Showing posts with label Paul Hamy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paul Hamy. Show all posts

Thursday, October 26, 2023

It's Horror For Hamy

The grotesquely sexy Frenchman Paul Hamy (and I do mean that as a compliment, obviously -- I mean look at this obscenely horny "Gratuitous Paul Hamy" post I did in 2016 after The Ornithologist came out) is going to star in the new horror movie from Inside directors Alexandre Bustillo and Julien Maury! It's called The Soul Eater and it's based on a book and here is how Deadline describes it:

"The chilling drama unfolds against the backdrop of a mountain village where an old legend about a malevolent creature resurfaces following the disappearance of local children and a series of violent and gruesome deaths... Virginie Ledoyen (Just the Two of Us) and Paul Hamy (The Last Journey) co-star as two police detectives with very different methods who are sent to investigate the crimes. "

It would appear the movie has already been filmed, seeing as how there is a photo (see down below) -- Deadline is just reporting the news that the film's gotten a distributor. Hopefully we see it here! Since Inside Bustillo & Maury's output has been as spotty as their ability to get movies distributed here in the U.S., although with all the horror streamers vying for content these days we probably won't have any trouble. We finally got to see The Deep House (their haunted house underwater movie) after all... although it wasn't really worth the wait. That said I finally got my hands on a copy of their 2011 movie Livid this week and hope to watch it over the holiday weekend! Fingers crossed on that one. Anybody seen it?

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Good Morning, World

I cannot for the life of me remember if I ever saw this Coca Cola commercial starring French model turned actor Paul Hamy when it came out in 2006 -- I wasn't watching a whole lot of TV in 2006, but there's also the nagging question if this even aired on U.S. television? Was "Coca Cola Light" a thing here? I don't remember that either!

Anyway Paul was kind enough to share this blast from somebody's past on his Instagram the other day (this was a full decade before I'd become familiar with thanks to João Pedro Rodrigues' gay masterpiece The Ornithologist) and these questions have been nagging at me ever since. Somebody answer them, please! Put on your tweed and turn up your collars, because here's the entire commercial for your detective-ing:

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Good Morning, World

Ever since João Pedro Rodrigues's surreal gay fantasia called The Ornothologist came out in 2016 we always get excited -- multifaceted word that, "excited" -- when the French actor Paul Hamy pops up in something new. And so the past year has been an exciting one for us, since this here marks our third Hamy sighting in 2020 -- there was the melodrama Sibyl which played NYFF last fall (reviewed here) and there was the romantic-drama Someone Somewhere which was supposed to play FLC's annual "Rendezvous With French Cinema" series a couple of months ago -- I posted about it here but I can't recall if it actually screened or not, since that fest coincided with everything shutting down. But it's a nice movie and I seem to recall that Paul has a nice shirtless scene in it...
... which I guess I only tweeted about? I should give that its own post sometime. Anyway those were earlier -- today we're looking at the 2019 movie called Get In (known in France as Furie), directed by Olivier Abbou who also made 2010's so-called "French Extremity" flick Territories, which was basically torture porn about anti-Muslim hatred from what I recall. Get In is also a horror film but I don't really know what its gist is, something about scary squatters (it's hard to make the word "squatter" scary) -- I do wonder if its American title is at all a purposeful reference to Jordan Peele's Get Out, and...

... race does seem to be an issue in Get In judging by some scenes I skimmed. But, as said skimming implies, I have not yet actually watched this movie so who knows! However I can, you can, we all can watch this movie, because it's on Netflix right now. Perhaps you already have watched it and can share your thoughts! Otherwise let's just get after the jump for a few more Paul Hamy gifs since I really have nothing more to say right now...

Thursday, October 03, 2019

Sibyl of Many Sides

Another day, another NYFF review -- today it's Sibyl, director Justine Triet's dramedy that swings as melodramatically between comedy and drama as does its leading lady, played to full tilt perfection by Virginie Efira. Efira isn't pictured above though -- instead I picked a photo of the three faces I knew beforehand, going in to Sibyl, belonging to Saint Laurent himself Gaspard Ulliel, Blue is the Warmest Color's Adèle Exarchopoulos, and Toni Erdmann megastar Sandra Hüller. The three of them have a love triangle that would be a regular movie's love triangle but Sibyl's about the madwoman who comes swinging in wildly and busts up the normal stories. Anyway click on over to The Film Experience to read my review -- this one's one of the lighter flicks at NYFF but the actors are all absolutely smashing.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Friday, December 02, 2016

Gratuitous Paul Hamy

Any gratuitous Paul Hamy post isn't complete without a full airing of his boundless and bounteous gratuity in João Pedro Rodrigues' film The Ornithologist (which I saw at the NYFF this past October and which birthed my obsession with Mr. Hamy) but I have no clue when that very strange, very particular, very gay...

... and kinda amazing movie is hitting our shores. 
So what to do? How about we just...

... post a bunch of pictures of him in the meantime? Sounds good to me! Hamy was a model when he was younger (you'll see some of those pictures below) and his film career's only three years thick but he's already done some big time stuff - besides all the art-house attention that The Ornithologist has gotten via festivals he's already starred opposite big names like Vincent Cassel in My King and Catherine Deneuve in On My Way...

... and he was in the very fine Disorder (reviewed here) opposite Matthias Schoenaerts and Diane Kruger too. So here's to hoping his career continues on the upward swing because good goddamn do I like to look at him. So now let's do just that and hit the jump for over seventy more pictures...

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Olá Paul Hamy

This isn't a proper review yet but today I saw the Portuguese film The Ornithologist at the NYFF and I think it's important we all say hello quickly, before he flies away into the stratosphere and has no time for our niceties, to the gorgeous and talented Paul Hamy, the film's lead. I knew he seemed familiar - he was also in the excellent Disorder opposite Matthias Schoenaerts, and oh yeah he's a former male model. I mean obviously he's a former male model. But still. 

But still. The Film Stage has a few clips and a teaser for The Ornithologist right here, the latter of which I will share as well. The film's... an experience, and it's a pleasure and a privilege to experience it alongside this much gorgeousness, lemme tell ya what.
