Showing posts with label Dev patel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dev patel. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Pics of the Day

The new issue of the annual Vanity Fair Hollywood Issue is here, which always gives our favorite hot young things a chance to mingle in fun behind-the-scenes snaps.... and which has brought us the above moment between Jonathan Bailey and Josh O'Connor and I'm just about done for the day, how about y'all? Here's the full cover: 

(click to embiggen) And good for Nicole Kidman slamming her way into the center of the front flap (that phrase feels wrong) all these many many decades into her esteemed career -- having now seen Babygirl I get it! Not that I ever stopped loving Nic, but Babygirl has the makings of a hit if they're smart about it. Harris Dickinson's reading of "Good girl" will probably (and should) be the line of the year if they do. (And Harris should've made the cover too dammit.) Anyway! 

These two fucking photos of Glen Powell!

A mesh shirt? That hair and those glasses?
Were they actually actively trying to kill me? 

Whoever took these photos really went for it and we applaud them. You can see them all at this link, which further links to the invidividual interviews, but I've got all the photos of note right here after the jump...

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Such Ungentlemanly Monkeys!

Two perfectly entertaining action movies starring way more than two perfectly hot men are hitting blu-ray today -- there is Guy Ritchie's The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare, which stocks the majority of the hot men (what's new when it comes to Guy Ritchie) and there's Monkey Man, which was written and directed by and stars one Dev Patel, who is as seen above a factory of hotness unto himself within it. I don't think I properly reviewed either of these movies at length when they came out, but they're both good times worth watching and not just to stare at the hunks. But since we're here! Let's make a dumb poll out of staring at the hunks.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Do Monkey Around

I never reviewed it but I thought Dev Patel's Monkey Man was pretty terrific, especially when you take it into consideration that he was a first-time director -- he bit off a lot for his first go-round and I don't just mean the fact that he also wrote and starred in it. I mean it's a wildly ambitious action movie that also threads in politics and emotional resonance to its kick-assery, and while the seams do show at times it's still very much worth seeing. Which you can do now, is my point -- you can rent it on Amazon right now, or you can pre-order on 4K blu-ray and wait to watch it when it streets... which there doesn't seem to be a date for yet. But I'd still recommend watching it on 4K when that chance arises because Dev really shot the hell out of it. Also... abs. He knew we wanted the abs and he gave us the abs. If that's not worth buying the damn disc I don't know what. Reward this man!

Friday, April 19, 2024

Happy Weekend

Let's all make like Dev and rest the fuck up.

Friday, February 23, 2024

Good Morning, World

I mean this metaphorically, not literally like Barry Keoghan and Joel Edgerton are seen doing there, but let's jump into the icy end of this Friday and get 'er done. I am ready for the weekend already. And no I don't know why Barry & Joel are hanging out half-naked together -- if you google their names it's not a future project that comes up, but just a bunch of people saying that they look similar to one another. I guess? It never struck me before but they do have a similar eye thing going on. Anyway the boys have worked together previously -- they were both in David Lowery's fabulous The Green Knight -- Barry robbed Dev Patel, while Joel kissed him. What a movie. And even I have posted pictures of them hanging out together in the past. So clearly they're pals. If y'all need a third, just sayin...

Friday, January 07, 2022

Dev Brings Us Sugar

While we sit back and watch with our typical, familiar, resigned horror as the Awards Awarders get it all wrong again this year by totally ignoring David Lowery's towering achievement The Green Knight in basically every category -- this astonishing movie should be up for everything dammit (here's my review) -- at least we get news like today's that Wes Anderson is putting that movie's megawatt movie-star Dev Patel in his next project. And with great company -- Benedict Cumberbatch (who probably will be rightly nominated for Best Actor this year for The Power of the Dog) and Ralph Fiennes and Ben Kingsley will all be joining Dev in Wes' adaptation of the Roald Dahl story The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar. This is of course Anderson's second Dahl adaptation, coming 12-ish years after he made the masterpiece Fantastic Mr. Fox, but I'm fairly sure this one unlike that one will be live-action. So we get to see Dev! That's nice. Here's what Henry Sugar is about in case you've never read it:

