Showing posts with label Jessica Chastain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jessica Chastain. Show all posts

Monday, October 09, 2023

Everything You Ever Need To Know About Life...

 ... you can learn from:

Crimson Peak (2015)

Ogilvie: A ghost story. Your father 
didn't tell me it was a ghost story. 
Edith: Oh it's... it's not. It's more a story with 
a ghost in it. The ghost is just a metaphor. 
Ogilvie: A metaphor? 
Edith: For the past.

I love how Guillermo Del Toro just lays that out there in Crimson Peak -- a smack upside the head to reorient our expectations going into the movie, and yet so many people were like, "It's not scary enough!!! The ghosts are funny looking!!!" after watching it. This movie remains so underrated! Blergh, people. Anyway no blergh to Guillermo, who's celebrating his 59th birthday today! A very happy blergh-less day to him!

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Good Morning, World

I realized yesterday when I saw this gif of Oscar Isaac in the fifth episode of his Scenes From a Marriage miniseries being passed around that I never finished that series? I think I made it to episode three and then we saw his penis and I sort of blacked out. Possibly until yesterday? Who even knows anymore honestly, but still I felt the need to share the above view all the same. And I guess I should probably go back and finish it sometime. This is what happens when you don't reply to my emails asking for screenings, PR people! My attention span is not good!

Friday, January 07, 2022

Searching For Edgar Ramirez

In case you hadn't noticed -- and why would you? -- it is January of the year 2022. I don't know. It just is. So yeah, it's January, allegedly, and even though nothing else feels the same the studios are still using January as their dumping ground and so the movies coming out, they ain't so exciting. We do have the new Scream movie coming out next week and that is exciting, but otherwise, me trying to do a round-up of things to watch right now? Not a thrill. There is The 355, a lady spies adventure starring Jessica Chastain and Lupita Nyong'o and Fan Bingbing and Penelope Cruz and Diane Kruger, but I've heard tepid things and...

... that would benefit their buzz, don't you think? But nooooooo they know better. Best of luck with that, then. I think we're all gonna be saving that one for airplane rides. (Hollywood has really done Edgar dirty y'all -- he's such an incredible actor when given the chance.) 

There is a good movie out on VOD today (and supposedly in some theaters but I'm not encouraging theater-going at all right now, and I think you know why, but let's try to write a post without naming the pandemic in the room for once) -- it's called See For Me and I reviewed it out of Tribeca last summer, right here. It's about a blind girl named Sophie who is house-sitting for strangers when robbers break in and there's a, you guessed it, cat and mouse game that ensues. It's terrific -- atmospheric, tense, all the things you want from that set-up. I'll share the trailer here: 

Otherwise there is the new Asghar Farhadi movie A Hero in some theaters, but seriously, it hits Amazon in two weeks -- just wait for that please. I will be writing it up up then -- you don't want to see it before you know what I think, right??? Man I'll try anything. Stay home. I am staying home. I am going to watch a bunch of Search Party (watch the trailer here) and celebrate Elvismas tomorrow from the comfort of my sofa, the way Riley Keough's grandfather intended. Have a good safe weekend, everyone. And please tell me what you're watching in the comments! 

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Good Morning, World

I said I wasn't going to post these scenes until I caught up on the two episodes of Scenes From a Marriage that I am behind, but... notice how I couldn't help saying "behind" and "but" there? There's a reason. The pathway from my id to my gif-making fingertips is a laser-fast express-route and nothing can get in the way when something like Oscar Isaac's immediately legendary nudity in these last two episodes of Scenes From a Marriage comes along. Last week's episode, which I capped here, I still haven't recovered from. I may never recover! I'll be talking to my therapist about it for decades. My final words, as the planet Melancholia smashes into Earth, will be, "The... Chunky... Bum......" Meanwhile this week's past episode might not offer us the same view from the front that last week's did -- I can't even believe that still happened! -- but it offers a better view of the Noted Chunky Bum itself, and for that, eternal gratitude. I mean... Ingmar Bergman who, right? Never heard of him! Hit the jump for the rest...

