Showing posts with label Thomas Jane. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thomas Jane. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Not In Flames, But In Mist

I've mentioned it on social media here and there but I've been re-reading Stephen King's The Stand for the past few weeks in quarantine  -- nothing like diving right into Plague Fiction during a plague! Coincidentally I actually finally finished the book last night, timed pretty much right to the end of said quarantine as I returned to my office, and now tonight I plan on  starting up and re-watching the 1990 miniseries... which I remember as being somewhat terrible? We will see. (I'm very much looking forward to the new version with Alexander Skarsgard and James Marsden later this year, though.) Anyway all of that nonsense went and got me in a Stephen King mood pretty hard, and so this week's edition of our "Great Moments in Horror Actressing" series over at The Film Experience is devoted to one of the great King cinematic villains, Marcia Gay Harden's turn as Mrs. Carmody in The Mist from 2007. She's so great at being so awful, is't she? Boo hiss, chef's kiss!

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Tye Another One Off

I don't know that I would have bothered to do this post if I hadn't luckily uncovered the above photo (click to embiggen) from Tye Sheridan's 2018 photoshoot for W Magazine -- when we previously posted that shoot the above shot, which was the magazine's cover image (for obvious reasons), was covered with typographical nonsense, which always gets on my nerves. But there it is without all that crap! Clean unfettered eyeball access to Tye, just how's we like it. Anyway...

... that there is the trailer for Tye's upcoming thriller The Night Clerk (via),which is what got me googling Tye in the first place. The movie, which is out on February 20th, is about a hotel clerk with a dash of autism who spies on his guests in order to teach himself What Normies Act Like, which obviously leads to danger and disaster and Knives Out It Girl Ana De Armas sexytimes as well? The movie, besides Armas, also co-stars John Leguizamo, Helen Hunt, and Johnathan Schaech, and was directed by Michael Cristofer whose last film was the Jolie / Banderas / Thomas Jane camp-fest Original Sin way back in 2001! We remember that movie fondly because if gifted us a ton of Sleazy Hot Thomas Jane Content...

... so basically we're now hoping that there's a secret sleaze-fest buried in The Night Clerk too. It's got enough of a Sliver rip-ff story to keep that hope alive too, I think. The world needs more campy erotic thrillers, certainly not less. Anyway in summation besides that top photo I scrounged up a few random Tye Sheridan photos that I've never posted before in all of my many former Tye Sheridan posts, and I've got those for your eyeballs after the jump...

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Today's Fanboy Delusion

Today I'd rather be...

... learning the true meaning of life
 from Thomas Jane's Asshole.

Hung actor Thomas Jane has just gifted the world with a short film called "The World's Biggest Asshole" for an organ donation campaign, and can I just say... Thomas Jane, you can have my organ any time. Just ask and it's yours! Watch the amusing video below, and donate your organs today!

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Good Morning, World

I never did get around to seeing the 2011 film I Melt With You even though I did know that it supposedly features a lot of homoerotic bonding between Thomas Jane and Rob Lowe, as documented in this post here. Did any of you ever bother? I am reminded because Mr. Jane shared the above set photograph on his Instagram today, and that's the kinda thing that jogs one's memory. And speaking of jogging...

... the entire movie is streaming on Tubi for free and I clicked onto a random place in the film and I just happened to land right square in the center of the beach-jogging and stripping and skinny-dipping scene, because I have superpowers apparently, and this is my superpower -- I can find ass faster than a speeding bullet.  (It's around the 21 minute mark if you'd like to watch it yourself.)

Friday, February 22, 2019

Everything You Ever Need To Know About Life...

... you can learn from:

Todd Parker: Who's 'vette is that out in the driveway?
Reed Rothchild: DIRK! I'm so jealous.
Todd Parker: That shit's jammin', man. Start down low with
a 350 cube, three and a quarter horsepower, 4-speed, 4:10
gears, 10 coats of competition orange, hand-rubbed lacquer
with a huplane manifold... full fuckin' race cams. Whoo!

I have no idea what he just said, but Thomas Jane's performance as the coke-head to end all coke-heads in Boogie Nights is really underrated, I think. There are enough side characters of god-like stature in that movie to make ten lists but you never hear him get love. He totally should! I would watch an entire spin-off movie about his "dancing" career.

It's Jane's 50th birthday today so a happy one to him! Although he's not as prevalent as he was a decade back I'm glad he still works a lot -- it was good to see him in The Predator and the little horror flick Before I Wake is super under-rated. And I haven't kept up with The Expanse but that's still going on right? 

Anyway if I weren't busy finishing up my awards today I'd totally do a list of my favorite performances from him because I'm a big fan, but since I am busy with that I'll just ask y'all -- What's your favorite Thomas Jane? I mean besides this photograph obviously...