"Henry Sugar, an independently wealthy man who enjoys gambling, finds and reads a doctor's report on a strange patient the doctor met while stationed at a hospital in India. This patient, who called himself "The Man Who Sees Without Using His Eyes", had the ability to see even after the doctors had medically sealed the man's eyes shut and bandaged his head. The man was part of a circus act and used his ability to make money. When interviewed in more detail by the curious doctors he gave an account which they wrote up. The man claimed he had been interested in magic all his life, and managed to study with Yogi Hardawar in India, by which he develops the ability to see through thin objects such a paper or playing cards, and can see around solid objects such as a wooden door if he is allowed a finger or hand around it. The doctors decide the man could be of great benefit as a teacher of the blind, and return to the circus, only to find the show canceled, when the Man Who Sees Without Using His Eyes has died. Henry realizes that the book contains a detailed description of the meditation method used to gain this ability; he steals the book and then decides to try to master the art described. "

(via) It goes on from there -- I think this story is plenty enough for a full film, given the way Wes fleshes out full worlds from small details, but Deadline is saying the movie will actually be an omnibus of three stories; Henry Sugar is you see actually a full short story collection, with six other unrelated stories included. You can see what they all are at this link. We'll have to see how Wes structures this, if the stories overlap or the film is an anthology a la his most recent triumph The French Dispatch

Wes is planning on filming Sugar this fall, which makes this a crazy fertile and profuse period of work for the director since Dispatch just came out (after being filmed in 2018 and delayed because of the pandemic) and he's already filmed another project, the one called Asteroid City that we know very little about save it's apparently a love story and that it stars, besides the usual cast of Anderson regulars, Tom Hanks and Scarlett Johansson and Margot Robbie, plus Rupert Friend (who did have a small adorable role in Dispatch) and Maya Hawke, the latter two seen on set below:

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Say Good Night, Garfield

I was going to say my goodbyes for this Hump Day here with a couple of Jonathan Groff photos that I'd tweeted earlier (see them here), but then I saw these Andrew Garfield snaps here and, uhh, I changed my mind. I mean...

... did y'all also see that video going around? So why not end the day the same way we started it? Andrew Garfield got us feel hella versatile. Have a good night, everybody!

Wednesday, September 01, 2021

Next On Joel Edgerton's List...

I knew if I went looking on Tumblr (which, contrary to the general consensus, is still a thing) somebody would've been decent enough to've already made gifs out of Dev Patel and Joel Edgerton kissing in The Green Knight, and sure enough! Y'all should definitely have seen The Green Knight by now, it's available to rent on digital while also simultaneously being bloody fucking brilliant -- here's my review -- so if this is your first time seeing that kiss the spoiler's on you. 

Anyway I'm not here to talk The Green Knight, but I am here to talk Joel Edgerton (so why not illustrate post with a gay kiss involving him, I say?) The news is that Joel just signed on to co-star in Master Gardener from director Paul Schrader, and co-star with whom, you ask? No no Dev Patel, although I wouldn't argue with them becoming the Hepburn / Tracy of our day. No Joel's co-star this time excites me even more -- Sigourney Weaver! A million huzzahs for Sigourney getting a big role from an important director! She's got a movie screening at TIFF next week too (The Good House with Kevin Kline) so I'm really hoping we're in the early stages of a Sigourneyssaince, it's well past due. Now take it away, Dev's lips...

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Knight Hits Home!

I came thiiiiis close (the extra i's are for extra closeness) to buying a pass for A24's online screening of The Green Knight tomorrow night since I've only seen the movie once at a public press screening in a theater and totally loved it -- I reviewed it here! - and this seemed like a safe option until who knew when it was hitting VOD. I hadn't bitten the bullet on the twenty bucks for a virtual ticket yet though, and I'm glad I waited -- today A24 announced the movie is hitting VOD the following day, this Thursday. I would be annoyed if I'd have jumped, because waiting for the weekend (when it will probably be cheaper) will be much easier. Either way y'all should see the movie as soon as you can, in whatever manner you deem best. Is very good!