Tuesday, October 05, 2021

Good Morning, World

While half of the social media platforms collapsed and/or glitched yesterday I put my time to good use for a change -- I made seventeen gifs from Oscar Isaac's two extraordinary nude scenes on the latest episode of Scenes From a Marriage! Not that I spend heaps of time on Facebook or Instagram during the day -- Twitter's my true social media vice -- but it's a good excuse  (as if I need an excuse) as to how I got ahead, creating this morning's post yesterday afternoon. Indeed when I am writing this it's Monday afternoon -- I wonder if the internet still exists? Am I posting these gifs onto a non-existent internet? The future ghouls who tap into the staticky signal will only find a grainy gif of Oscar's dick as proof humanity ever existed... did I say Oscar's dick? Oh baby did I ever. Oscar's everything! The forever begged-for Chunky Bum revealed in its full, spectacular glory y'all! What a beautiful big bouncy morning it is turning out to be, internet or no. So while I'm at a NYFF screening this morning (I'll only be online for a couple of hours this afternoon) y'all enjoy these immediately legendary gifs, right after the jump... 

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Andrew Garfield Two Times

So have any of you seen the Tammy Faye movie yet? I know it's in theaters but I have been too busy with TIFF right into NYFF to go to any screenings, and I'm still not going to public movie screenings. I'm hoping it will hit streaming in not too long. I'll at least get an awards screener at some point in the next couple of months if nothing else. Anyway this isn't about me (ha), it's about you -- why don't you tell me what you thought of the movie if you saw it, huh? Everything I have heard secondhand so far has been that Chastain's very good but the movie's otherwise notsomuch. What about Andy?

Monday, September 20, 2021

Good Morning, World

I know these gifs of Oscar Isaac in Scenes From a Marriage might make you think I am here, but I am not here. Not today. Today is the first day of press screenings for the New York Film Festival. So I am there. Y'all enjoy these gifs and I'll be back tomorrow! Oh and if you've been watching SFAM let me know what you think. I haven't had a chance to start it yet myself.

Wednesday, September 08, 2021

Andrew Garfield Four Times

Andy is on the new cover of Variety and there's a chat inside, check it here -- I guess it's mostly about The Eyes of Tammy Faye and Tick Tick Boom, his two fall movies, but I haven't read it yet; I'm saving it for my  lunchtime skim. There's video of the photo-shoot over there as well, you'll certainly want to watch him wear these beautiful clothes in motion. I wish clothes hung on me the way clothes hang on Andrew Garfield! Luck lanky bastard. If you missed the trailer for the Tammy Faye movie you can watch it here; otherwise hit the jump for the rest of these photos...

Thursday, July 08, 2021

More Scenes From a Different Marriage

I guess I am going to have to go back and re-watch Ingmar Bergman's Scenes From a Marriage for the first time since college now, since we've got this re-do starring Jessica Chastain and Oscar Isaac on the immediate horizon. From the creator of In Treatment and The Affair this is hitting HBO Max in September so they've just given us our first glimpse, and sure enough it looks like two beautiful people yelling at each other in a house, just like with Bergman! Watch:

I know everybody's up in arms about how dare they "remake Bergman" et cetera but who cares, let's live our lives and watch the pretty people scream at each other, whatever. I have nothing better to do and neither do you, dammit.

Wednesday, June 09, 2021

Jesus Freaks

I think by now most of you have probably already watched the trailer for The Eyes of Tammy Faye since it dropped this morning -- then again should I not judge everyone else's online habits alongside my own spazzy ones? Maybe y'all have lives, I don't know. This reminds me I was looking at the Instagram page of one of my oldest friends yesterday and it hadn't been updated in a year and I was just like... what do people even do if they're not online all the time, updating their social media? I'd love to not be that person, I try by taking off the weekends from blogging and going to do things in the world every so often -- museums and parks, oh my! -- but I am one hundred percent that online spazz. Oh well. Anyway what were we talking about? 

