Saw this gif of Orange is the New Black actor Matt McGorry making the rounds on Tumblr the other day and set it aside for a moment I might need it... and here we are. (It's from a 2015 movie called How He Fell in Love, in case you've got that question.) Coincidentally it's Matt's 37th birthday in a few days so a happy early one to him! Was happy when Matt popped up on Archive 81 recently -- still mourning Netflix canceling that terrific show. Fuck you, Netflix! I put A81 on my list of "Underrated Netflix Shows" at Mashable a couple of weeks ago just to spite whoever made that decision.
Showing posts with label OITNB. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OITNB. Show all posts
Tuesday, April 04, 2023
Friday, September 27, 2019
How Now First Cow
It's good to see John Magaro in a leading man role here and now at last with Kelly Reichardt's new film First Cow, you guys -- he's always been memorable whenever I've seen him in anything, from his role on Orange is the New Black to playing Therese's drinking buddy in Carol. And Reichardt really lets him shine, as she always does with every actor she puts under her microscope -- click on over to The Film Experience to read my review of First Cow, my first review out of this year's just opened New York Film Festival. And stay tuned for a lot more from NYFF coming shortly! And oh right also before that you can hit the jump if you want a few more John Magaro pictures to get you in the mood...
Kelly Reichardt,
Todd Haynes
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Quote of the Day
"I think that I knew from an early age that it seemed to be my job as a girl going into a woman to run at this Grace Kelly smoke and mirrors version of myself. But I knew I was going to have this haggard witch, Emily Dickinson monster snapping at my ankles all the while, and if I stopped for one second, that person’s going to eat me and take over and I’ll eat Special K inside forever and stop running at whatever it is I’m running at. And I think I’m realizing that I found a profession where I can stop and let that Emily Dickinson monster drive or take the microphone or channel her into something, and it’s so much more interesting than the porny Grace Kelly person that I’d been told I had to try to pretend to be. And I think for a long time, female roles were — and sometimes still — live in smoke and mirrors, and we have to muffle our inner haggardness and witchiness. But stories are just so much richer and more interesting when we’re giving that part of ourselves the microphone and pen and paper. I think in the pursuit of my career and health insurance and running from that demon snapping at my ankles, I forgot that the reason I became an actor was communion and to crack open my ribs and have the scariest, smallest, weirdest part of my soul maybe find a mirror in someone else’s. And that requires stopping and not running and hiding."
-- I love Betty Gilpin so much, y'all. We all love Betty Gilpin right? Anyway that's Betty Gilpin chatting with another love Natasha Lyonne for Variety's new Emmys issue, and the entire chat is "Quote of the Day" material, I really very much recommend you go read it right now. It'll make this shitty day disappear for a second or two, I promise. In related, have we all watched the latest season of GLOW yet? What a show, what a show, what a show.
Monday, June 12, 2017
Today's Fanboy Delusion
Today I'd rather be...
One of the bad things about me taking off the entire weekend from blogging is that when things like this strike over those couple of days there's an entire internet ready to beat me to the punch - a few years back it wasn't so (these things usually took a day or two) but now they're up within minutes. So you can click here or click here (thx Mac) for more, since...
... I'm not going to bother capping the whole thing now. (Especially since Evan spends half the season in those underwear, so just watch the dang show.) (That said I did manage to post a couple of other shots on the Tumblr too.)
... I'm not going to bother capping the whole thing now. (Especially since Evan spends half the season in those underwear, so just watch the dang show.) (That said I did manage to post a couple of other shots on the Tumblr too.)
But one of the good things about taking the entire weekend off is I can go home and take a couple of days and binge-watch the new season of Orange is the New Black, without which I would've had this scene spoiled for me beforehand, so... it's a real yin-yang thing. I mean, maybe I might be the one spoiling things now? Sorry!
That said I'm immensely pleased to make Evan Hall's acquaintance. I did notice him last season but they really made me notice him this year. I just wish he had more of an online presence - he doesn't even have an Instagram. Walk that hot ass into the 21st Century, Evan. Thankfully his also-hot co-star Nick Dillenburg is filling in the gap...
