A happy 36th birthday to the director Riley Stearns today! If you follow me on Twitter then you've no doubt come across my neverending Riley Stearns thread there -- if not I've included the start below and if you click on there you'll be granted an entire year plus one month's worth of obsessing. And I have no intentions of quitting either! Not as long as he keeps being the Insta-gift that keeps giving anyway. I suppose you could also follow him on Instagram but who can keep up with all of these things? Me, that's who! That's my job.
Anyway as for Riley yes he does direct movies -- I talk about that less than I talk about those biceps, but... well have you seen his biceps? Just saying. No no his movies are good! I really loved The Art of Self-Defense with Jesse Eisenberg and yesterday's birthday boy Alessandro Nivola, and his movie from this year called Dual was great too -- you can read my review of that one right here. You can watch Dual online now! I still haven't seen Riley's first movie Faults but every time I think I will I feel a solidarity with him about the whole Mary Elizabeth Winstead situation (he and MEW made that movie together and were a couple and then MEW ran off with Ewan McGregor -- that whole "situation") and my enthusiasm wanes for long enough that I forget, until the next time. One of these days! I have heard good things.
Good grief is Riley Stearns the hottest director pic.twitter.com/UYCAk0o7Z2
— Jason Adams (@JAMNPP) May 27, 2021