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Good Day To Dev Young

These three snaps of Dev Patel come at us via The New York Times (maybe you heard of it) where our pal Kyle chatted with the actor about a movie called The Green Knight (maybe you heard of it) which is out in theaters tomorrow. If you have not heard of The Green Knight well then you probably shouldn't read my review of the movie just yet, which i posted this afternoon -- actually like all these things I recommend reading my reviews after you've seen the movie either way, even though I don't get too bad into spoilers with this one. 

As I hate regurgitating plot in my reviews if not forced to by an outside editor I never do that, so reading my reviews here at MNPP without seeing the movie first is probably always a bewildering experience. Hell it's probably bewildering whether you've seen the film or not. I'm a lotta nonsense! Anyway! Dev and his big mean green machine aside I'm here to wish y'all a nice weekend, as I'm still rocking the three-day weekends though the rest of the summer. So until Monday, then. Bye!

How Green Was My Valet

At the heart of David Lowery's 2017 film A Ghost Story a hipster interloper (played by musician and sometime-actor Will Oldham) attending a party in the home of our sheet-headed protagonist delivers a long speech about personal and cultural legacy -- about how it doesn't matter what one accomplishes in life, because all of our monuments will eventually crumble due to the inexorable march of time, cruel time. We all have those little cartoon brooms from The Sorcerer's Apprentice scurrying behind us, sweeping away every mark we've left; even Beethoven's 9th will one day dissipate in the ether, never to be heard again. 

That's a concern that's come up time and again in Lowery's work, whether it's by disappearing dragon or the movie star Robert Redford, and so it makes a world of sense that the filmmaker would be drawn to the mysterious 14th century tale called Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, which has been confounding and delighting scholars and storytellers for seven full centuries and yet somehow, in all its glorious anonymity, still stands today, as weird and wonderful and malleable to shifting modernity as ever.

Lowery's staggering and mysterious film (finally out tomorrow) drops the front half of the full title, punning itself hard on just being The Green Knight -- the devilishly handsome and charismatic Dev Patel fills in the Gawain part but Lowery's more concerned with how green this Knight, and the other Knight in its other way, be. When we meet him Gawain is green in the way of youth. A shoot not yet nicked by time, he's playful and dashed with innocence, eager to prove himself -- as goes the way of men whose skin is yet untroubled by scars or much sadness. 

But beware what you ask for, the saying's gone for a thousand thousand years, and with good reason. Invited to a Christmas party by his uncle, the good King called Arthur (a divinely desiccated Sean Harris, playing the legend halfway to skeleton-town), Gawain laments his adventure-less life, and before the syllables can even cool in the air the doors to the Castle have been blasted open and a gauntlet's been thrown down literally at his feet -- the life and death kind, full of superstitious riddles and bounteous hazards galore; tis a good yarn that's lasted all of these years!

And in Lowery's hands it's magic. Magick? Magicks. People far smarter than I have been teasing out the mysteries of Anonymous' epic poem, which is on its surface actually straightforwardly told, with long passages describing feasts and the passages of seasons in exquisite detail, but which only gets richer and stranger the further you telescope out. The Green Knight who comes a'knockin' at King Arthur's Court, his skin and horse all an otherworldly emeraldian tone, could mean anything, and has come to mean all of the anythings across the centuries. And Lowery, a filmmaker who loves slowing time down to a crawl and existing inside of such strangeness, who always has time for enigma, relishes the riddles, the neither here nor there and also here and also there too, at once, of it.

He's basically the perfect filmmaker for this material, leading us into a labyrinth of essential questions about the nature of time, of purpose, of existence, in an unhurried but visually dynamic (and then some) way. Gawain's adventures are episodic but Lowery makes each feel prismatic off a single piece, as if Gawain is standing still at the center of a maze while all the doorways and possibilites spin and present themselves. Here is where we are robbed and left for dead; here is where a headless specter in a gothic constant night asks our assistance; here is where our future bends back to our past. The finer plot details -- so where's that axe come from once it's already been disappeared? -- cease to matter in the storm of telling and retelling; on-screen titles remind us we're living inside a story that's been told so many times its particulars turn to sand. 

