--- Absduction - Glenn got paid to
watch Abduction so we don't have to, but after hearing his take on it I'm almost tempted to see it sometime because it sounds completely ludicrous. That Facebook friends line, oh my god! I'm just afraid to see too much of Sigourney slumming it, I wouldn't want to have my adoration tarnished in any way, ever. I hope she makes a great movie again soon. Maybe
Red Lights? It's got a good director but Robert DeNiro is not an indicator of quality that's for sure. Come on, Siggy! I want an Oscar in your hands, woman!
--- Leatherface Lovefest - Adam finished up
his long-running "Something Rank" countdown - where he listed from bottom to top his favorite
Texas Chainsaw Massacre, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Halloween and
Friday the 13th films - this week with the precisely correct choice. Yay Adam! Great stuff.
--- Something Queer - I've got to write up my thoughts on lil' gay indie
Weekend soon, but for now you should
check out fourfour's take, splendidly expressed as it always is over there. And the NYT has
a chat with the film's director Andrew Haigh, as well.
--- We're All Next - Speaking of movies I need to review, I just watched
A Horrible Way To Die this past week, and its director Adam Wingard
just sold his new movie, called
You're Next, which was a big hit with audiences in Toronto. It's about a family reunion that gets attacked by animal-masked murderers, which yes I will eat that right up, thank you.
--- Go Games - In theory I'm all "Hells yeah!" towards
this rant at io9 on why The Hunger Games series is far superior to the
Twilight books/movies franchise, but I can't profess true knowledge since I have yet to even watch even a scene from a single
Twilight movie, much less read the books. Still, people I trust say it is so! And
The Hunger Games are so good. So yeah! Yeah!
--- Kiki Forever - I haven't read the whole thing yet but it's lovely to see an admiring piece on Kirsten Dunst in the world
at the New York Times no less, since we love her so much and grew weary of all the dislike we'd seen aimed her way for such a long while. (Okay when she dated Jake even I did that some, but let's forget that... stop glaring at me, Reese Witherspoon!) I'm dying to see
Melancholia, is the point. Just about two weeks til NYFF!
--- Robo Talk - Slash has
a quote from the unknown-to-me Brazilian director Jose Padilha, the dude who got handed the remake-duties for
Robocop once Darren Aronofsky moved on, and it sounds like he's interested in the body-horror aspects of merging with a robot more than Verhoeven's film was, which, okay.
--- Tattoo Time - I myself haven't watched
the new Girl With the Dragon Tattoo trailer yet so maybe you haven't and will appreciate my pointing you in that direction. Maybe? Anyway if there's any shirtless Daniel Craig to be had expect another post once I get to it. That new poster seen there though is hot business.
--- Eyes Spy - There's forward momentum on
Timecrimes director Nacho Vigilando's next movie (he's already got one in the can, called
Extraterrestrial that we're waiting on), his first in the English language, called
which is being described as a "Rear Window for the internet age."
Timecrimes is so amazing and rewatchable that that description only makes me cringe a little bit.
--- Bit Parts - This
piece on character actors in the NYT gets credit for giving love to some of the current greats - hey Judy Greer, girlfriend - but I thought it got especially interesting at the end when it talked about pretty movie stars like Brad Pitt that are actually character actors buried down in their gooey centers.
--- Avenge Me - The scope of "who cares about this news" is probably pretty small, but since I am amongst those excited I don't care I'm sharing -
there will be an Avengers panel at New York Comic Con, and they will show never-before-seen footage, and there will be "surprise guests" which oh my god I just want Joss!!!