Showing posts with label Raoul Bova. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Raoul Bova. Show all posts

Monday, July 15, 2024

Good Morning, World

Some Raoul Bova for my birthday morning -- can't go wrong with that. (via)  But yes as I mentioned in Friday's post (and thanks to everybody who left a nice comment) today is my birthday and for somebody who hates birthdays I sure do mention them a lot -- I suppose that's a psychological issue of it's own but it's my birthday (in case you hadn't heard) so I don't have to analyze myself thank you very much. I can take today off from that. Indeed I'll be here working but it might be a slow one -- I am leaving for Montreal this Thursday for the Fantasia Film Festival and I gotta get that sorted. Nothing like waiting til the last minute. Anyway hello, happy Monday, is my point.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Raoul Bova Two Times

There are a couple more photos from this shoot here at this link -- I have to admit I'm not totally loving the longer hair on him? They definitely airbrushed that flip off for their cover image too, which makes me think somebody at the magazine agrees. Still do keep in mind -- this is Raoul Bova. I'm nitpicking. He can abduct me for sexual reasons any time he wants to. 

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Good Morning, Gratuitous Raoul Bova

Yesterday happened to be the Italian actor and MNPP fave Raoul Bova's birthday -- he turned 48 years gorgeous -- which led me to a ridiculous discovery. "Ridiculous" because how in the ever living fuck-business had I never discovered his Instagram until now? Well since he doesn't really work in the US much anymore it's not my fault I can't always keep tabs on him, I suppose...

... but I should do better. I mean the last time we checked in on him in January he was stripping for homosexuals, so at least we know he's hard. At work. Whatever. Hit the jump for some highlights I grabbed off of his Instagram...

Monday, January 21, 2019

Great Moments In Movie Staches


So in 2014 Raoul Bova co-starred in an Italian rom-com called Scusate se esisto!, which basically translates to "Excuse me for existing!" but which got liberally translated to Do You See Me? for its international release.  I'm basing that suggestion of an "international release" strictly on the fact that it has an English title on IMDb, because I feel like if I'd known in 2014 that there was a movie...

 ... where Raoul Bova did a mustachioed homosexual strip-tease I maybe probably would have mentioned that fact here on the site in 2014... much less some time before, checks watch, two-thousand-and-fucking-nineteen. Good goddamned grief where have I been?

Well we're here now, I suppose that's something. Hit the jump 
for lots more gifs plus the video of this scene...

Friday, March 09, 2018

Today In Bova

This news is not new news, it's several months old, but we'll take any Raoul Bova news we can scrounge up whenever we can scrounge it - back in August the Italian Rapscallion that we've been keen on ever since Under the Tuscan Sun signed on to play the Pope (circa 15th century) in the second season of the Netflix series Medici: Masters of Florence. Hot Popes are all the rage these days! Medici is that show that got Richard Madden's Bum out back in November of 2016, you may recall (that's how I keep track of all these shows anyway) - the second season is set 20 years after the first and will be about Richard Madden's grandsons, who will be played by Bradley James and Daniel Sharman...

... in other words this is another one of those period piece TV shows, a la The Tudors or The Borgias, that are all about a monstrously gorgeous bunch of young men wearing great big flouffy outfits. But hey those sorta show brought us Henry Cavill & Oliver Jackson Cohen & François Arnaud so s'good with me! Also cast for the second season of the show - Sean Bean and Julian Sands! Gosh! No word on when it will air, but it's supposed to be this year.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Good Morning, World

Somebody was kind enough to upload an even better copy of this Gap commercial than we had when we last did this exact same post, thereby giving us an excuse to post it again - but hey, if Raoul Bova would just get off his butt and suck the right executives off in H'wood we wouldn't have to dwell on the past. We'd have a future.

Alas he's gone back to making Italian television programs, it appears, and we're all the worse for it. But a happy 46th birthday to him all the same. He was recently caught rocking a speedo and a couple new pounds by some tabloids - they were mean (of course) but I think he looks good (most of the weight seems to have gone to his butt after all). You decide and hit the jump for those pics and the higher quality video...

Thursday, May 05, 2016

I Quit Smoking Eight Years Ago Today

Here a puff, there a puff, everywhere a puffing poof - well it's that time of year again! For eight years we've been commemorating the fall of the house of nicotine, when I gave up the bad habit for... well, other bad habits. Anyway every May 5th we say "Hooray for me and my lungs!" with photographs of attractive gentlemen-folk doing damage to their own in the name of sexiness.

And here we are again. We've previously posted enough smoking pictures to blot out the sun itself - you can see Year 1 right here, you can see Year 2 right here, you can see Year 3 right here, you can see Year 4 right here, and you can see Year 5 right here, and you can see Year 6 right here, and you can see Year 7 right here. And with all of those that have come before in mind let us now hit the jump to suck down on 50-something more men for Year 8...

Monday, February 08, 2016

Good Morning, World

About one month ago I directed you to the trailer for Sarah Jessica Parker's new "romantic comedy" called All Roads Lead to Rome (All Roads Lead to Rome is neither "romantic" nor a "comedy" -- discuss amongst yourselves) only to highlight the presence of our Italian boyfriend Raoul Bova. Well now that the movie's been dropped onto Demand like a pebble in a very large lake, never to leave a trace, we might as well post the eensy bit of Bava flesh it contains, before we forget it was even a thing. There's hardly more than we saw in the trailer, which was hardly anything already, but we're so thirsty for Raoul we'll post whatever; hit the jump for the rest...