I haven't actually completely finished the new season yet - I have two and a half episodes to go. But it's been great so far. Any non-spoilery thoughts from y'all?
.A post shared by Nick Dillenburg (@nickd___) on
I haven't actually completely finished the new season yet - I have two and a half episodes to go. But it's been great so far. Any non-spoilery thoughts from y'all?
Anatomy IN a Scene,
Fanboy Delusions,
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
Today's Fanboy Delusion
Today I'd rather be...
... hearing the ocean with Pablo Schreiber.
I can't quite hear it yet, Pablo!
Bring it closer! CLOOOOSEERRRRR.
Anyway shame on us on two counts - number one there've been several pictures worth sharing posted to Mr. Schreiber's Instagram over the past month that we're just now getting to, and number two we haven't watched this week's episode of American Gods yet. We'll make up for the second part tonight, but we can do something about the first part right this second! Hit the jump for ten more pictures...
Monday, April 17, 2017
Pablo Schreiber One Time
I should post a picture of Ricky Whittle here because he's supposed to be at the Apple Store event for American Gods that I'm currently headed out the door to while sadly there's no mention of Pablo being there, but Pablo shared this picture on Instagram himself and so he wins this round. Your move, Ricky!
Bryan Fuller,
Neil Gaiman,
Pablo Schreiber,
Friday, March 24, 2017
Today's Fanboy Delusion
Today I'd rather be...
... dropping it like it's hot
(cuz it's hot) with Matt McGorry.
A post shared by Matt McGorry (@mattmcgorry) on
(thx HawtWyre)
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Good Morning, World
I'm pretty sure I've been clamoring - literally clamoring! - for a good look at Matt McGorry's bum since the first time I saw him strutting it proudly in his guard uniform on Orange is the New Black, but maybe that perception's been skewed by hindsight (heh, hindsight in this context is funny, heh) filtered through the way he's made the pushing of that thing around on How To Get Away With Murder his calling card. Anyway, point being, we have wanted that ass (or in the common parlance of the day, dat azz), and now we have it! All thanks to this little movie he made called How He Fell In Love. And yes I am gonna make you hit the jump for it...
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Mad Pablo's Pot o' Gold
I don't want to say that our post wishing Pablo Schreiber a happy birthday a couple of weeks ago was directly responsible for today's news that he's just joined the cast of Bryan Fuller's American Gods series but, well, you put energy out into the universe and stuff happens, people. I don't know if you heard that Sean Harris, the delightfully terrifying actor who was originally cast to play the crazed leprechaun Mad Sweeney, recently had to drop out for personal reasons (I hadn't mentioned it yet) but that's the role Schreiber's stepping into - I hope they tested his brogue before giving him the gig, is all. And now two bonus pics to get us in the mood:
Bryan Fuller,
Neil Gaiman,
Pablo Schreiber
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Always Bet On Pornstache
It's the 39th birthday of the actor Pablo Schrieber today - he's probably still best known for playing "Pornstache" on Orange is the New Black but his career seems to be doing pretty well (he was apparently in Michael Bay's 13 Hours, but I didn't see that) so I think he'll be around for awhile. Anyway he's half-brothers with Liev Schreiber, whose career is also doing pretty well - Ray Donovan keeps being renewed even though I don't think I know anyone who watches that show (I have been tempted though - have I ever) and he was just in the Oscar winner for Best Picture last year (and some people maintain he was the best thing in Spotlight). But we only want to know the important things, like...
To add my own two cents I have seen both of these guys on the streets of New York and my answer is definitely Liev -- Pablo was riding a bicycle on the sidewalk and that's an instant disqualification.
Friday, December 18, 2015
Everything You Ever Need To Know About Life...
... you can learn from:
The Color Purple (1985)
Celie: He just climb on top of meand do his business.Shug: "Do his business"?You sound like he going to the toilet on you.Celie: That's what it feel like.Shug: Why then, Miss Celie...that means you still a virgin!