Oh right Jessica Chastain and Andrew Garfield playing Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker. Of course the big story here is Chastain's pretty astonishing transformation -- that make-up is nuts. I'm not entirely sold on some of the facial restructuring they did with probable prosthetics -- it works better on Chastain because of how spackled down the character of "Tammy Faye" is but everybody's jawlines look off, look fake. Like somebody stuck a tire-pump in their necks. Is it just that I know their real jawlines and that knowledge is carrying these jawlines towards Uncanny Valley territory? I can't answer that chicken egg nonsense, I just know what I know. Here's the trailer:

The Eyes of Tammy Faye, which was directed by Michael Showalter of all people, is out on September 17th. I hope this is good, I love all the actors -- Cherry Jones, holla! -- and having grown up in a Conservative Christian family in the 1980s this story was a big deal in my childhood and I was always fascinated by Tammy Faye, especially in her later years when she proved to be an actual decent human being. I recommend y'all watch the 2000 documentary of the same title -- you can rent it on Amazon for a few bucks -- if you've never seen it. It's excellent.

Friday, November 01, 2019

Great Moments In Movie Shelves #191

So for Halloween last night I ended up watching two scary movies -- well two and a half if you count the half of 1966's Chamber of Horrors I caught off TCM -- and one of them was Babak Anvari's Wounds with Armie Hammer & Dakota Johnson, which I'll hopefully discuss in a bit, while the second ended up being...

... a re-watch of Guillermo Del Toro's gorgeously technicolor Crimson Peak, which I probably hadn't seen since 2015. (Here's an entertaining piece I wrote on it at the time.) The movie had snuck into my brain on the back of that post I did wishing Mia Wasikowska a happy birthday last week.

The engraving above the fireplace in the library slash music room of Allerdale Hall reads "Ad Montes Oculos Levavi" or "To the hills we raise our eyes," which -- besides being on the Coat of Arms for Cumbria where the mansion is supposed to be, as well as being taken from the Book of Psalms -- seems to me could be a subtle reference to both HP Lovecraft's At the Mountains of Madness (which Del Toro almost filmed at one point) and Clive Barker's story "In the Hills the Cities," but maybe I'm just mashing up my molehills. Whatever the case we're high up, is the point. Thin air and all. People lose their heads up there.

This is the second proper conversation we've seen at this point in the film between the new bride Edith (Wasikowska) and her fresh sister-in-law Lucille (Jessica Chastain), after a bonding chat involving dying butterflies, and this one seems friendly enough on the surface -- Lucille is a weirdo but she's not quite a terrifying weirdo quite yet, and her barbs aimed at her mother's stern portrait seem harmless enough.

It's only later, once you think back or once you re-watch the film and you know these siblings terribly dirty secrets, that you realize what Lucille's digging at in this scene, flipping through a dirty book and pushing Edith to talk about her sex-life (or hopefully lack thereof) with Lucille's brother Thomas (Tom Hiddleston)...

... oh Lucille, you dusty ol' perv. 

Thursday, October 03, 2019

Jake Eight Times

Jake just finished up his lovely run on Broadway in Sea Wall / A Life this week, and next, well I'm not entirely sure what he's off to do right now. He's got several projects lined up -- most likely it will be that bio-terrorism thriller with David Leitch and Jessica Chastain, but he's also got that TV adaptation of Gary Shteyngart's book Lake Success and that Boston crime drama with Brian Helgeland in the pipeline. Jakey's a busy and wanted boy -- no shock there.

Anyway I had posted a couple of photographs from this new shoot o' our boy on the Tumblr yesterday thinking that was that, but that was not that -- this is that! Thanks to IHJM per usual for gathering up the entire shoot out of the French magazine Numero Homme -- see them all after the jump...

Friday, September 06, 2019

It Isn't Just a State of Mind

Derry is one rotten town. Something has seeped into the ground water, from deep within the earth, and poisoned every houseplant and kindergarten teacher alike. These are the sort of people will turn their head when a young man gets murdered -- they'll scowl at you, and they'll turn off their porch lights when they hear screams. And behind those closed doors -- forget it. Every kid living in their own personal nightmare, reborn every morning and evening and in between anew.

That's what Stephen King's book It is about anyway, but you won't get any sense of that in the second film, the one titled It: Chapter Two that's out in theaters this week -- what you get instead is a bunch of good actors trapped in a series of mirrored magic boxes, tripping from set-piece to screaming set-piece, without any sense of overarching theme. Without a sense of place or history. 