Friday, September 14, 2018

The Great Golding

While I should be preparing myself this weekend for the coming onslaught of ultra busyness coming my way (more on that in a bit) with anything except Seeing More Movies I fully intend to see both Paul Feig's A Simple Favor (co-starring our man Henry Golding here, pics via, thx Mac) as well as The Predator reboot this weekend -- y'all stay tuned for thoughts on those, maybe! Maybe? I don't know. Other movies out this weekend though - Slice, the pizza slasher movie that I reviewed earlier, and Lizzie, the latest Lizzie Borden with Chloë Sevigny & Kristen Stewart, which I reviewed right here. And if you guys out there reading this see anything worth mentioning why don't you tell me about it in the comments? Here I will lead you to them with a few more pics of Henry after the jump...

Tuesday, August 07, 2018

Fighting Fish With Fur

There's a giant killer shark movie out this weekend and I dunno about you but with all due apologies to Jason Statham whenever I think of giant killer sharks I think about Thomas Jane fighting them in little pink shorts. It's just a thing, a thing I have. But I am not the only one - BD posted an appreciation of the 1999 classic I speak of called Deep Blue Sea yesterday...

... and then there's this brand new photo-shoot of the vibrantly bearded Tom Jane himself in Da Man Magazine (thx Mac) which okay technically this has nothing to do with DBS (Jane is in The Predator out in September) but I'm just gonna pretend. He does mention the film in the interview! Anyway the magazine released a slew of outtakes from the photo-shoot on top of the regular shots so you can hit the jump and I'll share 'em all...

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Boyd Versus The Space Monsters

It wasn't until I got halfway into this trailer for the new Predator movie (excuse me - the new The Predator movie) and Sterling K. Brown got all jokey that I recalled it was Shane "Kiss Kiss Band Bang" Black who was directing this reboot and I realized, belatedly, that Shane Black is probably the perfect dude for this movie isn't he? I might've realized that before when he was announced, but what can I say, I am slow. Slow as the dickens! Here:
Anyway mostly I've just been looking forward to Boyd Holbrook in the film's lead because, well, look at him up there. Or look at him in this big gratuitous post I did on him way back when - lord knows I look back at that post whenever I need a pick me up. Or look at him here some more:

That's one well-placed strap. Oh and I've been looking forward to Trevante Rhodes too, who is only seen once in the trailer but who's holding what is, even for this series, one very big "gun."

The Predator isn't out until September which seems kind of silly - this is a summer movie, guys. But it'll probably make a shit-ton of money in September, what do i know.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Now I Lay Me Down To... DIE!!!

As much as I love horror movies I don't really technically scare all that easily anymore. I'm not a jumper. But there's one thing that is guaranteed to get my heart racing, works every time, and that's somebody being suffocated. Not being drowned, not being smothered with a pillow; it's more precise than that - it's that thing where something gets inside your throat and chokes you from the inside. (I know, I know - paging Dr. Freud.) Scenes like the Snake Alien Attack in Prometheus where the acid melts the helmet to that one dude's face, or even the scene in Sofia Coppola's Somewhere when Stephen Dorff gets the plaster mask of his head made and has to breathe through those two tiny nose slots...

Immediate panic attack for me. Well Before I Wake, the "new" horror film from Gerald's Game director Mike Flanagan, offers up a big brand new yicky addition to that most ghastly slot in the Cinematic Death Canon, and I am still yicked out, as the saying goes. Death comes in Before I Wake via a sleep demon that'd give the Slender Man second thoughts and who feeds on his victims by just sort of coating them in himself and believe you me this shit shook a shudder or two out of me but good.

I put "new" in quotes above because the film's been sitting on the shelf for a couple of years now (Jacob Tremblay looks exactly like he did in Room in 2015) until just recently dropping onto Netflix - I'm guessing this was part of the deal with Flanagan for Gerald's Game, or maybe just coincidence, but these two films of his would make a very fine double-feature if you're looking for a night of good creeps. 

There's reason to be excited about Flanagan for those of us who care about good solid horror movie-making, because he keeps assembling good solid horror films out of scraps you don't think oughta make such things. Like how does the second Ouija movie turn out to be so scary? All of his entertainments so far seemingly fall into that hell-space of budgets just big enough to to be too big for horror movies, where the mite-too-cheap CG gets leaned on and murders the atmosphere, but he's almost entirely avoided that trap - his imagination for Scary Images, his eye for what actually works, has kept these things just on the right, sweet side of uncanny.

And he cares about his characters, giving them interesting challenges to overcome, while not being afraid to really Go There when necessary - Before I Wake is the ten millionth horror movie about parents mourning a dead child but it actually manages to grab ahold of that horror with two hands and shake the guts out of it at times; it violates decency with a couple of images in the way that horror is there for. Made for. (Picture Donald Sutherland cradling his daughter's drowned corpse in Don't Look Now, anguish shredding his face at the seams.) The bad guy in Before I Wake is bad in a way that feels genuinely bad.