And so actors play different characters, as with Alicia Vikander who plays two very important ladies in Gawain's life -- but are they different? And is that her voice coming out of the talking fox that's been following our young hero about? And do the giants Gawain comes across at one point, enigmatic weirdos a hundred stories tall who howl and evaporate like fog across stone plateaus stretched to the forever horizon, do they maybe even resemble her a bit as well? Romantic notions of the old-fashioned chivalric type, twisted by history's endless variations, become queer inscrutable monumental things -- actually queer at one point too, as Joel Edgerton appears for an entertaining portion to tease out the poem's legendary gay kissy-kissy moments with a wash of bloody and beady-eyed glee. 

Lowery even rewrites the Ghost Story speech I mentioned at review's start and let's one of Vikander's characters rip into those same ideas and notions, on how green is life and life is moss and moss will find its way into every nook and cranny and render us bones in a snap, a snap so fast our bones spin. The camera spins once and Gawain is bones, then back again -- an entire act side-swiped from Scorsese's Last Temptation of Christ gives us the false floors of alternate timelines and happy endings, happy endings that go on for too long to stay that way for long.

The Green Knight is after all a Christmas movie, and the hangover of presents unwrapped hangs heavy -- now what? We put away the things we got, the books back on the shelves, and we keep on living, and another Christmas comes, and we keep on living, books up and bones over, and on. Along the way we make choices and they take us one way, another way, a thousand paths and a half-thousand years all leading to the same place. Do our adventures matter? We chant our stories like snaps of light, firework sparks in dark caverns briefly illuminating the walls, beautiful and warm but for so short too short a moment. Accept the kisses and the beard strokes while they're offered, because aggressive green is coming, at the door, inside the door, the door itself, the walls of the chapel and the spill of the light, bruises belted across our deepest beings. Unknowable giants lumbering unto nowhere, and gone, not a mark in their wake.

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Dripping With Dev

I'm not sure whether today's best news has been 1) Parker Posey joining the new Ari Aster movie, 2) the fact that I can re-watch Zola tonight thanks to it being on VOD now, or 3) the fact that I fiiiiiiinally just RSVP'd for a screening of David Lowery's film The Green Knight, which I've been jonesing for for well over a year now. But for the sake of this post let's go with the latter, because A24 also dropped a new clip of the movie today (via), one which involves a half-naked Dev Patel soaking wet and that, naturally, is currently consuming my thoughts. Watch:

The Green Knight -- which has gay stuff involving
Joel Edgerton, don't forget! -- hits theaters on July 30th!
Oh and A24 just dropped these for your high school locker:

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Once You Go Green...

A24 has really been edging the hell out of us with David Lowery's film The Green Knight, which was set to come out last year and which like a delicious carrot on a string they keep push push pushing away date-wise, dropping awesome little crumbs along the way. None have been so delectable, of course, as the news that there might be gay shit going down between star Dev Patel and co-star Joel Edgerton, but everything...

... about this movie has me excited! Like how we get our first glimpses of Barry Keoghan and Sean Harris in a new trailer dropped this morning! I'd actually spaced on Barry being in this, so...

... seeing him pop up here was a tip tip happy surprise. I'd also forgotten Sean Harris was in this too, but he's less of a surprise given Sean Harris seems to be contractually obligated to be in every single movie these days. We are not complaining we love Sean Harris! Although every time I see him I remember the scene in Prometheus where the alien's acid blood melts his space helmet to his face and I have to go sit in a dark closet rocking back and forth for a bit (I told you, suffocation terrifies me!) But...

... let's think happy thoughts. Like how good Dev looks. Ahhh, Dev. The luscious locks, the bushy beard, the high collars and golden crowns -- he rocks it all. Anyway The Green Knight is now set to come out at the end of July, on the 30th specifically. We're waiting!

