloë Sevigny, Amy Landecker, Jay Duplass, David Warshofsky, and several reaction shots from John Early. Just perfect. I know a lot of people see it (and Enlightened) as dry-runs for The White Lotus but -- and I say this adoring The White Lotus -- they're better than The White Lotus. Enlightened obviously, but Beatriz too. Anyway this is all my way of saying -- Happy Birthday, Mike White! Watching him win award after award for Lotus has been one of the few pleasures the past couple of years have given us. A true king.

Monday, June 26, 2023

And These Are Your Gay Emmys

I yelped several times reading through the winners of the Dorian TV Awards just now -- awarded by the LGBTQ+ critics guild GALECA of which I am a member, we got so much right! And then we gave some awards to Succession, but I guess we can't get everything right. Ahem. Anyway we gave two yes two prizes to Bryan Fuller's horror doc Queer For Fear (read my review of it here), which got the biggest yelp out of me. We gave it both "Best LGBTQ Doc or Doc series" as well as the more general "Best Doc or Doc Series" and dammit it deserved 'em both. We also gave several awards to Somebody Somewhere and The White Lotus AND we gave "Best TV Movie" to Andrew Ahn's Fire Island! We have good taste! Except for Succession. Hit the jump for the press release and list of winners....

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Good Morning, World

As if getting to have Murray Bartlett stick his face up his bum wasn't enough for one lifetime, The White Lotus actor Lukas Gage got to do a fancy man photo-shoot for Mr. Porter (via, thx Mac) and wear a bunch of clothes I actually like for a change -- as I've complained several times lately fashion isn't especially hitting the right notes for me these days, but I would wear everything Lukas wears in this shoot gladly. Even the pink pants. Maybe especially the pink pants. I certainly wouldn't pull them off as well as Lukas does, but dare to dream. Hit the jump for the full shoot...

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Leo Woodall Six Times

It's more clothes than I would usually like to see in a Leo Woodall photo-shoot, but the White Lotus breakout cutie is on the cover of the new issue of Style Magazine Italia (via) and he's even managing to make these enormous suits that they put him in work -- he's a star, baby. Or we hope so. He had enough charm in his little turn on that show to make me think it possible. Hit the jump for it...

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Leo Woodall Thirteen Times

Well I am glad I exercised restraint for one time in my life and waited until we had The White Lotus actor Leo Woodall's full photo-shoot for Wonderland magazine (via) before posting it, because hot damn twas worth the edging. (And if you want nay need more of Leo, specifically dat ass, click here.) And also... I just still like thinking about The White Lotus' second season, don't you? I'm not over it yet. What a good goddamned season of T.V.. Sad we've got to wait another year (at least) for whatever is next. Until then let Leo help to make you smile after the jump...

Friday, December 16, 2022

Good Morning, Theo

What better way to wish Theo James a happy 38th birthday than to post that gif of him on The White Lotus laying half-naked in bed with Will Sharpe and telling him, "I want to make you feel good," I ask you? I mean I could post those other gifs of him on The White Lotus this season, but I already did, right here. So technically this is second best, but for our purposes first. Happy birthday, Theo! Thanks for you!

Monday, December 12, 2022

Good Morning, World

Hey oh happy Monday everybody -- I'm running woefully behind due to trying to get my holiday packages (not a euphemism) out this morning, so you'll have to entertain yourselves for a wee bit longer. Perhaps that photo of Eddie Redmayne being all come-hither will do something for you, I don't know, it was the first thing I found to post quick-like. Oh here's a thing -- if anybody wants to tell me what they thought of last night's finale of The White Lotus do so in the comments here. I personally was very happy and thankfully continue thinking Mike White a genius.

Friday, December 09, 2022

Good Morning, World

I knew I should do somebody from The White Lotus for this Friday morning before the second season finale's "Good Morning" post, and I realized that I (very oddly) haven't posted much about adorable actor Adam DiMarco who plays sweet cuck Albie on the show, so I went looking and found these (via) -- photos of him and his The Order co-star Sean Depner dressed as Elio and Oliver in Call Be By Your Name for Halloween in 2018 and, uhhhh, has there ever been anything more suited to a post from me? Nope! Not ever. Hit the jump for the full peachy set...

Monday, December 05, 2022

Will Sharpe Two Times

There's a new interview with The White Lotus star Will Sharpe in Esquire, where these photos came from -- read it here. I have not because I haven't watched last night's new episode of that show yet and I worry there'll be a spoiler. Indeed if any of you say anything in the comments about last night's episode I will burn down the world. Although at this point maybe having somebody burn down this shitty world will be doing us all a favor? Sigh. Just don't say anything please. I'm being nice enough to share these lovely photos of Will -- I was nice enough to make you all of those gifs of him naked earlier in the season. Just give me until tonight to watch the new episode please and thank you! 

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Theo To a Summer's Day

Sorry for the sorta-quietude on here today, I've been working on some elsewhere stuff! To make it up to you there is a lovely photo of Theo James via Vanity Fair, where they chatted with him about The White Lotus and dealing with dick headlines and the like. Dick head... lines. Heh. Sorry I'm just amusing myself -- don't mind me. Aaaanyway now I have a screening I have to run to (can you say "New Aronofsky") so that's that for today, I'm afraid. Let's see how Wednesday treats us, huh? It is Hump Day after all...