It is all about place and history. It's about home, home gone to seed -- weedy patches of sidewalks and clogged sewer pipes, rock quarries where bullies wait with bloody noses. It's about that feeling where you spent all day feeling like shit in school because you're neither the best nor the brightest and you've got no friends, but heading home offers no comfort -- every street corner along the way might bring a foot out to trip you, a slur flung your way. 

And then you stand on your doorstep and you don't want to go in. Inside that door there's a mother who smothers you, there's a father who drinks and yanks your shoulder out of its socket. There's a small room buried in one corner, one pocket of temporary relief, but now under the pillow lurks a clown, or a werewolf, or a mummy -- gnarled fingertips curl around the pillowcase as you attempt sleep, whispering it's better nowhere, little boy or girl, come with us to nowhere and nothing, you're nothing.

It is about the helplessness of childhood, and even scarier It is about the feeling all these years later that you're still nothing, nothing but that scared little boy or girl every time you lay down to bed at night. That a word or an image, the sound of a slamming door or an angry man on the sidewalk, can trigger it all back, rendering you small and useless all over again. That everything we've made of ourselves is just a silkscreen standing in front of a bottomless abyss.

It: Chapter 2 isn't really about any of those things, save in spurts and fits. It's mainly an excuse to rush from one room to another room throwing candy and barf at our faces in equal measure. It's a carnival ride spinning out of control really, and I wasn't sure anybody was manning the brakes. Occasionally Bill Skarsgård would pop up and work his magic -- he's so marvelously good as Pennywise it really does defy logic -- but there's even less of him here than there was in the first film. Most of It: Chapter Two is spent straining its adult actors towards the chemistry of the kids, without a lot of success.

And so they drop them into wilder and bigger pop-up shenanigans, with mangled puppies and Thing head spiders and ever bigger balloons. Everybody gets to be an Action Hero if they live long enough is apparently our lesson, although I have to admit that hasn't been my own personal life experience. I feel closer to the old man with the accent selling rusted bikes in town, sitting there waiting for a few nickels to roll in but rather hoping the bell doesn't ring at all today.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Say Good Night, Satan

Good night, Satan! And while you're good nighting why don't you click on over to The Film Experience where's you can see my take on the latest and final trailer for It: Chapter Two. Just the sort of thing to tuck yourself into bed with...

Monday, June 10, 2019

Tastes of the Rainbow

I missed the Tonys last night because I was seeing Shakespeare in the Park -- which was fantastic, by the way; Danielle Brooks forever and ever amen -- although to be clear I really wouldn't have watched the Tonys anyway. When I did that post last week about all the gay stuff happening on Sunday night I didn't even mention the Tonys, that's how far the Tonys were from my brain. I struggle with the concept of giving out awards for art so much that watching the movie-themed Oscars is about the only awards show I can stomach, and that only just; you add in a bunch of jazz hands and you're just driving me away. But bless whatever won, and bless Jake Gyllenhaal and Tom Sturridge for walking a rainbow carpet together to promote their upcoming show.

Anyway I didn't post this just to snub the Tonys; I didn't even post this just to stare at those two pictures! No I posted this because there is new Jake Gyllenhaal news this afternoon and it came too late to include it with that photo-shoot I posted earlier -- Jake's video-game adaptation The Division, which we'd first posted about way back in the summer of 2016, looks like it is finally moving forward! Netflix has just signed on, and it will co-star Jessica Chastain and will be directed by Atomic Blonde helmer David Leitch. So that's a thrill! To celebrate let's watch this new video of Jake being adorable whilst promoting his play (thx Mac):

Wednesday, June 05, 2019

It's a Little Bit Funny, This Feeling Inside

Just in time for Gay Pride Month comes the latest entry in the gayest of superhero franchises -- Dark Phoenix is yet another X-Men movie about the queer power of embracing your differences, but together, united freaks fighting as one fucked-up family. The film, for all of its action and spectacle (and there is plenty), is more laser focused in than you expect from these behemoths, though -- in some ways its more akin to the standalone butch-bitch Wolverine movies, just focusing on Jean Grey (Sophie Turner) this time around. We start with her past and work up through her present, trauma stacking upon trauma until they reach the stars, give 'em a slap.