Friday, December 18, 2020

Dev Patel Five Times

Yesterday the studio with all the hits A24 announced that David Lowery's long-awaited film The Green Knight (an adaptation of Ye Olde Gawain story) is being pushed back to July 30th 2021 -- that's approximately fourteen years after the film was originally supposed to debut, if you've been keeping track and you're also drunk. Anyway I wanted to see this from Day One but then I heard that "Dev Patel and Joel Edgerton hook up" and I got even more interested, which is not surprising to anyone who's spent five seconds on this website. Anyway the trailer's right here, although I recommend just putting the movie out of your head for the time being -- life will be a little less cruel without the impatience for this piling up. Go watch The Personal History of David Copperfield for now to get your Dev fix. It's fun, it also has Ben Whishaw and Tilda Swinton, what more could you want? Besides to take a little nap all nestled up inside of Dev's luxurious facial hair, of course.

Thursday, November 05, 2020

Putting the Gay in Gawain!

Big huge gay rumormongering happening on the Twitter-web today -- which has nothing to do with the election, for a change! It started a couple of days ago when Next Best Picture's Will Mavity caught the R-rating announcement for David Lowery's forthcoming movie version of The Green Knight for A24, which stars Dev Patel as the Sir Gawain of legend -- we showed you the trailer awhile back right here, and were pretty excited at the time not just by the gorgeous looking visuals but also by the sight of Dev's co-star Joel Edgerton rocking just a kilt. (And sidenote, Joel was just recently giving us an inkling what might be underneath.)

Well our pal Will caught that the R-rating was for "violence, some sexuality, and graphic nudity" and we all had some good fun convo about whether Dev or Joel or Dev and Joel would be dropping trou, I joked about them having "a sword-fight"... and then A24 tweeted this today:

And then Will shared some more information of his own:

... and I might just be losing my mind a little bit? This is unexpected, but certainly not unwelcome! If we're gonna get all of these period lesbian romances about beautiful women staring at the water with one another why can't we get one where blood-soaked Middle Ages maniacs get their horned-up fuck on after battle? It's not like that wasn't very much a thing, historically speaking. We demand historically accurate sodomy, Hollywood! Anyway we'll keep tuned to this station for every bit of news, for obviously -- we still don't know when The Green Knight is coming out though, so prepare to remain patient. This week is good practice for eeeeeverybody's patience.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Dev's Got Some Sweet Stuff

I can't believe it's taken me entire days to get to this news -- Dev Patel is going to star in a movie about the Chippendales! That sentence is slightly misleading -- he's going to play the real-life founder of the Chippendales male stripper dancer empire, an Indian immigrant named Somen ‘Steve’ Banerjee, who founded the cock-flopping institution in 1979 and made big bucks with his partners, all of which went spectacularly off the rails with behind-the-scenes criminal shenanigans -- you know, the usual 1980s shit. Sex, drugs, murder, arson, and racketeering, oh my.

I reported on this project back in 2013 when True Blood's Alan Ball was attached -- Ball's out now (haha that phrase in relation to this story) and I, Tonya director Craig Gillespie is attached. There's a huge cast of larger-than-life characters in this story -- which involves Dorothy Stratten, the Playboy Bunny who got murdered in 1980 -- so the rest of the cast should be one to keep our eyes on. And let's hope they find some way to get Dev to shake his good stuff a little, even if he's just the big man in charge...  

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Four Somethings To Look Forward To

Last week I bitched on Twitter -- what, you think we're doing something else on Twitter? -- about there existing a foursome of films that I have already myself seen and that I would love to write about but can't, because I had, at the time, no information on when they were being released here in the US. The films are...

... working clockwise Armando Iannucci's The Personal History of David Copperfield starring Dev Patel, Xavier Dolan's queer romance Matthias & Maxime, Brandon Cronenberg's Possessor with Christopher Abbott and Andrea Riseborough, and finally the South African coming-out drama Moffie. These are all movies I have posted about previously, in some form -- I posted the first trailer for Moffie back in September after it played Venice; I shared a photo of adorable Dev in costume last July; I have already posted an insufferable amount about the Dolan picture. But that brings us to...

... Brandon Cronenberg's Possessor, which totally grossed a whole bunch of people out when it played at Sundance in February, immediately seizing my attention, and which just finally today got a poster (up top) and a trailer and a release date. October 9th is when we'll all be able to officially see it; here's the first violently beautiful batch of images in moving form:

Even though I am going to hold off on properly reviewing the film until it hits in October I do just want you all to know that this movie is a huge step forward for Brandon "Son of David" Cronenberg from his 2012 movie Antiviral, which was a movie I liked but didn't love. Possessor is exactly the deeply disturbing content I demand from a Cronenberg Heir and I plan on watching it dozens of times. Also...