I don't want to run out ahead of myself - Don't Look Now is Don't Look Now, and Before I Wake is not. It's not even Gerald's Game, which I found tremendously affecting thanks to some career-best work from Carla Gugino and Bruce Greenwood. But Kate Bosworth and Thomas Jane, who play the parents, and Tremblay especially as their new adopted boy, all turn in solid work here - Tremblay just walks on-screen and you want to protect him, and this movie exploits that feeling ruthlessly (I love how they cast all of his classmates older than him so he just always looks so so tiny all of the time). It's very much worth a look. Just don't hold your breath, guys.


Thursday, September 21, 2017

5 Off My Head: Uncle Stevie's 70

It is the 70th birthday of Stephen King and old age be damned he's this year's hot "It Boy" and in more ways than one, the movie It being the year's biggest surprise hit - I think we all expected the movie to do well, but not this well. It's raking in cash over claw. (Here is my review in case you missed it.) Anyway I'm in too much of a rush just now to go back through our archives and check to see if I've done this before (it's entirely possible) but here on his 70th let's name our five favorite movie adaptations of his stories.

My 5 Favorite Stephen King Movies

-- dir. Taylor Hackford --

Carrie (1976)
-- dir. Brian DePalma --

The Mist (2007)
-- dir. Frank Darabont --

The Shining (1980)
-- dir. Stanley Kubrick --

Misery (1990)
-- dir. Rob Reiner --

And if I did a Top Ten: The Shawshank Redemption


What are your favorite Stephen King movies?
(And would you already put It on your list?
I'm not quite there yet, but it's good.)

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

10 Off My Head: Siri Says 2007

I wasn't planning on having time to do one of our "Siri Says" series today what with my NYFF screening eating up half of the afternoon, but then I asked my phone for a number and it gave me "7" and I thought I could probably rattle off a list from The Movies of 2007 pretty easily because I already did that before -- 2007 was the first year I tried to do such a thing, right here in this post

But it turns out that 2007 was a really really good year for the movies, you guys, and I kind of couldn't narrow this down to just five. It has to be ten. Hell it could've been 20 I think - there are titles in the runners-up that in a shittier year could've pushed their way to the front. And my list has actually changed a little bit in the 10 years since these movies came out, too. (And yes, all of these movies turn 10 this year.) So here is my revised list.

My 10 Favorite Movies of 2007

(dir. David Fincher)
-- released on March 2nd 2007 -- 

(dir. Brad Bird)
-- released on June 29th 2007 -- 

(dir. William Friedkin)
-- released on May 25th 2007 -- 

(dir. Andrew Dominik)
-- released on October 19th 2007 -- 

(dir. Coens)
-- released on November 21st 2007 -- 

(dir. Frank Darabont)
-- released on November 21st 2007 -- 

(dir. Paul Thomas Anderson)
-- released on December 10th 2007 -- 

(dir. Mike White)
-- released on May 11th 2007 -- 

(dir. John Carney)
-- released on June 15th 2007 -- 

(dir. Paul Verhoeven)
-- released on May 18th 2007 -- 


Runners-up: 300 (dir. Zack Snyder), Black Snake Moan (dir. Craig Brewer), I'm a Cyborg But That's OK (dir. Park Chan-wook), 28 Weeks Later (dir. Fresnadillo), Sunshine (dir. ), Superbad (dir. Greg Mottola), Eastern Promises (dir. David Cronenberg), Stardust (dir. Matthew Vaughn)...

... Hot Fuzz (dir. Edgar Wright), Grindhouse (dir. Tarantino & Rodriguez), Michael Clayton (dir. Tony Gilroy), The Golden Compass (dir. Chris Weitz), The Orphanage (dir. JA Bayona), Away From Her (dir. Sarah Polley), Hostel: Part II (dir. Eli Roth), Juno (dir. Jason Reitman), The Darjeeling Limited (dir. Wes Anderson)


What are you favorite movies of 2007?

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Who Wore It Best?

As noted last week our Thomas Jane love affair's been reawakened thanks to SyFy's The Expanse, which never met an opportunity to get him shirtless that it didn't eye-fuck the heck out of. Well today's Tommy-boy's 48th birthday and after a bit of investigating I discovered I have never made us choose between his 2004 brand of Punisher and Jon Bernthal's recent take on the skull-loving villain for Netflix's Daredevil series. So let's!


Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Good Morning, World

My Thomas Jane obsession has been reawakened thanks to all his recent shirtlessness on The Expanse (see here and see here) and so we look back to his previous show, his great big dick show called Hung, for comfort. Hung seems kind of forgotten these days but Christ was it a great big dicked gift for us Thomas Jane obsessives. I posted about it so many times during its run I'm just going to tell you to scan back through the archives if you seek more; for now here is a tantalizing glimpse of his furry lil' tummy from the second episode of the second season because why not.