Out there in outer space is where Jean Grey meets her dark fate, a burst of possibly sentient star-flame that cracks her open and worms its way into all her faults as she does what she does, save everybody's asses yet again. (I can't help but feel like I saw this all somewhere before...?) Buried memories spring forth like firework displays, and before you know it her sublimated rage is pouring from her fingers like sparklers and the girl, the girl can't help it.

She's got a lot of similarly scarred folks around her who want to help, with their do-gooder intentions, but unfortunately as has happened with so many of us the wrong sexy person is there at just the wrong sexy moment, filling them holes and  influencing us in all the wrong ways -- who hasn't gone off the deep end for a few weeks cuz a hot piece at the bar with a crude tattoo situated in an unspeakable place gave us the fuck eye? 

In Jean's case the come-hitherer is an alien albino woman (Jessica Chastain) who's chased the tail of that extraterrestrial gas through the solar system and wants a piece of its va-va-voom for her own, and for Jean it's if not lust exactly it's a fundamental commiseration -- a loneliness and anger that compliments, even though in her heart of hearts Jean knows better; even if that twink with the sexy glasses can't stop giving her the puppy dog lips. Jean doesn't want to be a good girl for a minute, and unfortunately for the world and that good boy at home this new lean of hers has some most dire consequences.

And so the ladies hit the road together, making bedrooms burst into celestial visions and Jean flaming into cosmic Georgia O'Keeffe paintings every chance she gets. Petals on a wet black bough, indeed. It's some queer shit, my friends -- as much verbal play as the simple love story between two beasts and a blue shape-shifter gets this movie is a bit of a lesbian hot-house; unfolding ribbons of raw red rooms upon rooms. The secret caverns we whisper our deepest and darkest thoughts into echoing them back unto us as explosions. Excuse me. X-splosions.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Seb & Edgar Get Their Spy Kicks

I don't think I've posted about this movie before, and it figures it'd take a couple of male actors being added to the female spy movie for me to bite -- the old news is that Jessica Chastain and Lupita Nyong'o and Penelope Cruz and Fan Bingbing are making a female spy movie together that's called 355. It will be directed by X-Men producer turned X-Men director Simon Kinberg, and written by one of the writers of the television show Smash. We knew all that. What we learned today is that Sebastian Stan and Edgar Ramirez are also joining the cast, and that predictably why I am suddenly here writing about it. I do my own thing! Anyway I know the assumption is that they'll be this movie's equivalent of the Bond Girls, or maybe Bad Guys, or possibly both of those things at once, but why can't they be a kick-ass team of homosexual spies slash lovers that help the ladies out? Why not, I ask???

Friday, May 10, 2019

And The Lord Taketh Away

I'm kind of sad that I've been so busy reviewing movies from the Tribeca Film Festival that I haven't had time to write up thoughts on the film Under the Silver Lake, which I stupidly watched on a down-night in the middle of the fest -- I should have waited, but my patience bust. It's a film that demands words though, so I'm hoping to watch it a second time soon and then I'll write something proper then. Have any of you seen it by now? I bring that up because our porky-pigging it boy Andrew Garfield just signed on for a new and exciting motion picture experience...

... he's going to play the Jim Bakker to Jessica Chastain's Tammy Faye (sidenote: I feel like Michelle Williams would've been perfect though) in a bio-pic about the snake-oil excuse me Chsitian superstars. No wait, I was right the first time. Tammy Faye of course saw the error of her ways later in her life sort of and became an LGBT activist of sorts, before succumbing to cancer in 2007. The 2000 documentary The Eyes of Tammy Faye is unmissable. Jim Bakker on the other hand remains a sack of shit to this day. 

I feel weirdly connected to this story, not intimately or anything but as I grew up in an evangelical household I remember their show The PTL Club being a big part of my childhood, and everybody gaping in awe as their ridiculous house of cards fell down around them. It's a vivid memory of my early years, and might even represent one of the first cracks in my view of religion's respectable sheen. If this film (which will be directed by Michael Showalter) can capture some of that effect I'm all in. 