Monday, January 11, 2016

All Roads Lead To Raoul Bova

I won't be posting it here because blecch but a trailer has arrived for the new Sarah Jessica Parker "romantic" "comedy" All Roads Lead To Rome, which would normally garner nothing but my scorn but but but she stole her beau from Diane Lane's Under the Tuscan Sun and the movie co-stars Raoul Bova, my Bova, and I cannot resist. Raoul never gets work in American movies so we've got to stick our heads up for this probable dreck. And they don't even get him shirtless once! Anyway watch the trailer here if you dare, or instead just hit the jump for shots of Raoul sans depressing context...

Friday, November 06, 2015

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Good Morning, World

I have a theory as to why Italy's been having so many troubles - politically, economically - as of late. Wanna hear it? It's this: I fast-forwarded through four, count them four, recent movies starring my Italian lover Raoul Bova this morning, and I came up with next to squat for a gratuitous post. Squat! 

Okay but not entirely squat, as you can see - the fourth movie was called Fratelli unici, translated Only Brothers, and it stars Raoul and Luca Argentero (you'll want to click here for our previous posts on Luca) as brothers who in one scene get in a pillow fight with each other and roll around on a bed, as seen here.

To be honest, fast-forwarding through the movie without the sound on I thought they were supposed to be roommates or friends and Raoul's character was gay and in love with Luca's straight character; but reading the translated Wiki page that doesn't seem to be the case (which definitely makes the scenes of Raoul romancing a lady late in the film less offensive than I worried they were.).

But I could be forgiven for the error, I think. 
They should clearly be humping.

So get your shit together, Italy, is my point.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Which is Hotter?

The lovely Diane Lane is turning 50 today and I hope where ever she is she's taking advantage of her status as Premiere Cougar (a title she's carried for over a decade now - oh, Hollywood!) and fucking some hot piece with an accent all day long.

Which would you choose?

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Raoul Bova Six Times

Good grief, look at Raoul.
All buzzed and salt-and-peppered and mustachioed.

Just when you didn't think he could get any hotter...

... well actually I don't think I ever thought that; he has very very clearly always been and always will be someone that is going to look very very good for a very very long time, well into old age. Bastard.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Good Morning, World

A happy 42nd birthday to Jean Dujardin today - I thought he was older than 42, didn't you? I thought at least mid to late 40s. I guess I just associate him with old-timey things thanks to The Artist, although if that logic stood that would make him be like 100-something so clearly I'm just simple-minded. Anyway I was looking at his IMDb page to see what's up with him and I was surprised to see Gardel, that bio-pic of the Brazilian tango dancer, was up in there - we've been watching that movie for a looooong time since once upon a time (2008, in fact) it was going to star Raoul Bova and Thomas Kretschmann (long sigh). Now it says Dujardin is in there but Bova's still attached? I don't think this movie is ever going to happen. (And even if it does it's not going to involve Jean & Raoul going at it anyway so I should stop caring.)

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Good Morning, Gratuitous Giulio Berruti

I've been needing a replacement Italian since Raoul Bova's been hard to come by as of late, so thankfully for all of us this fellow Giulio Berruti saw the opening and went for it. He dove right into my opening! Oh, Giulio.

Naturally I haven't seen any of Giulio's actual work (naturally who gives a shit) - no I haven't seen Peter Greenaway's 2012 film Goltzius and the Pelican Company, which appears to be ninety minutes of Giulio walking around with an erection (you're going to want to hit the jump once we get there, by the way), and no I haven't seen The Lizzie McGuire Movie, which... what? Okay apparently he was in The Lizzie McGuire Movie. OK. (Is The Lizzie McGuire Movie ninety minutes of him walking around with an erection too?) None of this matters though because I have seen the following, and it contains all I need to know.

See what I mean? You see what I mean.

I see, I see so good. Alright I have a whole lot to share after the jump (click back a couple of paragraphs and read what I said about the Greenaway movie - I ain't blowing smoke here, people) so let's go. Come with me, and you'll see... a world of pure imagination!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Good Morning, Southern Italy

I'm in the middle of planning my trip to the South of Italy right now and stumbled upon that picture of Jack Lemmon naked in Billy Wilder's 1972 film Avanti!, which was apparently partially filmed on the island of Ischia, which is one of the places I am going. Other film stuff of interest for the island - there's a museum for the director Luchino Visconti, and a hefty chunk of The Talented Mr Ripley was filmed there. I'm gonna get my Jude Law on!

And my Raoul Bova on!

I'm also going to visit the city of Pompeii while I'm out there, and just a couple of weeks after Kit Harington decimates the place with his shredded abs at that...

I hope that those three shots make up for the naked Jack Lemmon, I hope I have lured you back, because I NEED YOUR HELP!!! Whenever I take a vacation I turn to you beautiful people for assistance, and you're always amazing. So I ask you again - give me recommendations! Not just on stuff to do, but any advice you've got for getting around too. We're going to be based in three spots while we're there - Naples, Ischia, and Sorrento

From these places we'll be traveling out to as many nearby places as we can, of course - for example that shot from Under the Tuscan Sun is looking down at the town of Positano, and I need to have that view in my life. (Raoul Bova included.) Alrighty if you have anything to share, hit up the comments... and thank you!