... can I just say that Chris Abbott has officially aged into prime man material? I was already onboard that train thanks to George Clooney ogling his sexy business all over his Catch-22 adaptation, but this movie brings all of that to a whole new unholy level. But more on all of this in October! I'm going to share a few more images from the gorgeous Possessor trailer now and as I do I do want to...

... step back to this post's beginning, because there's been news on all three of the other films I tweeted about in the past week, which seems improbable and only confirms I should bitch on Twitter way more often. 1) Last night during the Democratic National Convention I saw a TV commercial for Dev Patel's David Copperfield -- that's coming out in ten days, on August 28th! No I don't know what "Coming Out" means anymore either, but look around, maybe you're in a place where movies "come out."

And second, I guess you can already watch Moffie online now -- the film's Twitter account shared a link to this DsTV site here, where you can rent it right this minute. If anybody does try to rent it -- and Moffie is a really moving and beautiful film, I recommend you do try -- let me know how that site works. It's my first time hearing of it. (ETA I guess that site doesn't work in the US. So we're still waiting on Moffie here! I will keep my eyes peeled for a release.) And then third slash lastly...

... Xavier Dolan's Matthias & Maxime is apparently hitting the streaming site MUBI on August 28th, according to their Twitter account. This is pretty exciting because 1) the film's terrific, the best thing Dolan's done in awhile, and 2) this is probably the fastest a Xavier Dolan movie has gotten a release in the US; his movies are always a massive pain in the ass to see here for some inexplicable reason. One of the positive side-effects of the pandemic (one of the very very few) seems to be a need for fresh streaming content though, and here we are.

Monday, August 03, 2020

Good Morning, World

A happy belated-by-two-days 30th birthday to the actor Jack O'Connell, seen here on the television program that gave half the British actors now working their beginning, Skins -- looking through that cast list now really is a wowza of a Who's Who. Jack! Nicky Hoult! Joe Dempsie! Dev Patel! Some actresses or whatever too!

I was too old to watch Skins at the time and I'm definitely too old to watch it now -- even looking at these gifs make me feel like Jeremy Irons asking Dominique Swan to sit on his lap on the rocking chair. Anyway I am very much looking forward to Jack's upcoming series The North Water with director Andrew Haigh and fellow actor Colin Farrell, where double-checking Jack's age is no longer a factor -- read more about that here, and a happy 30 to Jack! 

Thursday, February 13, 2020

No Bounty But Your Blood in My Body

When it was announced last March that David Lowery, director of Ain't Them Bodies Saints and my beloved A Ghost Story, was going to adapt the classic poem Gawain and the Green Knight for A24, I was immediately thrilled. The terrific Dev Patel was cast in the lead, and then they filled out the supporting cast with a who's who of Great Movie Faces, 2020 Edition -- Barry Keoghan! Sean Harris! Joel Edgerton! Ralph Ineson aka the dad from The Witch! Speaking of...

Kate Dickie, the mother from The Witch! There are actually all sorts of crossovers with these actors, with Prometheus and The King popping up. You can tell when a director is interested in pointing his camera at interesting faces because one or more of these folks inevitably pop up.

Anyway the trailer for The Green Knight, as it's called, has arrived today, and it's got everything I want in a trailer. It's got those faces, it's got Joel Edgerton stabbing things while wearing just a kilt and covered in blood, it's got Dev Patel's abs on fire...

Abs on fire, y'all! Some people might think the selling point of that shot, which I cropped a lot, is Dev Patel's head on fire, but it's really the abs. Dev's looking fine! It's got this pair of shots:

I still haven't seen Lowery's re-do of Pete's Dragon but I heard wonderful things about it and these shots are giving that vibe all the same -- the fox-hound and the quest through foggy wilderness... it's a vibe I very much dig, is my point. Here's the trailer:
The Green Knight is out on May 29th.