Thursday, May 09, 2019

I Am Link

--- Killers Coming - We've finally got some information on the new season of David Fincher's serial killer series called Mindhunter thanks to Charlize Theron's big yap - Charlize, who executive produces the show, announced this week during Long Shot press that the show will return to Netflix this August. That link does a good job rounding up the serial killers we might see this time around, and it's a load of big names -- all the heavy hitters in true life psychopaths! It's like a sweeps episode of Will & Grace, just with Chuck Manson instead of Reese Witherspoon and/or Cher.

--- Time To Watch - The first teaser trailer for the forthcoming Watchmen series showed up yesterday, watch it right here. Well the first one with actual footage from the show; I believe that there've been a few brief videos setting forth the mood of the piece, which has been updated and altered from Alan Moore's original masterpiece of a comic by Lost and The Leftovers show-runner Damon Lindelof. Watchmen stars Jeremy Irons and Regina King and Yahya Abdul-Mateen II (aka Black Manta from Aquaman) and Don Johnson and on and on, it's a big cast. The action moves us into the future of the original story. No matter what though, I'm gonna miss Patrick Wilson's ass. (When isn't that true?) Watchmen premieres on HBO in the fall. 

--- His Song - I've gotten a wee bit overloaded on all of the Taron Egerton Rocketman interviews, so instead of making his new chat with THR its own post I'll just link to it here. (You can also see all of the photos from it on the Tumblr.) He does talk a bit about the gay stuff though, here's a choice bit:

"For me, kissing a man onscreen is no less appealing than kissing a woman onscreen. I'm not in any way repulsed by the male form. It's an uncomfortable thing regardless of who you're with — it makes no difference as to your sexual preference."

--- Man Witches - I keep forgetting that Robert Zemeckis is remaking The Witches with Anne Hathaway, but that is indeed a thing that is happening (and happening right now, it is right now filming) -- if you'd told me that a few years ago I'd have been excited about Zemeckis but annoyed about the remaking aspect (given that Nicolas Roeg's film is pretty much perfect) but that all is flipped around now; now I'm pretty fine with remakes (I've come to terms with them) but not so sure about Robert Zemeckis anymore, given the crap he's been churning out. That said the dark tone that adapting Roald Dahl demands leans towards the better version of Zemeckis -- this should in theory turn out more Death Becomes Her than The Polar Express. Anyway today's news is good news on the casting front -- the great Stanley Tucci and the great Chris Rock both just joined the thing, although no word on who they're playing.

--- Spidey Bros - Collider got to chat with Tom Holland on the forthcoming Spider-Man movie 9thx Mac), and of course they chat about Jake Gyllenhaal because who can look away from the two of them??? Certainly nobody around these parts anyway. Tom says again, for the hundredth time, just how bad he wanted to work with Jake -- oh me too, Tom, me too -- and how their vibe, or the vibe of their characters anyway, is like "big brother little brother." I've seen that movie. Four stars!

--- Laughing Gas - I am not going to watch this trailer myself -- horror movie trailers ruin the good scares way too often -- but if you'd like to see the trailer for the It sequel click your ass right on here and see it then. Chapter Two takes us into the future to the grown-up versions of the Losers Club, now played by Jessica Chastain and James McAvoy and Bill Hader and so forth, as Pennywise the world's friendliest and funniest clown returns to torment them. It's out in September.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

The Power of Fassy Compels You

Until recently I'd thought that Bryan Singer had directed the forthcoming Dark Phoenix movie, and I was gearing myself up for all the fun that those press rounds were gonna represent -- but no Dark Phoenix is the directorial debut of writer and producer Simon Kinberg. (And wow, imagine making your directorial debut with a 265 million dollar budget -- what a world.) But I imagine folks like Nicholas Hoult and Evan Peters, who've worked with Singer a few times, will probably still get asked, so prep your answers, boys! (Speaking of Sir Ian finally got on the record about that.) Anyway we're not here for Bryan Singer we're here for the new trailer for Dark Phoenix, which was not I repeat not directed by Bryan Singer. And it sure is nice to see Michael Fassbender acting!

Or at least standing around with an angry face while the CG things surrounding him are filled in later, anyway. But we should cherish these moments because dude hasn't acted a single minute since this thing was filmed and as far as we can tell might not do it again, either. (Please prove us wrong, Fassy. We'd love to be wrong.) Here's the trailer:
Dark Phoenix is out on June 7th.
What do we think of the trailer?