Today is both Steven Spielberg's 69th birthday and the 30th anniversary of the release of The Color Purple, so it only seems right to celebrate them together. I wish Spielberg would make another movie about women - he hasn't shown much interest in a very long time, which I took note of watching the relatively woman-free Bridge of Spies (sorry Amy Ryan, but that watery-eyed worry wife don't count for much) this year.
I've seen this movie more times than I could count - it's one of the ones my mother and I could agree on when I was a teenager so we watched it over and over and over again. (This and Death Becomes Her and Sister Act -- my mom loves Whoopi.) Anyway I was thinking about this movie last night before I even remembered its anniversary - there was a woman on the train beside me clutching her Playbill from the Broadway show currently ongoing -- have any of you seen the show? I've been tempted because Danielle Brooks is my favorite actress on Orange is the New Black and I'd love to see her do Sophia.
Friday, June 20, 2014
Jessica Hyde Is Back & Blonder Than Ever
Did you guys listen to me and find some way to watch Utopia yet? The UK show might never get a proper release here in the US because David Fincher snapped up the rights to remake it here (along with Gone Girl author Gillian Flynn) but dammit all to heck the original is so good you've got to get your hands on it, I say. There are ways, you know. Anyway the second season (or "series" if we're using the Brit vernacular) starts in July and the first trailer's popped up (thanks to Bill for the heads-up) and oh my Christ I am wetting myself with want right now.
I'm so glad this will be back in July - having just finished Orange is the New Black and Fargo and In the Flesh I'm gonna need some quality in-of-doors entertainment this Summer and this should fit the bill fully. Yeah yeah I know True Blood starts this weekend - I still haven't finished last season of that though. In summation - color!
david fincher,
In the Flesh,
Martin Freeman,
Picture Pages,
True Blood,
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Which Is Hotter?
This post was brought to you by Dune being super cheap on Blu-ray, and my Orange is the New Black hangover. And the number five. And the gigantic eyeballs of something beyond the realm of sanity.
Today's Mood
I stayed up half the night finally finishing the second season of Orange is the New Black last night (which yeah if you wanna say anything about that show now you can, feel free!) so I'm kinda hella groggy today. Expect half-hearted quips and head-nodding, at best.
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Today's Mood
Every time Lin Tucci shows up on Orange is the New Black this is all I can see. (My apologies, Lin.) By the way I'm about three episodes from being done with the second season, in case you were wondering. This week's turning out to be kind of crazy so I probably won't finish it until this weekend. My highest priority right now is the finale of Fargo, which aired last night but I was seeing The National in Brooklyn so I haven't gotten to watch it yet. Isn't this all terribly interesting? Not that I think anybody can focus on words with that gif flashing directly above. It, uh, tends to capture the attention.
especially random nonsense,
Paul Verhoeven,
todays mood
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Pic of the Day
Before you ask NO I have not watched any more of Orange is the New Black's second season - I am only one episode in so far. So don't say anything I don't wanna hear it nyah nyah nyah I can't hear you. But clearly I had to post this picture of Pablo "Pornstache" Schrieber and Matt McGorry going at it behind the scenes via Matt's Instagram. I'd be lying if I said I didn't ship these two in the first season. Oh and because I somehow never posted this here's McGorry's funny fake Magic Mike 2 audition.
If you have gotten further than me with the show, you should check out The Film Experience's "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" edition devoted to it that ran last night. Well I guess you should, I have no idea - I had to stay away lest I get spoiled, obviously.
Friday, June 06, 2014
Oops I Forgot One
When I asked y'all what you'd be watching this weekend I left off the most obvious choice! I feel as if some of you have probably already plowed through some (if not all!) of the second season of Orange is the New Black, which popped onto Netflix today. If you define the word "late" with a broadness so broad as to render it meaningless then you can say I am a later-comer to the series - I watched the first season over this just passed Memorial Day weekend. I liked it very much! I will be watching this as well. Any fans up in here?
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